Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It’s Only Money

That’s what I told myself when, in trying to balance my unbalance able budget, that it’s only money.

"Unbalance able" not only because I can no longer get by on all the cheap things that previously were my grocery list — like canned soup, crackers, peanut butter, ramen noodles, frozen dinners, Baker’s turkey burger and fries, Panda Express Chinese food, deli fried chicken and potato salad, but now have to purchase specific quality items (by quality, I mean expensive) and cook them myself, but also unbalance able because, last few weeks, I've had to replace kitchen appliances and this morning learned, at the dental office, I’m going to need a crown.

First to go was the standing mixer. It conked out while I was using it to massage kale.

BTW, did you know you don’t have to massage kale by hand? The paddle in the stand mixer works just as well, if not better.

After replacing the mixer, just in time to mix masa for tamales, the Instant Pot died in the middle of steaming the tamales.

At least replacing the Instant Pot with an Instant Pot Duo gives me more counter space, because I can get rid of the big air fryer taking up space as the Duo is both a crock pot and air fryer.

So now comes an expensive crown, because one of the decades old metal fillings is disintegrating.

Having seen the x-rays, I’m certain this is not a money grab on the part of the dentist, but a legitimately necessary procedure — not like the shyster dental office that took over the practice of my long-time silver-haired blue-eyed dentist Dr. McDreamy and tried to scam me into unnecessary work.

When things conk out or go wrong, it's usually in threes, so Mixer, Instant Pot, Dentist, makes for the three that should announce the end of unexpected expenditures.

That’s probably why I was spared when, on the freeway returning to the complex, two rather sizeable rock came out of nowhere, flew up from seemingly the edge of the freeway, maybe fell out of the open bed of the truck ahead of me, then BAM!!!, hit the car but did not shatter the windshield, causing yet another expenditure, but instead hit the car where I heard CLANG!!!, like metal being pounded on.

Upon inspection, once I reached the complex, I found minor paint damage — no dent, no damaged headlight.

As for the other three, it’s only money.

On second thought, additional expenditures might not be over. There's still a utility bill looming over my head — the result of running the A/C almost 24/7 to combat the excessive heat.


  1. It's always something.
    And now I have to go ask Carlos to make me some tamales!

    1. Olé! I made two kinds of tamales ... chicken and a potato/kale filling I saw a recipe for. Chicken is always great. Kale/potato are MEH because I didn't add enough spice, but okay for breakfast with an egg.

  2. If you get a cracked windshield on the roadway, call your insurance company. If you have AAA, they will send the windshield mobile repair truck to your carport and make the repair right there. We've had two such incidents. #safelight

  3. I don't know why crowns (all dental work, really) have to cost the earth. If I could go back and give my younger self some advice, it would be TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR TEETH! Sigh.

    I empathize with all your money woes and hope things end up not costing as much as you think!

    1. There are so many seniors here on the complex who are worse off than I. I'm thankful I can at least squeeze in the cost of a crown, whereas others can't and end up losing teeth.

  4. It never rains but it pours, as they say.

  5. I didn't know you had to massage kale. But a masseuse would be more expensive. I'm picturing beat-up green stuff.
    Not to be prejudiced, but a white filling seems to last longer. Save the silver pieces from the dentist, maybe a jeweler will pay a bit for it; (it goes by weight.) A local dental school might be cheaper, but will take longer to get in and to do.
    Get a free-standing dehumidifier for your place, if you have lots of humidity. It will be easier and cheaper to cool. But you have to empty the collection tub or have it drain to a floor drain spot? Maybe wearing one of those cooling towels for your neck, even around the apartment, might keep the AC from being so high. For winter, (do you have winter there?), a humidifier adds moisture to the room air and lowers your heating bill. Keep drinking water. Linda in Kansas

    1. Seriously? You didn't know kale has to be massaged? It's really tough to digest if you don't massage with olive oil. I'll look into that dehumidifier.

  6. Are budgets supposed to be balanceable?!? Oh, crap!

  7. Thanks for the kale massaging tip!
