Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekend Update, Part 1

Had a much better experience in Long Beach this past weekend than last time when Long Beach was a drag … and not in a good way, because the energy had shifted to empty streets, nothing interesting to see/to do that felt safe, which prompted me to check out of the hotel a day and a half early, return to the complex.

This time Long Beach felt high energy, safe with people everywhere, lots of interesting things to see/do, starting with Great Grandson’s 2nd birthday party.

The festival opened at 11:00, but I opted to spend that time alone with the grandson and his new sister before the house and backyard filled with a gaggle of parents and children arriving for the party.

There was all manner of goodies to eat for the party guests — adults/their children, and the backyard was transformed into a magical wonderland.

Seeing a magical playland, the kids needed no encouragement or instructions. Upon arrival, they jumped right in.

If you will recall, granddaughter and grandson in-law, worried that White Grandma would ruin the birthday party with her judging, complaining, making everything about her, had rescinded WG’s invitation, asked her to please not come.

So, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw WG walk through the door, but she was on her best behavior — warm, friendly to everyone, even gave me what felt like a warm genuine hug when I left the party early to head on over to the festival about 4 o’clock.

I learned later WG did not crash the party, instead she was reinvited.

After I had my little episode of thinking I was having mini strokes and headed to the E.R., grandson in-law began feeling bad/thinking WG is old, did not have long to live. So, after granddaughter gave WG a talking to, as per acceptable behavior, she was reinvited and managed to put up a good front of being a pleasant human being.

Having not stayed for opening gifts, I also later learned great grandson was a "big fan" of my gift — the piggy bank.

Putting in 5,836 steps on the Marina Green, burning 1,050 calories, Day 1 of the festival wore me out.

Clearly, I was over dressed.

Suns out, buns out.

It was a no to pole dancing lessons, as it would have stressed the shoulder damaged years ago (torn rotator cuff) that I occasionally treat with acupuncture.

And by the time I made it to the Queer Country tent, my feet were too tired to do any line dancing and riding the mechanical bull would have broken every bone in my body.

However, when invited to toss an item into the red hole in the mouth on the board, I was game.

I missed the hole, but won a prize for being the only person to get it to stand at attention ...... on the board that is (wink).


  1. Of course you got it to stand at attention! Both parties look like fun. The family did a great job designing and setting up the kids’ party. I’m so glad you had a good time (and that WG behaved herself). And thanks for the eye candy.

    1. I heard the party went on for like forever. The kids had so much fun that the party never got around to cake and opening presents.

  2. Great dildo toss!
    And thanks for the man candy; looked like a fun Pride.
    And a fun, artsy birthday party, too!

    1. The dildo did not go where it was intended, but I got the job done, LOL.

  3. I was intrigued by the transparent painting easels. Did they get cleaned off each time someone new wanted to use them?

  4. Two great fun events in one day! Glad you had a good time at each. You have previously unsuspected dildo-tossing skills, I see.

    1. True, I've tossed a few out of my life but, in this case, I missed the hole.

    2. That's what he said ;) Lovely yard and party, lovely festival and some great pictures (but you always do well with your photos). Glad it was not as stressful as you were concerned about!

  5. I'm always amazed at how much effort and money are spent on parties for little kids these days. When I was a kids we were lucky to get a cake with candles on it.

    Gay Pride parties look like a lot of fun if your eye candy is any indication.

    1. I hear you about effort and money. I took my girls to Farrells Ice Cream Parlor for their birthdays. I don't think granddaughter broke the bank on this, because she's crafty like me and built the backyard scene with items from the dollar store, cardboard, lumber and help of her friends. She and they also cooked and baked the goodies.

  6. Sure looks like the kids had a good time. Congrats on winning a prize.

    1. I won a handheld battery-operated fan. Guess that counts for my Freebie Friday.

  7. The kid party looks pretty well set-designed. I don't think the buns in the sun were on their first day in the sunshine cuz I don't see any tan lines. Excellent inverted shot thrown to stick it! Linda in Kansas

    1. Guess they were keeping their buns under wrap for the weekend's great reveal.
