Friday, May 31, 2024

"I Don't Know Who's Happier, Me or Melania"

Whichever of us is happiest, I'm pretty damn happy the jurors had the good sense and guts to find him guilty, but I'm still scared.

Consequently, I’m holding off on uncorking my bottle of champagne, or taking down my voodoo altar, or stop wearing my Lock Him Up tee until he’s actually in jail, or off the ticket, or not reelected, or recalled by the Infinite Invisible so I can feel safe.

I can’t wait to see what Randy Rainbow does with this guilty verdict.

In other news, John over at Going Gently, a few days ago posted about "looking like a twat" while visiting the Museo National Centro de Arte Sofia after ripping his pant leg on the corner of a door when entering.

I’d responded that inasmuch as people here in California pay good money for ripped pants ……… knees, hips, etc., that his rip was more than likely viewed as a fashion statement.

John then queried, "How about a fat ankle?"

Oh for sure, and these hideous Huckleberry Finn looking jeans that popped up on my feed are a prime example.

I don’t wear jeans, I’m a leggings woman. However, if one is so inclined, they can own these unflattering to the female figure jeans for $65.90.

Watching the Next Baking Master Paris on Food Network, I did see a pair of ripped jeans that I would wear ……… that is if I were to ever wear jeans again.

So cute, and probably cost a small fortune.

Speaking of Next Baking Master Paris, are you watching?

If so, did you make the same connection I made when one of the bakers became ill and had to bow out of a challenge?

That connection being that, while at the shop of the Baking Bastards, learning how to make those very rich buttery and chocolate ganache filled Croffins, she shoved two into her mouth and practically swallowed them whole.

Croffin: Cross between croissant and muffin


  1. I don't even know why she stays. She a laughing stock....a weak woman to stay with him. So she must really be a good digger after all.

  2. People who pay good money, hell any amount of money, for ripped jeans are fools.

    1. A $2 pair of jeans from Goodwill and a seam ripper will do nicely.

  3. I am not happy until there is prison time! Note there are 2 Melania's. People are not paying attention. One smiles more than the other. One wears sunglasses all the time. Take note.

    1. Me too ... prison ... lock him up. I second you on the body double.

  4. Add some more things to your Voodoo Altar -- it's working!

    1. My 🧟‍♀️altar is working hard towards his total undoing, and the undoing of all who support him.

  5. I bet Melania is kicking herself for marrying for money. But, I don’t really care. Do you?

    1. Funny how the words on her jacket have come back to bite her.

  6. I believe that She Is now going by the name Felonia.

  7. "recalled by the Infinite Invisible". I like that. I hope for that every day. Roberta

  8. I must admit, I'm not a fan of hybrids. That being said, it probably served her right.

  9. Huckleberry Finn like jeans. lol I never liked the ripped jeans look.

    1. I like covering up in public, ergo the leggings, but I've seen a new resident wearing ripped jeans. Thought gutsy for an old lady.

  10. Yes, it's not Safe to get back into the Waters yet my Friend, so I agree, until he's gone, gone, gone one way or another... and not replaced even then by an equally unhinged wannabe Dictator now they know it can be done... well, I won't pop any Corks either. I think Melania probably has her own Voodoo Doll Secret Closet and been wanting him to FOAD for a long time, since, clearly it's a Marriage of Convenience for her and he's cheated enuf that she's either clearly no longer taking one for the Team, but probably wanting him to pursue Porn Stars so he'll leave her alone? *LOL* She got herself the Anchor Child, Barron... and when he is Dead they'll probably realize his real Legacy is how much a Person can squander in a Lifetime and owe everyone, especially Bad Actors you really don't wanna NOT pay back.

    1. I'll be forever referring to Melania by commenter William's new nickname ... Felonia. I'd be very surprised if she hasn't long ago moved to a separate part of their living quarters and rarely even sees him, let alone take one for the team with him.

  11. It's common knowledge that they've had separate bedrooms even before the White House days. I wouldn't want to sleep with someone who throws ketchup on the walls. Linda in Kanas

    1. If he wasn't so dangerous to democracy, I'd almost feel sorry for him. He has to be one lonely old man ... his wife doesn't want him, his buddy Epstein's "suicide" leaves him without access to unwilling young ladies, the escorts won't touch him with a ten-foot pole. Just a lonely old pathetic psychopath looking to be loved by people emptier than even he is.
