Monday, May 6, 2024

Vewy Vewy Quiet

It was another overcast and sometimes wet weekend here in the Inland Empire, no opportunity to put in any walking miles. Consequently, it was catching up on recorded TV programs, while simultaneously working on that never ending needlepoint project and drinking copious amounts of Smart Water (thanks for that suggestion Roberta).

Though the weather was lousy, the weekend felt relaxing because Red Light has left the building.

I actually felt an energy shift in the quad the minute Red Light’s moving van drove out.

I’d mentioned in a previous post that Red Light was okay as a neighbor, but a bit of work because she was a troubled soul — not just a busybody, but manipulative about it.

Of course, I didn’t mind her being a busybody, as she gave good blog fodder. However, she was a troublemaking kind of busybody ……… always complaining about someone/something, trying to get others not to like who she didn’t like, getting way too deep in other people’s business, then taking off like a carrier pidgeon, transmitting that person’s personal business to everyone else.

One of my favorite sayings is, "You gotta know when to hold 'em when to fold 'em. There are juicy tidbits shared with me by neighbors that I've never spoken about with another soul, not even in the blog.

Right up to moving day, Red Light held court on the bench outside my bedroom window in the afternoon ……… all afternoon.

During her last week here, she cranked it up.

I’d hear her holding court on the bench late into the night, as I was climbing into bed.

Who talks that much ……… that long?

Others must have secretly also been happy to see Red Light go, because no one arranged a goodbye party for her, nor did I see anyone dropping by to say goodbye as the truck was being loaded.

I hid. Waited all day until she was gone to take the trash out so I’d not run into her and have to say see ya.

So, anyway, going to bed the night she moved out was so peaceful. It was just vewy vewy quiet and remains so.

Wherever you go, there you are, so I’ll wager Red Light will be a repeat offender at her new location. Even call and text us here ……… continue to provide blog fodder.

The day after Red Light moved, even the girl living with TinTin, next door to Red Light’s unit, ventured outside.

Coming down the stairs that day, headed for the morning workout, I spotted just the cutest little white puppy running around off leash.

Thinking it was a stray that had gotten into the complex, I began calling to it. Then, as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw TinTin’s roommate playing with the white puppy and a black puppy that looked to be the same breed.

"Pitbulls" she said in response to my asking what breed the puppies were.

"That small?"

"Argentine pitbulls".

I guess that means they are breed smaller in Argentina ……… don't grow into dangerous mastiffs?

I oohed and aahed at the puppies, would have like to play with them but was running late. So I just told her how cute they were and left.

TinTin’s roommate seemed friendly, nice, which makes me less leary of TinTin.

Heading out for this morning’s workout, I saw a man coming out of TinTin’s unit, followed by the black pup.

Having a little time to spare, I once again oohed/aahed, had time to pet the puppy.

He made a sound like a baby and tried to climb my leg, which I took as "pick me up". I would have loved to, but my hands were full with workout gear.

"Where’s the white one", I asked the strange man.

"She died ……… parvo. I tried everything to save her, gave her shots, but nothing helped".

So sad. The little black pup has lost his playmate.

So now I guess they have to wait and hope the black pup hasn’t been infected.

As for TinTin ……… I've not seeing her come and go for a while, but I'm seeing what I took to be her roommate, and now a man. So, just how many people does TinTin have living with her? Is she running an Airbnb?

We already have both sons living with the woman in the unit beneath Next Door Neighbor.

With all these Ghost tenants ……… people not authorized to be living here, I’m careful to lock my door every time I leave. Even if it’s just to run downstairs pick up mail or drop off trash.

Speaking of NDN, it appears she’s on the mend.

The Caregivers have not been back since the day I saw them gently escorting her down the stairs, bringing her back later that afternoon.

Her son seems to have washed his hands — not been back since the day he was directed to smoke outside.

I did however observe NDN leaving her unit on Saturday with two ladies, and she was walking down the stairs on her own, the ladies walking ahead of her taking no heed of assuring she got safely down, leading me to believe she’s up and about, on the mend.

I didn't tell either of my girls I'd had an episode. They'd lose their minds.

Afraid Trainer would make me take it easy, when I felt no need to do so, I didn't tell him either.


  1. I wonder if you don’t owe trainer a bit of info about your sympto(you have a relationship?) & maybe he can help? Also do you want him to call 911 if something happens with no prior knowledge about what has happened? He might be a person at the ER who knows your Advanced Directives? Allies ……

  2. I think as long as you feel good and get checked out when you feel the need, and nothing dire is reported, why worry family?

  3. Glad to hear that NDN is getting better. Too bad about the puppy.

    1. Really sad. Hope her little brother (the black one) escapes the same fate.

  4. So happy I could help! Roberta

  5. I call BS on the person with the dogs, and shame on her for animal cruelty. There is a breed of Argentinian mastiff but guess what? It’s larger than a pit bull (which isn’t really a breed but we won’t go into that). And parvovirus is extremely contagious, with obvious symptoms. Everything that person said is shady. And are residents allowed to have that type of dog? Lots of places don’t allow. This kind of BS makes me so mad. The dead puppy story doesn’t sound right.

    1. Other than what the man said, I don't have any details. Though looks can be deceiving, neither he nor the woman look like the kind of people that would harm a dog. I didn't feel that kind of evil coming from them. Perhaps they bought the dogs from a devious puppy mill and didn't realize it was ill when they bought it. The woman did say "We just got them" when I first saw her outside playing with. The dog was tiny. I could have held it in one hand. I'd take a photo, but I saw the man and the woman carrying backpacks/luggage appearing to be moving out late yesterday. Maybe my talking to them caused them to move, thinking I'd snitch they were living here (I wouldn't), because neither they nor the dogs were to be living with TinTin in that unit.

    2. All good points. I was really emotional when I wrote that, because there are so many people who abuse animals (governors, etc) and also those who are clueless (hence…Argentinian pit bull being smaller, um, no). They may have been just repeating what they were told. Sorry to put my negativity on your page.

    3. No worries. We once did have a resident with a full grown pitbull. How management allowed that to happen, with so many little dogs on the property I do not know, but there was such a todo from other dog owners that the dog had to be rehomed. On another note, I heard this morning that a particular politician not only shot her dog, but a goat and several horses.

  6. Where ever you go, there you are... so True. As for Dog Breeds, a lot of small Breeds are more inclined to be nasty temperament. Our Grandsons have a Pit Bull and he's the sweetest natured Animal, the Breed gets a bad rap and there are Breeds people prefer who have a higher rate of attacks on Humans. Most animals respond to how their Humans raise them to be, tho' every animal has it's distinct personality just like us Humans, some good, some not... Nature and Nurture always play a role, don't they?
