Saturday, May 25, 2024

On High Alert

Oh No! She’s back.

Sitting on the couch about 1:30 this afternoon, watching the recorded season final episode of my new favorite show Elsbeth, I spotted my little stalker running down the walkway.

Not in the mood for a visit today, I closed the kitchen blinds , closed the patio window to just a crack to let in outside air, partially closed the blinds and am prepared to put the TV on mute, pretend to not be here if I spot her headed this way, or hear her footsteps on the stairs or knock knock knock on the door.

The jeep is still in its parking spot, but what’s not to say I’ve been picked up and taken elsewhere.

I ran into Meat Man as I was crossing the driveway returning from yesterday’s workout, with he on his way out.

He’s all upset because the gate to the driveway has been open for over a month, leaving us open to trespassers and car theft.

It is a bit of a worry, but he’s letting the open gate twist his boxers or briefs in a bunch. Bouncing around in his seat proclaiming "When are they going to fix this?! …… Nobody around here is doing anything!"

"What’s to do?" asked I.

"Call Corporate!"

I didn’t think to ask if he himself had called Corporate or, like Red Light used to do, if he was just trying to round up the troops, urge others to do it as I replied "Corporate doesn’t care about us".

"That woman in the office (Complex Manager) is awful. She doesn’t do anything".

He seemed to say that in a questioning manner, looking as though he wanted me to agree and get into a conversation as to how awful she is, but I said, "She’s been nice to me. Don’t let it (the gate) bother you".

Not able to rile me up, as he appeared to be riled, took the wind out of his sails, so he calmed down, gave me some kind of dire prediction I didn’t make out ………… "bla bla bla, you'll see" and went on his way.

In other news, as I’ve seen no one going in/out to clean, it’s looking like we’ll not be getting a new neighbor in Red Light’s now vacant unit any time soon.

With no waiting list, and those now leasing signs still plastered out front, I imagine there’s no need to hurry the cleanup until other ready to lease vacant units are first filled with occupants.


  1. You hiding from The Little Stalker is like me hiding from, well, anyone who knocks at my door!

    1. Yes, I saw where you said if anyone showed up unannounced, you'd just stare at them through the window, LOL.

  2. I just realized I haven’t hidden from anyone in ages. What a relief.

    1. Can't wait for the day when I get to experience what relief feels like.

  3. Oh, I love "Elsbeth" too! I really enjoyed the first season. What a quirky character and good plot lines too.

  4. Elsbeth looks like fun, sadly I don't have any services it streams on.
    Good luck outstalking the stalker.

    1. She didn't stick around long enough to be a bother.

  5. I too really enjoy Elsbeth. She is so quirky. Knowing it was renewed for a 2nd season I was curious as to how she got to stay. YEAH!

    1. When we got to how she was able to stay, I sorta figured it would be the way it turned out. Loved how the women of NY adopted her style of dress.

  6. I haven't watched Elsbeth yet but I have planned to watch it at some point.

  7. I'm like Bob above, hiding from anyone knocking on my door.

    1. Bob hides in plain sight. Stares at them through the window so they'll know they're being ignored, LOL.
