Friday, January 19, 2024


If all goes as planned, I won’t have to see another human being until Monday.

Waking up an hour before the alarm went off, not ready to get out of bed, I opened up Netflix on my phone and thought I’d give Fool Me Once a look.

Don’t think I’ll get beyond the first episode because not only is it too suspenseful, it’s predictable. I’m thinking the main character is being framed for a death that didn’t happen, because the MIL and not-dead husband want custody of the daughter and the main character out of the way — in prison or a mental institution. That’s a plot I’ve seen before, so I think I’ll pass.

Once out of bed, I saw the landscapers were here. I’d seen them every day this week working away, shoveling rocks in, but didn’t stop to question what they were doing, until this morning.

As you can see from the video, while a lot of the country is suffering a deep freeze, we’ve been having near perfect weather last few days, but rain is predicted for the weekend.

Heading out the door for this morning’s workout, first making certain TinTin wasn’t outside — except for that one morning when she was at her patio storage door, she stays locked inside, so I don’t think I have to worry about running into her anytime soon. But it doesn’t hurt to check first.

So, as I was saying ……… heading out the door, I saw management had posted a notice to our doors.

"Dear Residents, in order to enhance the services we offer".

Right away, my hackles went up because ……… What services? Management and Corporate offer no services whatsoever.

They long ago dispensed with coffee and donuts and a TV in the Community Room, not to mention you all know by now the saga of the refrigerator.

There was a time when the cost of TV and Internet was provided us on a group basis at something like $25 a month. Then all of a sudden, it was "if you want it, you’ll have to provide for yourself on an individual basis". Many cannot afford the $207 it now costs, have no TV, have no internet.

So what services are they alluding to?

Heck, we’re lucky if Maintenance responds to requests for services we’re entitled to because we pay rent for said services to be provided.

What follows after that triggering first sentence is ……… "In order to enhance the services we offer (bleh!), and the way we communicate with you about your community, we’d like to find out more about the technology you use in your household" and a two-page Resident Technology Survey asking if we have an iPhone or Android, Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Kindle Fire, Google Pixel, Internet-connected laptop or PC and Does anyone in your household have any experience making online payments.

How intrusive. It’s none of their damn business.

Don’t know what they’re up to, but perhaps it’s a glimpse into why my instinct was to question if Assistant Manager transferred to another property to be closer to family, as she said, or because she knew something was coming down the pipe for us and she wanted no part of it.

At any rate, I will die and go to hell before I complete this survey, and I double dog dare them to do the usual 2nd request to complete and turn it in.

I don’t mind telling them it’s none of their business, and I bet I won’t be the only one going rogue on this one. Enough is enough.


  1. Give Fool Me Once another try, the ending is actually pretty shocking and not at all the way you think it is.

    1. Really? Now I'm curious, so I'll have to block off a day and binge watch, cause I can't handle the suspense, episode by episode, over a period of days.

  2. Oooohhh, I sense an upheaval there at Wistful Vista. Go for it!

  3. Send management a survey: what services do you offer? I just have one of those square flat plastic TV antennas in my window with a cable to the back of my TV. I get lots of stuff and local channels. One-time $35 cost. Linda in Kansas

    1. If they hassle me to turn in the survey, I intend to ask that very question ... what services do you currently offer.

    2. This is when I am thankful to NOT live in a community like an HOA or a rental. We, too, have antennas for our televisions. One is on the roof, been there almost 50 years, for the 1996 tv in the living room. The other is like yours, a white flat antenna in our kitchen window for the countertop tv in the kitchen, circa 2005.

    3. I guess it's the price I pay for the tradeoff between home ownership and rental. My mom tried to make me buy the house across the street from her when it became available back in the day, but I didn't want the responsibility of being tied to one place, maintenance and upkeep on my dime, not to mention she would have dumped the relatives she was enabling on me. Annoying and expensive as this tradeoff has been at times, I still would choose no strings living. It wouldn't hurt management to go back to taking advantage of what cable companies offer with group packages ... we pay a small fee, management pays a small fee, but they don't want to spend a dime on what could actually be a "service".

  4. It would be funny to ask Management the same questions starting with “What services do YOU offer?”

    1. I'm sure that's a question other neighbors are wanting to ask ... "Services? What services? I don't see no services". Maybe management meant circuses because they're clowns.

  5. They're on a Need To Know Basis and they DON'T NEED TO KNOW Shirley, I wouldn't answer an intrusive Questionaire either and since their Motives are unclear as to why they think they need to know... well, they would definitely have to elaborate to get most people to even want to comply voluntarily. I would ask them what Services they speak of that they're offering? Perhaps ask if they will be offering new Services at no charge to the Residents? Most times it's just a Money Grab anymore, I took Issue with our Gym recently practicing Ageism and trying to extort an extra Hundred Bucks Monthly out of their Seniors enrolled in the Silver Sneakers Membership that Medicare already provides and pays for... I fully expect, if anyone, including Medicare, takes Issue, we'll just lose that Gym as an Option? I don't have to see any people until the Weekend is a Wrap either, sometimes it is Blissful to just have some Quiet Time without engaging in Socializing.

    1. I read that about your gym and it sent me down a rabbit hole looking into social media on the place. It all looks too expensive and hoity toity, but people seems to enjoy the luxury of it. I guess they only want the young fit pretty bodies frequenting their gym as it's somewhat taking the place of bars to meet and greet. Some girls online said it's a good place to find a "daddy".

  6. Oh, PS I added the AFTER pix of The Man's Hat... had already Published before realizing I didn't have one with the Roadrunner Pin and hastily took one at like 3:00 in the Morning... ha ha ha. And added it now to the Post.

    1. πŸ‘ at least now you know, though I don't always comment, I'm paying close attention πŸ˜„

  7. I agree. Not their business but it does make you wonder what's next. Double Dog Dare You. Love it.

    1. I don't think I've ever used that term in my life before, which goes to show I'm digging in deep this time.

  8. The CCC where I live we get our information through all kinds of devices---phone app, TVs, computers, Kindles and tables and hallway screens. No excuse for missing what's going on. It's the way of the future in places like you and I live. Nothing sinister in it. We didn't have to fill out a form telling them what we got but we did get a couple of classes explaining how to get connected on whatever we have to use.

    1. I seriously doubt they're gathering info for purposes of communicating with us and, after twice gathering info saying it was to provide us with something to improve our living conditions and then nothing happened, I'd be a fool to trust them, fall for it a third time.

    2. Hey, these management types are still sticking notes on your door, so we know they aren't very good at communicating. Maybe you should just stick a note on their door. πŸ˜„

    3. They used to have a suggestion box. Located it close to one of their video cameras so they could see who posted what and could hunt them down if they didn't like what folks were suggesting. πŸ˜‰

  9. There's absolutely no reason why they should be asking the residents that unless they are making changes to how you all communicate and want to know if everyone is online and can communicate through email and text. My apartment complex went completely online, text and email to communicate with management, ask for work orders and pay rent. We have to sign up with the resident portal to pay rent, renew leases, get email ect now.

    1. I remember how there was no one to reach in the office at your place, that everything is online. Maybe they're planning on getting rid of office personnel here as well. Another reason to question why Assistant Manager transferred out. Hmmmmm? I don't think anyone here would miss Community Manager, but not everyone here has electronic devices other than those little free phones the county gives them that have limited capabilities.

  10. Why is whatever kind of phone you have needed to "enhance" anything?
    Management needs to be overthrown.

    1. "whatever kind of phone" ... Exactly! and "overthrown" ... I wish. But people can only be pushed so far, so we'll see.

  11. None of their damn business is right! What a strange request. Time for an uprising.
