Monday, May 13, 2024

Too Much Week

Too much week Not enough weekend, was on my mind as I awaked this Monday morning.

Probably didn't help that, instead of sleeping, I've been up late nights watching "The Idea of You", over and over, five times already, and I'm not even a romantic comedy type person.

In fact, the only other rom I've ever watched without rolling my eyes, throwing up in my mouth, is the 2006 The Boathouse, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.

In the interim, another Mother’s Day has come and gone — my 57th, and it was awright.

I received the obligatory texts from the usual suspects.

Last Mother’s Day it was Twin 2 who praised me with what a great mom and positive influence I’ve been in her life. This year it was Twin 1 saying, "You have been my greatest teacher on earth".

Sad it is that what seeds I’d planted couldn’t break through her previously hard exterior before she destroyed her relationship with her children, but at least the seeds did eventually sprout and begin to grow.

Better late than never.

Speaking of children, this coming weekend is my trip to Long Beach for Pride and the grandson’s 2nd birthday.

I had no intentions to add yet another t-shirt to my wardrobe for this coming weekend, but the internet kept tempting me with this grandma tee.

Nice, but problem was …… I’m not just a grandma, but a great grandma, so I passed.

Then I thought to contact the seller, ask if she could add "great", and voilĂ  ……

The great grandson’s gift arrived during the week.

He needs another toy like I need another t-shirt so, learning he’s no longer interested in dinosaurs but farm animals, I'm gifting him his first bank account.

Inside all weekend, working on that never ending needlepoint project while catching up on recorded TV programs,watching that rom-com, I didn’t see anyone to find out how Friday’s Mother’s Day Brunch went until I ventured outside yesterday afternoon to take out the trash and ran into the neighbor around the corner who hates Biden, loves No. 45 "because he’s not a politician".

No accounting for taste.

So, anyway, she said she enjoyed the brunch, that around 30 residents attended, but the energy in the room was a drag because of residents complaining …… complained about so many men attending — and not because they qualified as both father and mother to their children. “They came for the food”, she said.

Then there was dissatisfaction with the food being tiny foods — little sandwiches, cheese and deli meat platter, bagels, etc. In other words, brunch food.

I guess they were expecting brunch to be a full meal or a repeat of the big juicy crucifixion burgers, like that served at Easter.

Stopping by the mailbox before heading back to my unit, I observed a pool party going on — I counted about 7 adults, 6 children, didn’t recognize anyone until I saw Head Maintenance Guy enter the pool area to join them and realized it was his wife, daughter, two sons. The others must have been miscellaneous family members.

Since residents seem to be in a complaining mood, I’m wondering who will take offense to HMG hosting, what looked to be, a family Mother’s Day pool party, call corporate to complain.

Hope he doesn’t think it was me calling corporate, because I found it odd that as soon as I arrived to pick up mail, HMG ordered everyone out of the pool and inside. Sort of like the man, woman and little black puppy moving out of TinTin’s unit the afternoon of the same day I’d petted the black puppy, learned of the passing of the white one.

If I’m generating some kind of energy that makes people up and leave when I appear, perhaps I should show up at No. 45’s trial, cause him to "leave".

There was an interesting conversation on Facebook a few days ago when someone posted "For the love of God, please make him just go away" and there was the comment "Could we dress him up in a dog suit and send him into the woods with Kristi Noem?"


  1. That last paragraph gave me a laugh. Oh, yes. Please! I hope no one calls corporate, I wouldn't want HMG to believe you are a snitch.

    1. That last paragraph got a lot of likes, was a very popular solution, when someone posted on FB, and I promise it wasn't I who posted it, but wish I'd thought of it. If HMG gets complaints made against him, hopefully it's more than one or two or more, so his attention won't be directed towards me.

  2. You have a pool? Ohhhhh. Nice. We have nothing! LOL. Roberta

    1. Seriously! You don't have a pool and jacuzzi?

    2. Nope. Pools are not a thing in Massachusetts.....We had one in Arizona but not here.....

  3. "If I’m generating some kind of energy that makes people up and leave when I appear, perhaps I should show up at No. 45’s trial, cause him to "leave"."

    I could cover the airfare!!

    I love the t-shirt and the Noem Joke.

  4. OH.....please do show up at 45's trial!! Anyone wanna go 1/2 on a dog suit
    for the pig? Take and post some pics of the Pride Festival!
    Paranormal John

    1. I don't think I could handle the fart smell permeating the courtroom.

    2. LOL! Gas mask optional....but highly recommended!

  5. Wear your new shirt with pride! I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of great grandmas who are as buff as you are.

    1. You're probably right. I'd be very surprised if there were.

  6. Oh, that last paragraph made me laugh out loud! Brilliant T-shirt. Wear it proudly. I’ll pay your fair to the Capital if. you could just walk around the building and send all the rethuglicans packing.

    1. "send all the rethuglicans packing" ..... If people leaving ends up being a newly acquired superpower, I'm there.

  7. Love the t-shirt! Yep, I want rid of him too. Maybe I could send a dog kennel cage for him. Linda in Kansas

    1. A jail cell will do nicely, but I don't think we're going to see that happen.

  8. Love the t-shirt and the Kristy Noem gag. Thanks for always making me laugh, B&B!

  9. I'll pay for your ticket if you'll go to HIS trial. Love some bad mo-jo on him. And you absolutely needed that shirt. So you.

    1. Hey you. You've been radio silence for some time. You okay?

  10. The T-Shirt is perfect for you. As for 45... I have no Words. As for his Supporters, I've concluded each is attracted to him becoz in many ways he mirrors them and they're cut from the same Cloth.
