Friday, July 21, 2023

I Read Books and I Know Things

Maybe it’s just me, but this last week has been the longest week ever, felt like it took forever for today, Friday, to come.

The good news is that, because I seemed to have more hours to each day of this week, a lot got done.

Along with my normal schedule of working out, blogging, running errands, needlepoint, scrapbooking, TV watching, playing Candy Crush and the hours and hours and hours spent on TikTok, I was able to finish reading Walter Mosley’s Every Man a King and got well into The In-Between by hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos.

Hadley, who started her career as a nursing intern in the ER, segued into hospice care and shares visitations/spiritual encounters she’s observed her patience experience in their final moments.

It’s a fascinating read — not sad but, inasmuch as I empath, I’ll be reading along, find tears running down my face and, at other times, I’ll be smiling and/or laughing out loud.

It’s definitely a book that makes you think and brought up from the memory vault a visitation dream I had in October of 2021.

I dream a lot a lot a lot, which is exhausting. I wake up tired more often than not and mostly, when I awaken, the dream escapes me, is completely forgotten.

However, there are times when, upon awakening, remembering every aspect of the dream, I immediately reach over for the pen and journal I keep by the side of the bed to write it down before it too disappears into the ethers.

Such was the case when, in 2021, I’d written "M came to me in a dream last night. He was still about 3 years old. I hugged him, kissed him over and over. There was also a lean white guy present. Gay. Fun. Said he didn’t drive his car. So, when time for him to leave asked if I could drive him to the pier to catch his boat back home. I said okay".

The journal entry went on to say that, for some reason, after agreeing to drive the guy to the pier, I decided instead to call him an Uber and that later, thinking back on the dream, I deduced the guy was a "Grim Reaper. A fun reaper."

It seemed logical to me that, if a Grim Reaper did come to take me away, it would be a gay guy because I’d not trust or feel comfortable with a straight.

For a while after the dream, I pondered what would have happened had I gone through with driving the Reaper guy to the "pier", then I forgot all about it.

Reading The In-Between is bringing it all back and has me once again pondering ...... Was his asking me to drive him to the pier my opportunity to exit out of here? What would have happened had I followed through?


  1. I wonder what happened to the Gay Reaper's Uber driver.

  2. You should ask Hadley to interpret your dream. Sounds like a cool book. As a hospice nurse, I've heard all kinds of funny stories and folks talking to those who've gone before them. Best not to deny them or reorient, but to keep asking questions to see how far it goes. Linda in Kansas

    1. Hadley, with her ER background, had to work herself out of thinking to medicate individuals out of so-called hallucinations to, as you say, not deny or reorient.

  3. I try to remember dream too. I generally can remember them vividly even up to an hour or two later...and then's gone. But I too have thought about in a dream, what would have happened had a taken choice A instead of B.

    Im all to glad the weekend is here. Every week seems long to me. Cheers!

    1. If only it were the reverse ..... weekdays get shorter, weekends last forever.

  4. I'd guess that wasn't a very good day for the Uber driver.

    1. ROFLMAO! You and Debra are making me feel bad for calling him an Uber. Hopefully the driver was one of those stupid red hat No. 45 supporters.

  5. As an RN who worked ICU, I saw a lot of death. Lots of stories. I'll have to check that book out. I agree with Linda, best to not deny them or reorient, but keep asking questions. Sometimes you get some mind- blowing answers. Glad you got your stove (finally) fixed. Happy baking!
    Paranormal John

    1. Ever think about writing a book about your experiences? I'd read it.
