Thursday, September 7, 2023

Delayed Reaction

My insurer’s roadside assistance app would not accept my password on Tuesday when I needed it. It didn’t open later that day when, arriving back at the complex, I double checked my list of passwords, saw I did not make a mistake, tried the app again.

Checking the app yesterday, it opened, no problem.

Go figure.

There is no such thing as a coincidence, so I guess that day worked out the way it was intended to.

Perhaps the Universe was testing my patience. If so, I passed with flying colors as I was nonplussed by the whole tire thing, start to finish. Took everything in stride.

Didn’t even realize a blowout on the freeway was dangerous until, at yesterday’s workout, Trainer said one of his trainees had a tire blow on the freeway. Trainee’s car rolled over three/four times, ended up in the dirt off the side of the freeway. Trainee was injured, but alive.

NOW I’m even more afraid, when I get behind the wheel, than I was before. In fact, heading to the tire shop this morning to pick up the new tire, I was so stressed — imaging the car didn’t feel right, one side was higher than the other, an object was in other tires waiting to cause a blowout that, by the time I reached the tire place, I’d worried myself into a migraine.

The imaginings continued on the way home, as I am now convinced I’m losing air, have a slow leak, in the passenger rear tire.

Time will tell.

In other news, watching Red Light yet again holding court yesterday afternoon over by the bench along the walkway, I once again became curious as to what line of work she was in before arriving here and had the bright idea to google her name expecting nothing.

Surprise Surprise, data on her popped up straightaway, photo included.

Her background is that of being a member of an affordable housing advisory board. Her specific title "Activities Coordinator".

Adds up, doesn’t it?

You can take the woman out of the job, but you can’t take the job out of the woman. She can’t let go.


  1. Consider taking your car back to your trusty tire place and have them check the possible leaky tire. Sometimes they can find the leak and fix it with a plug. Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm watching the gauge. If I see the number going down on that tire, I'll take it in.

  2. Yes, that's my understanding too -- the faster the car's rate of speed when a tire blows, the more dangerous it can be.

  3. Your sleuthing cracks me up!!!! And I agree with you, a blown tire is nothing to take lightly. When it happens one better hope you can react and take control of the car if we can.

    1. Super Sleuth, LOL. My inquiring mind needed to know.

  4. What caused your blowout? Could they tell? You're not driving on bald tires are you?! 😄

    1. My tires look brand new, according to the tire place. It must have been something the tire picked up. Maybe it has something to do with that very poor repaving job on the complex driveway, and the asphalt melting in the hot sun, messing with tires. Who knows, and that's what scares me ... the who knows, which means it can happen again.

  5. Yep, that's no surprise about Redlight’s past. But how annoying.

    1. Kinda of a pushy broad and I think the photo reflects it.

  6. Once an "Activities Coordinator" always an "Activities Coordinator".

    PS When I need some investigative work, I'm calling you!

  7. AHA! Mystery solved on Red Light's origin story.
