Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Deja Vu

This time it really was an earthquake.

While sitting on the couch this afternoon, I felt the couch jump.

That wasn’t me … That really was an earthquake this time, I said to myself.

After checking my phone for the time (1:49 pm) I logged onto the Earthquake Tracker and learned it was a 4.1 9km (5.59234 miles) SW of Corona 1:49 pm.

It felt so mild that I doubt many were aware we’d had yet another quake.

Earlier in the day, as I headed out for this morning’s workout, I saw the office had posted this month’s calendar to our doors.

Walking Club is twice this month — on the 7th and 21st, but the time has been changed from 15 minutes to 30 (8:45/9:15 instead of 8:45/9:00).

Also on the calendar is "Mothers Day Brunch", Friday, May 10, 12pm-2pm.

Listed on the 14th is another Mother’s Day event ("Social: Mother’s Day Celebration, 11am – 12:15pm").

Why two Mother’s Day events?

Your guess is as good as mine, but I think residents will respond, dress up, show up.

I won’t know for sure because I don’t plan on attending either event. Not just because my food choices are so limited that I’ll not be able to eat anything they serve, but because since bingo shut down and I’m no longer burdened with being sociable/participating, I’m really enjoying retreating into myself, not participating in anything going on around here ……… other than the Walking Club.

And to tell you the truth, I was hoping the Walking Club was over, wouldn’t be listed on this month’s calendar.

I think Activity Director is enjoying Walking Club, whether or not anyone shows up or not and she has to walk alone, because she’s somewhat training for a 5K.

I don’t recall how she learned 5Ks are my thing, but she’s been asking me a lot of questions about them, trying to work herself up to registering for one.

Inasmuch as Walking Club is still on the calendar, barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to participate, but not push myself as I did last walk.

Last few days has been caregivers going in/out of Next-Door Neighbor’s unit so often I thought perhaps they are live ins, especially since I saw them doing her laundry day before yesterday.

However, when I returned from this morning’s workout, the Monthly Calendar was still posted to her door and the blinds appeared shut tight again.

Oh No! Is this going to be Déjà vu all over again, thought I.

The afternoon wore on, the calendar remained posted until fortunately, just as I was finishing up this post, a little after 5pm, I heard her door open and now see the calendar has been taken inside.

I've not seen the caregivers today, so perhaps NDN is up and about on her own.

I could call and check on her, but I don't want to get too involved, get myself sucked into anything.

Tomorrow is moving day for Red Light, but I don’t think we’ve seen or heard the last of her. Turns out her new apartment is only 39 minutes 23 miles from here.

She doesn’t drive, but she’s so into what goes on here that she’ll find a way to keep her fingers in the pie.

But for the fact the Mother's Day Brunch indicates "residents only", I wouldn't have been surprised to hear Red Light showed up.


  1. I sure hope you been feeling better sweet cakes?

    I have an ex who a seismologist and studies earthquakes. We worried that within the next five years a huge one is going to hit. It's been way to quiet he says and with such weird weather out there, with all that rain it will soften things up. I hope he is wrong. That's the last thing California would need.

    1. I too, like your seismologist friend, think all these little quakes are building up to a big one. That's all we need. As for how I'm feeling ... not so many dizzy spells, but still having problems with BP, so we'll see how it goes.

  2. Never a dull moment at The Complex!

    And, I agree, that California might be do a big one again. Wasn't the last one the Northridge quake in '94???

    1. '94 was the worst. Fortunately, I wasn't living in Northridge where it devastated so many but in Long Beach where everything shook but little damage.

  3. I remember, when living in California, feeling the earth slightly move and wondering every time if it was a huge quake somewhere far away. We were in Palm Springs for the Northridge Quake. We rocked and rolled but had no idea how devastating it was a couple of hours away.

    1. I remember that quake well. Felt it all the way to Long Beach, where I was living at the time. "Devastating" was the word for it.

  4. A 15 minute walking club sounds kind of silly and hardly worth the time. We have one were I live too but it meets twice a week not twice a month. It's got 5-6 people attending regularly. I walk on my own because I can't walk as fast as they do.

    1. 15 minutes feels a lot longer when those you're walking with are jackety jackety jackety jacking away. I like to walk alone because there's no talking, just music.

  5. The mystery continues next door. It's good to read you are feeling better. The blood pressure is concerning. I know you are careful with diet so maybe it takes awhile to come down?

  6. We've only had the shock waves here in Arizona once from a big Quake you all had there in Cali and it was terrifying enuf. At the time I lived in a Trailer and it was rocking back and forth for what seemed like a very long time. Luckily I had Hurricane Straps on it, which is optional in Arizona but stabilizes Mobile Homes for any Weather, so, I felt Safe enuf, but, it is a confusing feeling at first when the Earth is literally shaking, isn't it? My Mind couldn't compute for the first few seconds what was happening. Glad it was a Mild one.
