Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Saturday Kind of Day

Those days I changed my schedule, got up early to prepare for inspection, were not only a waste of time but have thrown my internal clock off.

I was able to sleep in late this morning, but because my clock is off, today feels like a Saturday kind of day. I have to keep reminding myself today is not Saturday, so I won’t screw up and not show up for tomorrow’s workout.

Along about 12:30 I heard sirens outside.

Oh No, not again, thought I.

Hearing more sirens a few minutes later, that seemed to stop at the gate, I decided to get dressed, go down, investigate.

No police, no helicopter this time. Just emergency fire, behind which was an ambulance, which leads me to believe one of our seniors has had an incident.

They were packing up and leaving, someone in the ambulance by the time I arrived so, unless it’s one of The Usual Suspects, I’ll never know who what.

There was a lot of loud clanging banging going on yesterday. Stepping out onto the patio I could see the refrigerator and stove, from evicted Smoker’s unit, had been placed on the patio and there appeared to be people working inside.

For the longest time, only Assistant Maintenance Guy was working on the unit — clearing things out, painting. Now it appears new carpeting is going in.

It very much appears preparations for a new resident are on the fast track, and we'll have another new resident in the quad fairly soon.

By the way, in case you're wondering ... the resident that moved into the bad energy unit is still going strong.

Hope whoever moves into Smoker's unit is nice, because we’ve got one of the better quads — no complainers, no barking dogs, everyone gets along.

Even the weird girl who lives beneath my unit has come around.

She’s still not the friendly type, but she does smile and say "hello" when we pass on the walkway.

It only took her six years of living here to get to this point of speaking; whereas it took her no time at all to make the acquaintance of and get friendly with Big Friendly Guy — probably because he has a penis.

Seeing the Smoker’s old refrigerator and stove on the patio yesterday, I figured — cheap as management is, instead of tossing and putting in new appliances, management would put the old stuff back inside once the carpet was installed.

And so they did.

When I went out to investigate the sirens, I saw the appliances on the patio were gone and, taking a quick glance inside the unit as I passed the patio window, I could see a cleaning lady, the stove lid up, and her cleaning it.

I also saw that, instead of carpet in the front room, that unit now has dark wood flooring.

That’s interesting. The front room with wood flooring instead of carpet and, I’m assuming, carpet in the bedroom, wood flooring in the hallway and dining area.

Knowing management as I do, this move has to be a cost-effective measure. Instead of bringing in more cheap carpet, to bring in cheap wood.


  1. Hopefully, your new neighbour (whoever he, she or they is) will be an asset to the quad.

  2. You should tell Weird Girl you have a very large penis, you just don’t have it with you.

  3. Give us all the dirt, especially the name you give them, as soon as you can.
    That said, I hope it's someone cool.

  4. It wouldn't surprise me if the 'wood' floor turns out to be a wood-look vinyl. Depending on the quality that could be a positive or a negative.

    1. Wouldn't surprise me either, because whatever options are available, they will opt for what's cheapest, quality be damn.

  5. I've got potential new neighbors too. Good luck to both of us.

    1. I read that news on your blog and yes, good luck to both of us.

  6. I got a new neighbor this week, he moved into drug dealers old apartment. So far he's very quiet. So glad about that. My place does the same thing with appliances. They bring them outside to clean them and as long as they work, they put them back in the apartment after the painting and flooring is done.

    1. Congrats on your quiet new neighbor. I hope management checked to make sure the appliances they put back in Smoker's unit still work.

  7. It's really hard to get the smoke smell out.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Especially since it doesn't appear they've done anything special to get rid of the smell.
