Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Last Day of April

I’m still here, on this side of the veil, going through the motions of my normal day-to-day activities, except without coffee and other stimulates that cause a rapid rise in BP.

So far so good in bringing the pressure down from the danger zone, fewer instances of being lightheaded, fading in/out, woozy.

Consequently, I'm taking granddaughter's dream as more of a warning, rather than a predetermined event, but we shall see.

In the meantime, life goes on as Justin and the Boys ring in the month of May.



  1. Good on you for taking care of yourself and seeing what works to make you feel better.
    All kinds of positive energy coming your way!

  2. I took the dream as a warning, too. Stay well.

    1. At least I now know I'd not rot away before family realized I was gone, because granddaughter seems to have been gifted with the same kind of knowing I have ..... and I had been feeling a death coming on. I just didn't think it was me, was worried about another family member. Hope it's not who I think it will be. Would rather me than that one.

  3. Very glad to see a report from you. Hope you continue to feel better. I'm just a couple of years younger than you but I think we're very much alike in the Life Sweepstakes Game. By that I mean every day when I wake up I think "well, I made it one more day. Am I glad? Maybe, maybe not." It's daunting to realize that the end will be here very, very soon. What will it feel like? Will I be one of the lucky ones who goes in a flash? Or will I linger, helplessly as I fade away? Hard to push those thoughts aside but what a waste of precious time! Carry on, Miss Shirley, carry on.

    1. You nailed it. I'd planned to live just long enough to see my girls raised and living independently. I would have been around 35, but here I am at 80 wondering how much longer do I have to do this. I'm having fun enjoyable experiences, but still those underlying feelings of being ready to go, but in a flash. Interesting is it not when many are wanting to be here, struggling and having procedures done to try to stay.

  4. Congratulations on figuring out how to get the blood pressure down. Now you'll have to figure out what diet substitutes work for you.

    1. I think one of the reasons I've done as well, health wise, as I have is because I understand the food/body connection and how medication can be a bandage when food can be the cure.

  5. I hope a doctor reviews the efficacy of your BP medication and dosage soon.

    1. Ha! Doubt it will be soon, not with my booked-up doctor. So it's up to me, my gut instincts.

  6. He looks like a boy! It's good news that your BP is coming down. We want you on this side of the veil.

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm taking 2 medications for my high bp. It had been 201/99 now it's 153/84 which is still high but not as high as it was.

  8. I think you take good care of yourself and are very aware of how your body works. I wish you all good things, JanF

  9. Shirley, what are your thoughts on where your soul goes when it expires in ones body? Dee

    1. What an interesting question. Difficult to put into words, but from what I've seen and have been privileged to experience, death is not the end. I believe that when we leave this body, we have the option of being escorted through some sort of process where, if our work is done here, we can move on and away to a place of rest or we can choose to be born again to be of service. I don’t think every soul is given this option. Some souls have, in body form, so royally screwed up their time here that they must come back. No place of rest for those souls, they have to hover and wait to cycle through as many lives as necessary until they learn what it is they are to learn. What are your thoughts?
