Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there … and the mothers pulling double duty as mom and dad.

Activity Director didn’t do anything for the fathers this year and, to tell you the truth, inasmuch as we never received an Activity Calendar, I’m beginning to wonder if we even still have an Activity Director.

I’ll have to remember to check on this.

Nevertheless, there was a luncheon on Friday for the dads.

I only know this because, returning from that morning’s workout, I spied the cute little Hispanic neighbor I took the Zumba class with and chased her down to give her the picture I’d taken of her at the class.

I located her in the Community Room, where I saw the room decorated with balloons and a gathering consisting of a few men and a lot of women.

"What’s going on?" asked I.

"Father’s Day Luncheon" someone said.

Of course I didn’t stay. However, when dropping off trash at the dumpster later that afternoon, I came upon a debriefing conversation about the event.

"How was it?" asked I.

The ladies seemed sore that "The men were served first. We didn’t get to do that for Mother’s Day. We had to stand in line".

Remembering it had been said the Mother’s Day Brunch was a drag because so many were complaining about the little sandwiches, cheese, deli meat platter, bagels, "tiny foods" served, I asked what was served to the guys.

"Pizza! They got better food than us and it was more fun than ours".

The ladies said it was more fun, the energy different because Complex Manager was absent. "Maintenance and the Assistant Manager were in charge and they seemed more relaxed because M___ (Complex Manager) wasn’t there. Everyone in the room seemed more relaxed, and at the end of pizza they made us Ice Cream Sundaes".

That says a lot about our current Complex Manager that so many, including staff, tense up around her. The main complaint I've heard is "She doesn’t do anything", but some have said she's rude and they "hate" her.

Not to discount how others feel about her, in all fairness I have to say I've not experienced that part of her and don't sense her as being that way, not like I did with that horrid Nurse Ratched. M___ promply responds to my email work orders, always smiles at and is nice to me, so I don’t have a problem with her.

However, considering all the complaints I’ve heard about M___, I have to give it to her for lasting as long as she has.

I’m losing track, but as near as I can recall she’s No. 10 or 11 in a long line of managers we’ve run through since I’ve been living here.

She replaced the Tyrant who, during the Pandemic lockdown — office closed, no activities, instead of handling work orders, complained about the pretty rocks Painted Rock Lady was placing on the complex to lift everyone's spirit, took classes online, got a degree in something to do with taxes and quit for a better job.

That was in ’22, so M___ has lasted 2 years.

Curious that neither she nor Activity Director hosted the Father’s Day Luncheon. Perhaps the two of them are out there making plans to move on, blow this joint.


  1. I have my uncle coming for dinner tonight.

  2. Pizza and ice cream sundaes DO sound yummy!

  3. Maybe not having Compex Manager around makes for a better party?

  4. Maybe you should . . . blow this joint.

    1. This joint is all I can afford ..... unless and until I win the lottery.

  5. That's a lot of managers. We've been through a lot of them too.

  6. What a crew! I’ve found in one organization I’m unfortunately involved with (for my disabled brother) that the least competent managers stick around the longest.

    1. That is so true about the least competent. Probably because they can't get hired anywhere else.

    2. I think you hit the nail on the head with that last comment! JanF

    3. I've seen it in action when in the working world.

  7. Someone put painted rocks by our mailboxes during the lock down and it sure brighten my day. I can't imagine anyone complaining about something to trivial.

    1. Tyrant wasn't the only complainer. A handful of crotchety old seniors complained about the rocks as well. We were in a pandemic, and they lived such pathetic lives that they complained about painted rocks.

  8. Our Antique Mall does less and less for Father's Day and Mother's Day now too. A revolving door of Managers and other Staff seems to be the norm these days, very little continuity or loyalty by Companies or those they hire.

    1. Thank God I'm retired and no longer have to deal with the working world.
