Saturday, September 16, 2023


Thank God it’s Saturday. First day, since the Great Inspection began that, instead of rushing to complete my morning rituals earlier than I normally do, so as not to be caught unprepared should the Inspectors knock at the door, today and tomorrow I can relax, get bathed, dressed, feed myself at leisure because it's the weekend. The office is closed, so it’s a safe bet the Inspectors won’t be on the complex today and tomorrow.

In fact, there were no sightings of the Inspectors at all yesterday. Are they done and have moved on sooner than expected?

I guess we’ll find out if they show up on Monday.

Big Friendly Guy tells me it’s no big deal. That the Inspectors are only looking at 25 of the 178 units, and no one is expecting any great shakes coming from it — like Upstairs Lady getting a stove with handles out of this inspection, or something being done about the mold in her dishwasher and/or Di getting a new refrigerator to replace her moldy one, which management told her to push her food to the middle, don’t let food touch the refrigerator walls and/or our 86 year old Buttons, whose lived in the same unit for 24 years, will get new carpet or the walls painted, so on and so forth.

All in all, thus far, the Great Inspection has been about as dull and uninteresting as the Hurricane that came to the area and left leaving only a few rain puddles.

After asking around, only two people I know have actually been inspected. One wasn’t home when they came, but knows they were there because they left a business card on her door.

Seeing the Inspectors walking up the stairs towards Shadow’s unit, I’d assumed he'd been inspected. He was not. It was his next-door neighbor, a member of Red Light’s posse, whom I’ll be calling Her Haughtiness in the blog, because that’s how I read her.

Other than exchanging pleasantries when we pass on the walkway, she and I don’t talk, so I can’t ask her about the inspection. Especially now I can’t ask her because I pissed her off at bingo by squeezing the HEN OF SILENCE, also known as the SHUT UP CHICKEN, at her and Red Light because they’d been talking talking talking talking gossiping gossiping gossiping during bingo about someone who was "stubborn", someone who "smelled like pee" yada yada yada.

There’s plenty of time to talk, chit chat, gossip before the games begin, in between games, during break, after bingo, but those two were at it constantly, consistently, through the games, annoying the hell outa me because, though unsuccessfully trying to keep their voices low, I couldn’t block out the chatter as they were sitting behind me.

I could tell the Caller was also annoyed, as she kept looking over at them but, whereas the Caller has previously shown no reluctance to squeeze the Hen of Silence, as you can see from the look on her face when she’s used it in the past.

She was reluctant to squeeze the chicken, or remind the two that if they continued talking during the game, they would be asked to leave, because that’s the rule and how she handles yakety yakers. Probably reluctant because Red Light is the bingo organizer, and she (the Caller) is part of the posse Red Light controls.

I’m a fringe member of the posse, don’t care whether I’m in or out of their circle, so I walked over, picked up the Hen, walked back to where Red Light and her Haughtiness were deep in conversation, and squeezed it at them.

Startled them it did, LOL.

Red Light later apologized for annoying me ……… if she only knew how often she does.

Her Haughtiness, embarrassed at my calling the room’s attention to her misbehaving, was all tight mouthed and, at the end of bingo, quickly exited.

Will be interesting to see if she ever exchanges pleasantries with me again, or comes back to bingo. If not, well then sorry, not sorry.

P.S.  Though the locks were still in place, I noticed management removed all the signs in the Community Room and on the refrigerator telling us we cannot use THEIR refrigerator. Guess they didn't want the Inspectors to see how they treat us.


  1. Haha! The Hen of Silence! Love it. And thanks for explaining that photo transfer business to me.

    1. Gotta keep the hens in check sometimes, and you're welcome.

  2. I wonder how quickly the signs and locks will go back up?

    Her Haughtiness needs a takedown.

    1. I'm guessing, as soon as the Inspectors are gone, the signs will go back up. Locks are not as noticeable unless you're in the kitchen, go to open the refrigerator. So, management probably didn't worry about those being seen. I'm not sure, but I think the locks are still on. I'll have to double check. I'm sure Her Haughtiness is already fuming at my audacity. πŸ˜„

  3. The Hen of Silence... bwahahaha... Love it. I don't know I'd like to endure Inspections, I'm no Suzy Homemaker or Domestic Goddess, it's all I can do to get it presentable before INVITED Guests are coming over. *Smiles* Haughty people are annoying and yet, such Fun to take down a notch, it's good sport when you're bored. *Winks*

    1. Preparing for and keeping things relatively presentable during an Inspection is a pain, but worth it for the worry it puts on management.

  4. Replies
    1. Kinder than the Thor's Hammer I was thinking of to control the room.

  5. Replies
    1. Maybe not. Won't know for sure until this coming week if they're gone. So, I still have to get up, be prepared.

  6. Management are SUCH hypocrites ! I gasped when I read they took the signs off the fridge.
    Is there any kind of rule that apartments get new carpet or painted at regular intervals? What happens when someone moves out, are they cleaned and inspected or what? Does anyone spend their own money to fix them up?

    1. I wasn't surprised they removed the signs. That's why I took photos of everything, so I'd have evidence if a future opportunity arose to prove how they operate. I've heard new carpet is to be installed every 10 years. Don't know how true that it, but obviously not happening around here. As for move outs .... sometimes new carpet is installed, sometimes not. I don't know if the difference is how long the previous tenant was in the unit or condition of the carpet. As for spending their own money, I see outside carpet cleaners being hired to come in by individual residents. I opted to purchase a cleaner, do my own, because I've heard some of those companies haven't done a good job, do not move furniture to better clean. Next Door Neighbor wanted a wall painted to match some new trinket she brought in and was told the guys would paint that one wall for $50. If I were ever to want a paint job, I'd try to hire outside, but doubt management would let me.

  7. All these kinds of places have their leaders with posses and people who talk through bingo, don't they. I've learn who not to set near.

    1. So many are afraid to make waves, say something, "be mean" is how they look at it. Now that they see, first from that day I took on the Black Witch and now squeaking the hen, that I don't care about being perceived as mean, instead of me worrying about sitting near the talkers, the talkers are going to be careful not to sit by me.

  8. Could be the inspectors bug out early on Fridays and will be back on Monday. I can think of times where a SHUT UP CHICKEN would come in so handy.

    1. They look like the sort that traveling for inspections is a holiday. My guess is they brought the family along and are now doing either Disneyland, Magic Mountain or Universal Studios.

  9. Tundra Bunny here...

    The "Hen Of Silence" gave me a much-needed belly laugh! Living in a seniors' complex sounds like being in middle/high school all over again. I disliked the in-groups and petty tyrants the first time around, so I definitely don't want to relive that! Some people grow up, others just grow old.

    1. You summed that up very well. It does sometimes feel like high school all over again, some having grown old without evolving from that high school mentality.
