Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ding Dong

Though my little Knock Knock is still here (Is school out already for the summer?), it wasn’t she ringing the doorbell yesterday. It was Next Door Neighbor saying she’d not seen me in some time, was checking to see if I’m okay.

Nothing on my door to alert might be trouble inside, as was the case when not seeing NDN for a time, a notice on her door not removed and her car still in its stall, I began thinking of requesting a welfare check, tried successfully to reach her by phone before doing so and learned she’d been hospitalized for 22 days. She just said she’d not heard me coming in/going out and had not seen me for a while.

I’m very quiet coming in/going out and while inside. Someone I bet our Karen resident wished lived upstairs over her, rather than Talker, but to NDN I said "Monday, Wednesday, Friday" are the days I’m likely to be seen outside, and only because I have to as those are my workout days, that I prefer staying inside, A/C blasting, to escape the heat, but thanks for checking on me.

NDN lost a ton of weight during her hospital stay, and recounted how she went in because she was having intestinal pain, couldn’t keep food down which condition the doctors made worse in her hospital stay with this procedure, that procedure, tubes and intravenous feeding, at death’s doorstep as her condition worsened.

When all was said and done turns out it was a simple intestinal blockage, which she believes the doctors took 22 days to diagnose due to incompetence or in order to pad the bill. Said they’d even told her she’d not be able to care for herself again, tried to talk her into hospice care.

She’s pretty much back to her old self now — doing her own cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, dragging her grocery cart dangerously up the stairs. Her only change is the weight loss, now on blood thinners, and a newly acquired distrust of doctors.

Welcome to my world.

Added to the lithany of complaints I have about my Provider was when, two month's ago, I received a text that the doctor had ordered Lab work — blood and urine, only to arrive at the Lab to be told they have no record of urine …… this after I’d held it all morning, if you know what I mean.

So I show the Lab Tech the text message to which she replied, "Oh those are automatic. They just send those out automatically at certain intervals".

Good to know.

Fool me once.

So I shook my head in disbelief at last week's text message "You are due for labs. You may need to fast or provide a urine sample".

And what's with this "may need". Which is it? I either do need to fast and provide urine, or I don’t.

After recently fooling me once, I’m taking this attempt to fool me twice as yet another auto text, not actually orders from the doctor who doesn’t even know if I’m still alive.

If by chance it’s not a robo message, that would make the doctor look even more incompetent because, if she’d looked at my chart/medical history, she’d know I just had all that stuff done in the E.R. when I had that dehydration episode.

Doctors no longer care about us as individuals. They just spout the same old same old — eat right, exercise, then send us the bill, as was Trainer’s experience when he recently went in for a checkup, at his wife's insistence.

Trainer said his doctor walked into the room without acknowledging him. No good morning, no eye contact, she just sat down, looked at his chart, made assumptions from what was on the chart, told him he should get some exercise in, start walking a couple times a week.

"Does that mean I should stop running and start walking?" asked he.

This doctor looked up at that, saw how fit and muscular he was, and it was "Oh!".

He’s now looking to switch doctors. Good luck to that, said it. It’s the same everywhere.


  1. I’m right now very happy with the care I’ve been getting, but I’ve been down that road. If I were Trainer, I’d be onto a new doc in a hurry.

    “You may need to fast or provide a urine sample"? What a ridiculous bit of useless and confusing information!

    1. I should have said it's the same everywhere, except where you are, Mitchell. You hit the jackpot with the medical care you get.

    2. Oh, we’ve got doctors like that here, too. I’m just lucky enough currently to not have any of them.

  2. If my doctor's office sent me some flighty maybe/maybe not text message I would rip them a new one.

  3. I had a doctor who would see me for between 3 and 5 minutes each time, after I'd waited sometimes an hour in his outer waiting room. So it goes.

    1. It's a sad commentary on the state of medical care in this country.

  4. There really are not enough doctors for all of the elderly folk out there.

    1. Maybe not enough quality in the ones we do have.

  5. Unbelievable. I would have said to her, to check her bedside manner. I'm a person....not a statistic, not a number, and not a check slash in how many people you see in a day. A person. Because of your impersonal attitude and lack of bedside manner, I'll be looking for a new health care professional. Might I suggest you go take some courses in manners, and how to socially interact with people. Good Day!

    These doctors better start listening, and listening good, and start to care, before they end up on this side of the table when they have to see a doctor and hope they get treated better then how they treated their patients.

    That's my Julia Sugarbaker rant for the day.

    1. Julia S is a name I've not heard in eons. You did a good impression of a rant she would have made.

  6. And if you think that his story was bad, my friend went to see a doctor once when his regular doctor was on vacation. He had some serious stomach ailments and pains and some issues with peeing. Granted he is a bit feminine, but no doubt looks male. His doctor came in looked at him, asked a few questions before seeing his chart or paperwork, and ask if he had gotten his period yet that month!!!!! He replied he never had gotten a period in life yet. The doctored was shocked and couldn't understand why he hadn't been in till now or had gotten a period. He replied- It's hard to get a period when I have a dick.!!! And walked out. I HOWLED when he told me the story.

    1. ROFLMAO. It's a good thing he walked out before he was asked to lay back for a pap exam.


  7. OK, Labs are different when you entered the ER with dehydration than after you recovered and are hopefully normal. Doc should check. As the clinic for a sterile urine cup to take home. Do it yourself, lable with name and time on it, return it within 4 hours or put in the fridge. Take it with you, and give it to them. If they want it any fresher they can get their demands straight. Yep, Trainer got a jerk doc. Good luck. Linda in Kansas

    1. At this point, Linda, I'm so fed up with the system that I'd be worried I'd arrive with a cup of pee, they'd say they have no record of needing it, I'd lose my shiz, throw pee all over the lab.

  8. Jeez, you'd think your neighbor's doctors would have looked for a blockage first thing when someone presents with those synptoms!

    1. That's what she said. Instead, they nearly killed her.

  9. Scary thought to go to a hospital. NDN's blockage probably cleared up on its own in those 22 days and the doctor's took credit.
    "Does that mean I should stop running and start walking?" - Ha!

    1. It didn't occur to me the doctor's took credit for a blockage that cleared up on its own, but your assessment makes perfect sense.

  10. It's hard to find a good doctor that actually cares about you. I went through a few of them and found one that comes out to see me now.

    1. Lucky you. I'd pay extra not to have to chase down my doctor, have the doctor come to me.

  11. Do you know how old NDN is? JanF

    1. She's a couple months younger than I. Will be turning 80 this year.
