Thursday, August 1, 2019

Senior Down, Et. Al.

Evidently, there was a fire on Little Mountain yesterday.
I didn’t hear a thing, and it was fairly close. 
Same area as that big fire we had in December 2017, when us seniors were told to standby for evacuation and a former coworker friend, living quite near, had officers driving down her street, with bullhorns, shouting for everyone to “get out now!”
Fortunately, the 2017 fire ─ determined to be caused by homeless living in the mountains, was handled long before it reached us seniors and coworker friend’s home escaped the blaze as well.
Coworker friend also escaped yesterday’s blaze, but it was alarmingly close ─ Having reached the top of the mountain, and fortunately extinguished before it made it down to her home.

I wonder about all that dry brush and lush greenery behind her home.
Is either, or both, a help from or food for the fire?
As for what else is happening around here, work on the Starbucks just steps away continues.

The old guy living in that lot was displaced when fencing was extended to block off the entire lot.
I’ve driven around the neighborhood, curious as to where he relocated but, to date, haven’t seen him in over two weeks.
Cutting through the Community Room, after this morning’s workout, I learned The Baker’s neighbor ─ a nice old guy who so liked my Jeep that he went out and bought the same exact model/color, had a bad fall.
Broke his pelvis.
In McDonald’s.
No word on what caused the fall but I don’t think cause matters, because ..... McDonald’s, so $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Not that $$$$$$$ is going to truly compensate him for the pain and now inability to care for himself.
He was in rehab for a while and, after returning home, The Baker was taking care of him. But now The Baker is slated to have surgery on her ankle.
As to who will care for her neighbor now, it’s unknown. Probably have to get a caregiver, much like Nosey hasdepending on whether he has a medical package that covers that sort of thing.
I don’t recall what brought up the conversation but, on Tuesday, Trainer asked if getting to a point where I'm dependent on others is my biggest fear.
My answer was “No, I don’t fear that at all” and told him what my biggest fear is, which I’m not willing to share here.
As to why I DON'T fear being dependent on others, that’s because I'm prepared I KNOW there is and will be no one I can depend upon.
Never has been.
Never will be.
Not family ─ Twin 1, Twin 2, Granddaughter, who are all too occupied with their own dramas.
Not family ─ Twin 1, the three Grandsons, whom I can’t trust.
This goes back to my now deceased brothers, sister, even my mother.
It’s very hard for me to ask for help, but when there came a time I had no choice but to ask brothers, sister, mom to do something for me, they all came up with excuses.
I remember when Twin 1 was relocating to San Diego, chasing after a man. She was such a handful during that time that I was happy to see her go for whatever reason, but neither of us had the funds to facilitate the move.
I had three strong nephews and asked if they’d help Twin 1 with her move.
No, said they. Their car couldn’t make it that far.
I don’t know how it happened but, on the way to work, the bus driver and I got into conversation about the situation and he offered, on his day off, to move Twin 1 to San Diego.
No strings before, nothing asked of me after.
He was just doing a good deed.
So after Twin 1 was all moved in, she called to say all the boys (the nephews) were visiting.
I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry in my life. Not just that they wouldn’t help her move, but that they had the nerves to visit after saying their car couldn't make it that far, and further angry that she didn't call them out on it.
I’d have slammed the door in their faces.
It was a very hard lesson when I finally woke up, realized I had to accept that, though I’d gone out of my way to be there for family, no one was ever going to be there for me, but it was a lesson I learned. Family taught me well.
Oddly enough, the Universe always came through with so many instances of some mysterious someone ─ like that bus driver, like a woman who had just returned from burying her father, but got in her car, drove me to the hospital when mom declined to do so, and those times I was able to draw up the strength, power through on my own.
That I expect will be my future ─ I’ll power through or some mysterious someone will be provided by the Universe.


  1. For a long time, I had no one. My youngest now has 15 years clean and sober....which I consider a miracle. I also have G.

  2. The Universe has provided for me as well and I can so relate to your experience. My Dear ole Dad always said nothing sorts people out quite like trouble... and who will be conspicuous by their absence when it's not fair weather... Dad was Wise. I think those of us who always try to do the Right thing by anyone build up the Good Karma when we have a legitimate Need. The random Strangers who've come thru for me is always evidence that the Universe is Aware of what I have Need of and will provide. I think in Modern Society so many are reluctant to get involved, so I do think many have nobody they could actually count upon in a Crisis. I Hope the Man who fell has a complete recovery, no amount of McD's $$$$$$$ can compensate if he does not, long term Care is prohibitive.

  3. I think I can count on my kids but I worry that I will be as much of a burden on them as my mother was on me. I have told my children that the last thing I want is for them to go through what I went through and even if it means putting me in some stinky old nursing home. I will be ok. Being old and sick is scary but there is only one way to skip it and you know what I mean. The residents here are in so many different age groups and health groups. I saw a large amount of household objects in the garbage today. I assume that someone is leaving us to either nursing home or passed away. I also see a few home health workers around. I think they will continue to be used more and more in the future.
