Wednesday, May 8, 2024

No Show

Activity Director was a no show for yesterday’s Walking Club.

That gives me an out to go back to solo walking, when the mood hits and weather permits, rather than go out of my way, get up early for Walking Club.

Since AD was a no show, for a hot minute I did think about heading back to my unit. Instead, I booted up iTunes, did a moderately paced five times around the complex.

Running into the little Spanish lady that invited me to Zumba, she asked if I "no liked Zumba", because I’d not returned to the sessions.

I tried to communicate au contraire; that Zumba was fun but 9:00 too early to make a habit of it.

I’d actually been expecting that question, so I asked Trainer how to say "too early" in Spanish.

Of course, I forgot the words ………… "Muy" something or other, but I think my little Spanish friend got the drift.

Once I fully recovered from this dehydration episode, the plan was to drop into Zumba once in a while, but don’t know if and when that will happen as I still get lightheaded/dizzy if I stand up too fast or turn my head too quickly, and Zumba is all quick sharp turns/movements.

Just as I turned to continue my walk, my little Spanish friend goes "hey hey hey" (I don’t think she remembers my name) and indicated she would not be attending Friday’s Zumba session, because she had "signed the paper" for Friday’s Mother’s Day brunch. Asking if I had "signed the paper", I said no. She didn't ask por qué (a word I would have remembered from high school spanish to be why), so I continued my walk.

Thinking back on having not signed up for that event, and probably not participating any further in Walking Club, it occurs I’m becoming, like Next Door Neighbor, quite the anti-social recluse.

The only other interruption on my walk was a three-time repeat interrupter, a spry little old guy who walks the complex a couple times a day and felt the need to pause, and pause me to listen to a comment every time we passed each other ………… "You walking? Have a great day" …… "Nice weather out. Have a great day" …… "Walking off those pounds? Have a great day".

Pleasant fellow, a little annoying, and fortunately done with his walk after my third time around, giving me the last two circuits free and clear of interruptions.

And for the record, my "pounds" are just fine. I walk for exercise, not weight loss, but I wouldn't be mad at dropping a few pounds and inches.

The only other interruption was, when noticing Big Linda’s car had been vandalized, I paused to take a photo.

Long time readers might remember Big Linda as being one of three bullies on the complex when I first moved in.

Retired military, Big Linda behaved like a drill sergeant ………… yelled at everyone in and around the complex, regulated what they could and could not do.

This behavor did not endear her to many, and it didn’t help her likeability that she ingratiated herself with that horrible terrible Nurse Ratched manager, acted as her Snitch.

It’s no surprise to me that Big Linda's car has been keyed. What’s surprising is the timing, as she has been sidelined ever since breaking her back in a fall just before the Pandemic.

Also no surprise is who keyed the car. That would be my old buddy Apache’s nemesis Bicycle Boy.

Bicycle Boy exudes crazy, and when he doesn’t like someone, there’s hell to pay.

In the past, BB feuded with not only Apache (the two once had a fist fight, mutual restraining orders), but others, including Big Linda ─ who he used to mock, whenever and wherever he caught her outside, by doing the chicken dance and squawking around at her, sneak around her area at night, leave globs of spittle on her car.

Management would not do anything about BB — other than he was banned from the Community Room for stealing popcorn.

I guess, to management, stealing popcorn was a worse offense than being a danger to other residents; BB was and still is a danger. Even new residents have indicated to me that "something is wrong with that guy".

I warn "don't engage — don’t say good morning, don’t make eye contact. You don't want to bring attention to yourself, get on his bad side".

Though, except for once last year, when I saw Big Linda being slowly walked around, on a walker by a caregiver, Big Linda has not, to my knowledge been able to bully/snitch or anger anyone. However, the very sight of her car must still aggravate BB because who else would have keyed it?


  1. Seems like crime is running rampant wherever we live.

  2. Never a dull moment at your complex!

  3. I was literally going to say the same thing Debra said!
    But I'll say this .... Bravo needs a show called The Complex! STAT! I'd watch.

  4. Zumba screwed up one of my knees so badly I had to go to my bone doctor and was out of commission for 3-4 weeks. I loved it but it's too fast for my artificial knees.

    1. I can see how easy one can hurt oneself. I came out of the session unscathed because I adjusted the movements so I wouldn't hurt myself, but fast is fast.

  5. Even if Big Linda is a horrible person, keying her Vehicle like that is still criminal activity and if someone is inclined to be a Vandal, they are probably more harm to the Community than her being an unlovely person to just hear bossing people around. Someone vindictive can be a threat in so many ways that Management should take Bicycle Boy more seriously before he escalates. I know if someone did that to my new Truck I'd want them arrested, Vehicles cost a lot of Money these days and her Vehicle looks nice and probably expensive. Doing that to a Veteran, even if she has baggage from her Years of Serving her Country, and what she might have been thru that causes her to be how she now is, is just low and bothers me. As for Zumba I think Younger Folks would be less inclined to injury, it's a lot of stress on Joints to bounce around, it wasn't for me. I agree with Mitchell, we are surrounded by Lunatics. *LOL*

    1. Even though BB once said he liked me because I was "nice", I stay far far away from him. Don't want him spitting on my car or keying it.

  6. Before I got Falcor I was an anti social recluse. Not even kidding. Our apartment managers husband didn't even know I existed when he saw me with my late husband. He thought it was so funny that he didn't know Ken was married. Funny enough he and his wife are who we got Falcor from when they moved out. I'm still pretty anti social but can't be a recluse when the dog wants to go for a walk 10 times a day. lol

    1. Falcor brought you out of your shell and continues to keep you on the go.

  7. That reminds me of a comment a neighbor made. He was living here before Buddy and I moved in and Buddy, my protector, always barked at him. Recently I noticed Buddy had quit barking at him and he mentioned he didn't make eye contact with him anymore. Who knew.
