Monday, June 10, 2024

Knockety Knock Knock

Along about 6:30 Friday evening, there was a frantic knockety knock knock, knockety knock knock, knockety knock on the door.

Upon investigation, by going to the kitchen, looking through the kitchen window, I saw my little stalker at the door, and a woman coming up the stairs behind her.

Turned out to be her mom, bearing a box of donuts.

Talker has a bakery hookup — a resident who works at one, brings pastries to Talker who, in turn, distributes amongst us residents.

Stalker’s mom said she’d been tasked with the duty of distributing the donuts and that Stalker wanted to bring some to her "friend" (me), would I like some.

Why, yes, I’d love some donuts but I can’t eat anything made with flour, said I.

So off the two go, offering donuts to residents they happen to see outside at that time.

Stalker had caught me completely off guard, by surprise.

I did not see her earlier on the property, did not hear her coming up the stairs, and the frantic knockety knock knock, knockety knock knock, knockety knock was a far cry from the usual knock knock knock, which change I attribute to a sugar high ……… too many donuts.

Stalker, her mom and two of her uncles were here all weekend. The big draw being the pool.

I was waiting for our Karen character to go postal, what with so many visitors going up/down the stairs, in/out/walking around over her head in Talker’s unit. That’s in addition to Talker herself and the brother living with her, that she’s caregiver to, that so previously angered Karen over every little thing.

I never saw Karen come outside to glare upstairs, but that doesn't mean she won't be complaining to management.

We'll see.

Fortunately, Stalker only came my way that one time on Friday. The remainder of her stay has been going to/from the pool.

On Saturday, I spotted Talker, Stalker and her mom having a little pool party with another resident, whose granddaughter was also here for the pool.

Sunday it was one of the uncles escorting Stalker to/from the pool, and today it looked like Stalker’s dad had the duty of not leaving a child unattended.

BTW, we have a new rule for the pool ……… "residents only and only two guests per resident". This two-guests rule comes just after Head Maintenance Guy had a Mother’s Day pool party.


Speaking of hmmmmmmm????? Heading to Sprouts on Saturday, the dash cam captured an interesting looking car on the freeway.

Somebody’s prepared for the Apocalypse or planning to travel safely through a hoard of zombies.


  1. It's a box car, maybe a kit car, for sure a weird car. Linda in Kansas, we we've got cars and trucks.

    1. Interesting. I looked box up and got "Brubaker Box, $29,066 USD in 2023". Looks like a difficult auto to get carjacked in, but then again the criminals might like the challenge.

  2. What a strange car. Glad the pool was a better draw for Stalker this time around.

    1. She's still here. But, like you said, the pool is a better draw, so I'm good.

  3. Never a dull moment's like Melrose Place with, perhaps, less sex and murder?

    1. I'm pretty sure the former is happening, just not the latter.

  4. I would hate being gluten tolerant and having to turn down those donuts.

  5. I've seen one of those cars here. I cant remember the name of it ...maybe it was Rezvani....but they are around 120, 000 and are crazy loaded with a small movie screen and can go from 0 to 70 in seconds. I think they look hideous.

    And it's nice to be thought of!!! Donuts are not.

    1. Didn't seem real. Made me think of Optimus Prime, one of those shape shifting cars from the movie Transformers.

  6. I see someone has commented on your auto picture...I couldn't see the whole thing very clearly in the first pass, but assumed it's the Tesla pickup that is becoming quite popular, or at least here in Fresno. We are seeing lots of these on the northwest streets (read money) of town.

    1. Pic might have been clearer if I washed the car window more often, LOL.

  7. That's a Cybertruck. Elon Musk creation. They're starting to show up in our town too.
    Good luck enforcing the two guest rule!

    1. That's what I thought about the two-guest rule ... and residents only, as that rule was broken when Stalker's dad let her into the pool area and stayed with her instead of the resident ... Talker.

  8. That is an interesting car.
    We're only allowed 1 person per tenant who lives here at the pool. But the manager is never here so people bring in whomever they want. The pool has been open for two weeks now, boy am I surprised.

    1. One person per tenant is silly but, like you say, your manager is never there and no one is going to listen to ours.
