Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cart Before the Horse

Not a lot going on since the last post indicating not a lot going on. LOL.
I experienced a few days of the mother of all gut episodes, after eating roasted brussel sprouts — which I’ve enjoyed sprouts before with no problem. As to why the sprouts tried to kill me this time is a mystery.
At any rate, the episode caused me to not only miss participating in a 5K this past Sunday, but also caused me to realize I was putting the cart before the horse in planning for a tummy tuck instead of first having a Gastroenterologist take a look inside and see if anything can be done to end these episodes.
Kinda reminds me of how stupid I thought it was when a company I was working for had me send out bids for street paving. Shortly after the street was paved, everything looked nice and smooth, the company then decided to send out bids to tear up the new paving to replace pipes under the road. The result being we were back where we started, with a bumpy road, not to mention an enormous waste of money.
So not wanting a bumpy abdomen, I cancelled the September 4th appointment at the plastic surgery clinic and am now waiting for an appointment with my primary for referral to an internal specialist.
I was actually rethinking plastic surgery before the gut episode made my mind up for me, because initial contact with the clinic was unpleasant, which I took as a sign.
Once I received notice the referral had been accepted, now I was to call for an appointment, I called.
I responded to all the questions the appointment secretary required to prove my identity, which were plenty, she then asked to verify my telephone number.
I did.
She then asked, “And the other telephone number is?”
“I don’t have another telephone number”.
“Yes, there’s another number listed here”.
“Well, I don’t have another number”.
At this point I’m thinking, as she continues to insist there's another number, what difference does it make inasmuch as I’ve already given her sufficient information to identify myself — name, birthday, address, member number and a telephone number which matches her records.
As she continues to insist there’s another number and begins to tell me what I need to do to correct the problem, I began to boil and was thinking of hanging up and forgetting the whole thing, when she finally stops talking to me like a child and says, “But I’ll go ahead a schedule you for a class”.
Like she’s doing me a favor.
I really wish now that I’d asked for her supervisor or had told her to take that class and shove it.
At any rate, the second sign I should forget the whole thing was that a three-hour group class presentation is involved.
I figured the class would show me horrible disgusting surgical procedures that would make me rethink the procedure, but I stilled planned to push forward — that is until this latest gut episode caused me to realize I should put the horse before the cart.
So that’s where I am with that.
Not seen much of the seniors except, as I was returning from Thursday’s workout, Apache comes running up to the car to tell me he’s gotten another one of the big wigs at corporate fired.
I think that’s two notches on his belt, maybe three. I can’t keep up. LOL.
Apache has this long running battle with Corporate and our office staff.
They’ve tried everything to castrate him, keep him in his place, but he always comes back stronger than before.
What happened this time is, late one night, Apache spotted someone on the premises trying to steal a car.
Corporate, and office staff, had ordered Apache, under threat of eviction, to stop patrolling the complex, stop calling the police. And further, to not confront unauthorized persons on the premises.
That do not approach I’d agreed with, having told Apache many times it was dangerous for him to do so.
He didn’t care about the danger, even though he’d once had his nose broken by someone he tried to chase off.
At any rate, Apache went to the office about what he’d seen.
The office told Apache to stay in his lane.
Apache then sent an email to corporate, indicating that the car thief was not able to get the car, but did damage in the attempt. He further pointed out that inasmuch as the property is Crime Free Certified, there are rules and regulations required to maintain that certification and corporate and office staff are in violation of those rules/regulation.
A big wig at Corporate emailed back for Apache to stay in his lane and further “We don’t want to hear anything else about what’s going on over there”.
Big mistake.
Huge mistake.
It’s the job of Corporate and Management to see that we’re protected … especially if they want to keep the crime free certification.
Apache got the proper organizations involved and that Corporate Big Wig was fired for his email response about not wanting to be bothered with what's going on over here.
Not sure where the new Community Manager, whom we all like, fits in all of this, but he’s still here.
As for Apache, that guy is covered in Teflon. Nothing they do can stop him.
Other news is ... the Baker is out of her unit. Well, kinda sorta.
She’s wearing a boot and gets around on her husband’s motorized wheel chair.
So that's all I've got for now. Life is slow .... and I quite like it like this.
BTW. Last week’s Your Opinion Counts survey, didn’t count for much. I received a “We’re sorry. Please take 10% off your next purchase”.
As if there will be another purchase.


  1. Oh, goodness. You are having days like mine. Yes, going to a good gastroenterologist is the best thing you can do for you. You might update your "I can't eat this" list too. Perhaps it was the oil they were roasted in, says the person with allergies and IBS.

    1. You may have something there about the oil. I was following a shrimp and brussel sprouts recipe that called for sesame oil, rather than my usual olive oil or avocado oil.

  2. I can see how Apache got his 'handle'... he goes Old School Apache on 'em and my Dad was like that, Bless Apache for his refusal to bow down and be intimidated by any Man. My Dad, who was of Native American Heritage, always said you would fight an Apache all day long and never see one... they were fierce people and the last Tribe to be forced to do anything... only to avoid complete Genocide of their people, which would have been the outcome otherwise I'm sure. Anyway... he did the Right thing and Corporate clearly wasn't doing their Job to be awarded a Certification and keep Residents protected. Something way more serious than car theft could happen to any vulnerable Adult. As for the Tummy Tuck, I'm relieved to hear you're not putting the cart before the Horse and heeded the gut instinct {no pun intended} not to move forwards, it didn't sound like it might have been a good idea from what you've conveyed. As for Death by Brussel Sprouts, I Hate them, so not likely to be a casualty. Glad you're better, glad you're back... even in the Slow Lane your Posts are always enjoyable and I look forward to them!

  3. My gastroenterologist says no alcohol (don't care), no caffeine (don't care), and no spicy foods (never did like spicy stuff).

    1. I don't drink (except for champagne at Christmas), so no problem there. Love spicy stuff but can't stand the pain, so no problem there. But if the gastroenterologist tells me to give up coffee, I'm walking out of his/her office. LOL.
