Sunday, January 14, 2024

They’ll Never Know

Still relatively quiet and uneventful around here on the complex.

I say "relatively" because there was a little neighbor vs neighbor beef over removing clothes left too long in the Laundry Room washer.

The two neighbors involved both live in my building — Neighbor 1 lives downstairs beneath Next Door Neighbor's unit; Neighbor 2 lives upstairs around the corner.

Neighbor 2 tells me she removed Neighbor 1’s clothes from the washer, piled them up nicely so she could use the machine.

When Neighbor 1 returned to the Laundry Room, found her clothes out of the washer, the conversation went something like this.

Neighbor 1: You can’t touch my clothes.

Neighbor 2: I waited half an hour.

Neighbor 1: I’m going to complain to the office.

Neighbor 2: Go ahead.

Neighbor 1: And you can’t have a dog in here.

Neighbor 2: My service animal goes everywhere with me.

Neighbor 1: Well, what if I kicked your dog?

Neighbor 2: I’ll call the police and have you arrested.

Whereupon, Neighbor 1 backed off and left the Laundry Room.

Other than that, it’s been all rainbows and unicorns.

I was lucky at Friday’s bingo, won Game 3 and chose a Peppermint Snow scented candle as my prize.

At the end of bingo, we had a going away party for Assistant Manager.

After 9 years here, she’s relocating to another Corporate property — in order to be closer to her son ... or so she says.

I don’t know that I believe the reason given, that maybe she wants to get away from the current manager that so many seem to hate, or that something is coming down the pipe for us that she wants nothing to do with, or perhaps it’s to get out of that building that I suspected of having something wrong with it when we were evicted from the Community Room for "safety reasons" back in August — when something was released into the air, followed by Community Manager becoming ill, Assistant Manager and her husband also becoming ill.

At any rate, she’s gone and the job of Assistant has already been filled.

I haven’t yet heard what’s going on with Boebert’s cat — whether she has to give it up because her doctor won’t give her a companion letter.

However, I did learn companion letters are a thing, others have had to provide said document.

Who knew?

The Dyson was moved over a few inches and lower to the floor, which left two pretty deep, $85 dollar sized holes in the wall.

And btw, I did learn management has the discretion to charge whatever fee they want for holes in the wall, but they cannot charge if the holes have been filled. So, if I ever move, I’ll make sure to toothpaste the hell out of this place. It will smell minty fresh.

So, anyway, I got to work with my little repair kit.

When all was said and done, even going over the area with toothpaste since so many suggested it, I ended up with a good enough repair job.

Problem is ... the whiteish color doesn’t blend well into the shell-colored walls. The areas are so bright that it’s like shinning a flashlight drawing my eyes in that direction the moment I walk through the door.

I can understand how toothpaste mixed with oatmeal would have solved that color problem, but too late now. I solved the issue in a another way.

I moved one of my vinyl rodeo wall stickers from the rodeo scene over to cover the whiteish areas.

They'll never know.


    The small holes you had don't need the patch, just the spackle.

    1. I used something that squeezes into the holes through a tube ... good enough for this place.

  2. Pretty good repair job, bravo. A shame about the laundromat incident. I used to dislike going to one since I always seemed to find a Crazy Laundry Person there who would be difficult for no apparent reason... some people get very territorial about which machines they want to use. *LOL*

    1. It seems Neighbor 1 is a bit of a bully, a side of her I've not seen before, so 'm proud of Neighbor 2 for standing up for herself. I didn't tell her Neighbor 1 is a licensed to carry security guard at UPS as it might make her worry that maybe pushing back was not too smart 😬

  3. “Well, what if I kicked your dog?” Dear lord!

    Spackle tends to be less bright white than toothpaste for wall patches. But a left-leaning (politically) cowboy works wonders.

    1. Threatening to harm the dog, because she didn't feel it should be allowed in the Laundry Room is pretty over-the-top and tells me a lot about a neighbor I heretofore thought was a nice lady. As for the cowboy, yippee ki-yay!

  4. Very good job and smart moving the sticker to cover it! I've had some dogs that would take the leg off if that person kicked it.

    1. Would have served her right, had she done so, and none of us would have helped her.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm just a little harmless old lady. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  6. You could think about getting a beige / magnolia test sample from a hardware store - they are only a couple of dollars and come with a built in roller these days.
