Thursday, July 27, 2023

Every Day’s an Adventure

Doesn’t look like there’s any saving the patio plants. from the unrelenting rays of the hot sun, no matter how much water I give them.

I did manage, however, to harvest another little radish, which I added to a coleslaw I was making.

Other than that, I’ll continue watering, see what survives after the heat moves on ….. that is IF the heat moves on.

Hearing the news say it’s all due to Climate Change, I wondered ……… Climate Change or Prophecy? because I recalled something from my mom’s Old Testament teaching that, after the earth was cleansed of humanity by the flood, the Old Testament God said that, if we didn’t get our act together, next time he would scorch the earth — heat/fire.

Though I myself am not an Old Testament thinker, the thought is coming from somewhere.

Another thought that came to me this week was that a former coworker once told me, when unpleasant happenings would occur to her, she’d lament to her mom "Why me?", her mom would respond with "Why not you? Why somebody else?"

I remembered that conversation when I awoke on Tuesday morning, two days after that trauma filled Sunday, only to find blood in my right eye.


So, why me? Why not somebody else?

Is it just my turn to experience a little of the manure that hitting the fan now days?

The eye looked so vampire creepy that the plan was, except for working out with Trainer, to hide myself away until the eye cleared up.

How is hiding yourself away from others except for training and the occasional bingo game, any different than your normal modus operandi, thought I.

So, learning it would be a good two/three weeks before the eye cleared up, it’s been business as usual with my brushing off the "what happened to your eye questions" with "I went to bed, stuff happened in my sleep, I woke up like this. Every day I get out of bed is an adventure".

I do wonder, however, if having pepper sprayed myself has something to do with the bloody eye which today looks to me like it’s already clearing up.



  1. God did make some eye doctors, ya know? vs. not knowing why it's red so suddenly vs the alternative bad outcome. No, not the Target store eye doc, a real MD eye doc. Howz da blood pressure? Pretty sure it's not tiny lizard poop. Linda in Kansas

    1. Had a BP check the day before. Something like 119/56 so not that. Maybe stress of when lizard came back to life.

  2. Wow. The eye does seem to be clearing up quickly. I get those often. I used to want to hide myself away. I don’t worry so much anymore. With your beauty, who cares!

    1. My first and hopefully last time with this, you flatterer you.

  3. I skip the "Why me" and go right to "Why not somebody else?"

    And it may have been the pepper spray, but it is looking better!

  4. Or you might say "Oh a couple of my movie star pals came around and we spent a rather riotous night." Let 'em make up their own stories!

  5. Well, so long as your eye clears up, all is well!

  6. "I do wonder..." Ya think?! HUH? Just maybe... You could do a test. Spray yourself again and see if the same thing happens. You know, be scientific.

    1. If this your way of volunteering to be my scientific test subject, okay. Next time I'm down your way I'll bring my taser and mace.

  7. I wonder if it was the pepper spray that irritated your eye. Hopefully your eye clears up fast for you.

    1. Must have been, because eye is already pretty much cleared up.
