Thursday, July 13, 2023

A Real Oven Repair Technician

I was hoping Head Maintenance Guy would delay responding to the workorder I’d submitted eleven days ago — re the oven no longer working, until Assistant Maintenance Guy returned from his honeymoon.

Alas, I guess HMG stalled as long as he thought he could get away with and showed up on Tuesday.

He was uncharacteristically polite. I saw and felt no signs of an attitude.

After turning the oven on, sticking his hand in the oven, saying he felt heat, inviting me to stick my hand in the oven where I also felt heat, he stuck some thingamajig in, pulled it out, looked at whatever the thingamajig had registered then pronounced the oven as A-Okay, working just fine.

What do I know, thought I. I could have been wrong or perhaps it was one of those situations where something doesn’t work until the repairman shows up and then it works fine. So, I accepted HMG’s pronunciation and, as soon as he left, I put a meal of salmon and zucchini in the oven for dinner, cook time expected to be around 15/20 minutes.

One hour later, the meal was a little warm but totally absolutely unequivocally uncooked.

With the world having gone cra cra — people nutting up daily, going off the deep end, I don’t want to push HMG over the edge and into making me a victim of a cra cra by doing something like coming up here mad that I’ve submitted another workorder on the oven he pronounced A-Okay, jimmy rigging it to self-destruct, taking me with it next time I tried to use it. I’ll just wait until I see HMG out and about, approach and tell him how that salmon/zucchini cook went and leave it at that until AMG returns.

In the meantime, I’m still enjoyed the occasional s’more made in the mini oven I purchased.

And I do mean occasional because, with me working on getting my cholesterol and sodium numbers under control, these tasty little high in sodium and sugar treats are not a good option.

A better option are the old-fashioned hot water cornbread patties I’ve been binging on ever since Jennifer, over at Sparrow Tree Lane, posted her "late mother-in-law and Tyler’s grandmother Edythe’s" recipe for cornbread fritters, which reminded me of how I’d practically lived off hot water cornbread through most of my childhood because it was then considered "poor people food" — the simple ingredients of cornbread and water went a long way in helping my mother provide for six of us.

There are no eggs in these fritters, thus no cholesterol, I’m able to adjust the salt to a tiny pinch, thus very little sodium and no sugar, even when I decide to go sweet by adding a little stevia. They don’t have to be oily — a little dab can do ya.


  1. They don't make appliances like they used to. Those in my complex are all not quite two years old and countless numbers have already had to have service calls. I love your mini oven. I need to try some 'smores!

    1. They certainly don't make them like they used to. There's always something going wrong. I feel sorry for homeowners who have to deal with these situations. At least I'm a lessee, it's not my problem. A minor inconvenience, but not my problem.

  2. Maybe have HMG up for dinner and cook him some salmon. i imagine when he sees it's nearly raw, he might rethink his abilities.

    1. He's a legend in his own mind. Will never ever rethink his abilities.

  3. It's a shame you didn't think to take a photo of the non-cooked salmon and zucchini, but maybe you can recreate the meal. Including a thermometer set inside the oven in the photo would be even more proof.

    1. What a great idea! Missed opportunity. I should have walked it down and shown him. Maybe I'll videotape another try. Show it to him.

  4. So sorry you can't indulge in THAI FOOD and PIZZA and MEXICAN FOOD and..and..and. And actually I am sorry. For my bad conduct. Now I'm going to go have some Hunan Spicy Beef! (I'm lying.)

    1. Thai and Mexican are other favorites. Life is just not fair, but I indulge by doing my own cooking of Chinese, Thai, Mexican but leaving out ingredients that would make me ill. I've even tested out recreating bakes I've seen you post, but with gluten free products and with mixed results.

  5. The Fritters look tasty. Sorry you can't eat so much Food that I'd have trouble refraining from enjoying, it must be hard to keep on track when you have food/digestive issues. My Granddaughter has them and it's difficult to navigate her diet sometimes to ensure she's not suffering.

    1. My heart goes out to Princess T because she's so young while I'm old, experienced many years of eating what I wanted when I wanted. Now I eat with my eyes and satisfy myself with your food porn postings.

  6. I find that sort of thing happens when I take my car to the mechanic: it doesn't make the noise at the repair shop. Then I started video recording the car with my cell phone. Hope the repair guy figures out what's wrong. Linda in Kansas

    1. I know and I hate when that happens. It's frustrating, makes one look bad in front of the repair person.

  7. I knew the oven repair was too good to be true. Your patience is admirable. Those fritters look good and right now not a lot looks good.

    1. Sorry it's not going as well as expected. Have you ever tried or thought about acupuncture to supplement the medical care you're being given?

    2. Thanks, Shirley. Yes, tried acupuncture for the sciatica pain. Nothing has helped except upper body strength training (it seems to take the pressure off). That's an impossibility now. It hasn't been quite as bad these past 12 hours (touch wood).

  8. I've been on a low carb diet for about a year now and it is not easy changing what you eat because of health problems. So happy to see that you found some sort of corn fritter that you can eat and that you like. Hopefully they get your oven fixed at some point soon.

    1. No doubt that, at some point, the oven will get fixed. When that point will come is anyone's guess.
