Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Pizza Tuesday

The verdict is in on the new Activity Director — she gets an F.

Patio decorations newly drenched by yesterday’s rain, I’m still not able to put things away. In the interim, I’ve been going through all the containers in the patio storage area, reorganizing and discarding what I’m finally able to let go of.

While busy doing so, I get a call from Red Light that the new Activity Director was having bingo today 1:00.

For purposes of clarity — every Tuesday is called Pizza Tuesday because it’s the day every Activity Director, since 2014, brings in full sized pizzas and sometimes side dishes for any resident that wants/needs and then the AD’s duty is either to provide us with bingo or crafts.

"If it’s not raining, I’ll join you guys", said I in response to Red Light.

It was only sprinkling outside when the time came, so off I go to the Community Room.

First off, the prize table was insulting.

"This is what they seem to like at my other properties. It saves from having to buy it", said AD.

Looking around for bingo cards and chips, all I saw was one small container of little plastic rings and tiny cards.

Evidently, this is what she offered last time for us to play with. Told that it wouldn’t work for us, she allowed Red Light to bring down the equipment we usually use and everyone present today, including AD, was expecting Red Light to do so again, but she didn’t show up.

The Baker called Red Light to check on the equipment coming down, but was told by Red Light, "I’ll have to call you back".

After a 15 minute wait, no call back from Red Light, no equipment and prizes not worth the effort, I got up and headed for the exit.

"Where are you going? We’re going to play bingo", I heard the Choker say (Choker being the resident who fell to the floor choking on food stuck in her throat at the surprise Birthday party for the Baker back in September).

"I’ve waited long enough", said I as I exited the room knowing I had better things to do.

Before heading back to the unit, since I was out, I jumped in the car, drove to the market for eggs and Mega tickets — now up to $785 million.

Hell will freeze over before I ever again waste my time going to the Community Room to participate in the new AD’s bingo or craft activities.

Didn't take long for her to prove herself to be just as bad as the last one.


  1. Wow, you're right that the prize table is insulting! Downright pathetic.

    1. I seriously doubt it's what her other properties want. More like they're accepting what is being offered.

  2. The prize table is appalling. Truly offensive. Usually, places find good staff for these positions and they often move on for better pay. There's something wrong with the people doing the hiring.

    1. Absolutely! and the type of people they hire as staff overall has been the problem ever since Corporate bought and took over managing this complex back in 2013.

  3. Replies
    1. She fits right in with what Corporate represents. If you're good at your job, you get fired. They want poor and mediocre performers because they're cheap and will follow what Corporate expects without question.

  4. My goodness, that was a disappointment and a half! Somehow I don't think you were surprised. JanF

  5. Sounds like Red Light was giving the new AD the big, middle finger. Sounds like she deserves it. What crappy prizes. Who would bother going to such a disorganized event. You were smart to bail out. Better things to do, indeed.
    Paranormal John

    1. I got the impression something came up to prevent Red Light from attending, but won't be sure it was that or some ulterior reason until I next see her.

  6. I have nothing new to add. I'm in agreement with you and the others. Now you know not to have a glimmer of hope.

    1. Fortunately, with the Baker and Red Light always arranging some form of entertainment, we don't really need an Activity Director. They should just shave something off the rent for those two, give them the job.

  7. Mega Millions up to 940m. Get your ticket today. You know you're not going to win so you need a few days to think about what you would do with the money if you did win.

    1. I know precisely what I'll do with the money WHEN I WIN. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut but you'll know I've won, because I'll stop buying tickets. No further need.

  8. Oh man that's such a disappointment.

    1. I should have known better than to even think she'd be an improvement.

  9. Those are terrible presents and quite insulting really. Looks like no thought was put into the choice at all. Fingers crossed for the lottery for you (what an insane amount to be won - wouldn't it be great if the winner got half and the other half went to help the needy.)

    1. Absolutely no thought into those prizes, but I did say my first observation of her was playing on her phone at the holiday party while the rest of management did all the work. So, you could say it was a clue for what was to come, LOL. The last two pots have been an insane amount and with so much coming in to meet their own needs, needs of their families, one can only hope the lucky winners have become philanthropist in one way or another to share.

  10. I think she got the prizes from under her sink.lmao but how disappointing. .. and insulting...Dawn...the Bohemian

    1. It certainly did look like she brought items from home.
