Sunday, September 17, 2023

You See … What Had Happened Was

Around 3:00 p.m. today, the continuing sound of a helicopter directly overhead finally drew me out onto the patio to see what was up.

On the tape, I was joking that it couldn’t be escapee Danelo Cavalcante, because he’d already been caught … in Philadelphia.

Whoever they were looking for, it had to be serious to call up the chopper, plus I'd also heard sirens, but went back to what I was doing, didn’t think too much of it.

That is … I didn’t think too much of it until I began hearing loud voices, what sounded like feet running on the ground, more sirens. Sirens that seemed to stop right outside the gate.

I slipped on my sandals, headed outside to gather intel.

To be clear, no one was shot. The old guy was saying he wished the guy being chased had been shot.

Also, to be clear, the ten he was referring to are the ten Deputy Sheriffs, running through the complex, trying to catch the guy with the help of the helicopter.

So, that’s the intel this resident was able to provide.

But wait …. There’s more.

Walking towards the side of the complex, where the Deputies had caught up with the guy, I got an even more complete story from the resident who lives next door to where my old buddy Apache lived.

She said she’d heard a commotion, looked out, saw a white car had squealed up to the curb, some guy with a bat in his hand jump out, appearing to have chased down a guy who was running away from him.

The running man being chased, tried to escape the bat carrying man by jumping the fence right in front of her unit; whereupon she locked her patio window and watched as bat carrying man also jumped the wrought iron fence.

Why do we even have fencing when young men just parkour over like it's nothing. Come onto the property to break into cars, steal converters, etc.

At any rate, with both guys having made it over the fence, the chase through the complex was on, but ended while still in her area, when bat carrying man saw the Deputies arrive.

He jumped back over the fence to his car and drove away as the Deputies took up the chase.

Where they caught up with running man was the side of the complex where Apache used to live. Not too far from where he originally parkoured over the fence, but I’ve since heard he got chased back that way because deputies were all over the place.

Must have been a rough takedown, because the fire rescue, ambulance and gurney were for running man.

Couldn’t have been too hurt because, by the time I’d walked over, running man was in the deputy’s car.

I stuck around for a while, trying to get a look at running man, but got tired of waiting for them to wrap it up, went back to what I was doing.

Too bad this didn’t happen while the Inspectors were on the property. Might have given them pause to look more closely into what goes on around here, suggest better wrought iron fencing for our protection ... one with a spike tip.


  1. You get to have all the excitement. I'm jealous.

    1. Just when it seemed things were slowing down around here.

  2. Excitement. Maybe they were shooting an episode of Law and Order. I hope you find out more. I regularly look at “security” fences and wonder how much help they really are.

    1. Now that would have been exciting to see a movie crew following the chase. I've checked local news online and police activity in the neighborhood, but find nothing on what running man did.

  3. Replies
    1. I came pretty close to getting through the weekend with nothing to blog about.

  4. Yikes! Glad there was no gunfire at least.

    1. Me too. A lot goes on around here but, thus far, not that.

  5. The one time I was glad I'd moved from Chalfont in the Philly area...when Danelo Cavalcante was on the loose. I live in the rural area so I would have been on edge.

    People are nuts. And it's getting worst it seems.

    1. The idea of Danelo coming across the Glamping Camp is, rather than being terrifying, is instead tickling me. He'd have made a tasty little, tiny morsel for someone, LOL.

  6. Wow, excitement at the complex! Now I'm wondering what happened to Bat Guy. Glad it was a bat and not a gun.

    1. There's a man and woman in the last photo, off to the side, talking to one of the deputies. I'm assuming that's Bat Guy and his wife. Bat Guy probably got back in his car, picked up his wife, who it was that got the police involved while hubby chased the guy, returned to give a report on what it was Running Man had done to cause so much police power. I've checked local news but have found no details.

  7. I loved your reporting of the incident!

  8. Good grief! Didn't any of the law enforcement people and/or the helicopter operator tell you all to get inside!!?? We have had law enforcement helicopters in our neighborhood before and I can hear them, even though I am inside, telling people to get inside, remain inside. The more people, the more confusion for everyone. It's none of my business, and I cannot do anything so I just remain inside and let the professionals take down the criminals.

    1. Funny you should ask because, when I stepped onto the patio to see the helicopter directly overhead, a resident was calmly walking over to do her laundry in the Laundry Room. When I went outside to see what the yelling was about, there was a woman sitting in her wheelchair smoking and watching the goings on. We are not the suburbs. Not much frightens us or chases us away from watching and we've never been warned to stay inside. Two weeks ago, while Painted Rock Lady was out early walking her dogs, a man dressed all in black walked up to her, pulled out a knife, held it up in the air. Didn't even phase her. She pulled out her phone, dialed 911, he turned and left. When Shadow was out on the lawn smoking, a guy walked up to him, demanded a smoke and pulled a knife when Shadow said no. Shadow wrestled the knife away, pulled out his own knife, a bigger one, and the guy took off. Like I said, not much phases us. We deal with whatever. I do think the guy with the bat drove away, returned later with his wife, so as not to be mistaken by the cops as the bad guy, as cops do make a lot of mistakes.

  9. Wow, you had more going on than I did the past few days. As someone else said I'm surprised the police didn't yell at you to go back inside. I always get yelled at when they see me taking picture.

    1. I was thinking about that ... that I'd had more neighborhood drama than you this week, LOL. As far as I know, it's perfectly legal to take photos. So, as long as you are not interfering, they shouldn't be barking get inside orders.

  10. Adventures in the city. But perhaps the best is to live in places with more calm. Have a very nice day.

    1. Good advice, but I'm living where I can afford to live. Rent in calmer places is beyond what I can afford, and there is no guarantee any place is calm, quiet, safe anymore.

  11. I learned a new Word "parkour", winks. I can't parkour over anything anymore and since the Fence isn't keeping Young folks out who can, perhaps it's there to keep ya'll in? *LOL* Seriously, Crime is up, Morality is down, Policing is just about as scary as the Criminals IMO and I'd almost rather take my chances with a Criminal than with a Rogue Cop... glad the Perp was apprehended, but, that's more excitement than any Senior Living Complex needs, Right?

    1. You're not alone in not being able to parkour over anything. I don't even parkour down, step off curves. I walk down to the slope at the end, gingerly walk down there, LOL. There's a big difference in how the cops treat citizens in the suburbs and nicer areas than around here and areas similar to this. When helicopters fly overhead, instead of telling us to stay inside for our safety, they give a description of who they're looking for, so we can help them find him, LOL. And for sure, I'd be more afraid of being dragged to the ground or shot by a cop who was on a power trip than I would be of a criminal.

    2. Oh for sure, even tho' I'm the exact same person, in affluent Subdivision Hell the Law Enforcement treated us differently than they did in the Historic Barrio where they had bias against the Community being poorly Served by them. Here in the Mini Farms, the treatment is exceptional even tho' it's a diverse Community, it's property values are high... so they assume anyone living here, of any race or creed, is more deserving of proper treatment. It makes me mad, they are Public Servants and lose sight of the fact they Serve ALL the people, or are supposed to, and those living in high crime areas are mostly good people, the Criminals make up perhaps 5% of the residents there, but are 100% of the problems.
