Friday, January 5, 2024

Suspicion and Distrust are Good

Back in November, I’d blogged about how one of the Sikhs that own and operate the gas station at the corner had thought it funny to cough and then back hand waive his germs towards me.

One comment was "You are a brave soul to go into a gas station store and pay for your gas. I use my credit card", to which I replied "It's dangerous to use cards around here as crooks set up gadgets to read cards. We're warned to check for gadgets first, but I don't know what to look for, so I play it safe and pay cash".

So, it looks like my now suspicious and distrustful nature served me well, because Red Light called late last night, asking me to create a flyer for something I said no to because I felt it wasn’t in our bailiwick.

What she wanted was a flyer warning resident to not use their credit or county issued electronic cards for purchases at the corner gas station, because Dream Lover and Complex Manager both had their cards skimmed.

Dream Lover got taken for $900; Complex Manager (CM) "lost her whole paycheck".

Inasmuch as Red Light had suggested CM put out a warning notification to residents, which CM had not only refused to do but ordered Red Light and Dream Lover to "not talk about it with others" (that was nervy of CM), Red Light was incensed, said "She (meaning CM) won’t do anything to protect us around here, and she won’t let us protect ourselves" and was taking it upon herself to put out a flyer/warning notification.

When I said no, to let word of mouth handle it, Red Lights said, "I’ll make one up myself".

I doubt it, because she doesn’t want to get into any more trouble with management than she’s already in. Besides, her modus operandi is to stand quietly in the background while cajoling and manipulating others into doing her dirty work.

No doubt, word of mouth will keep others around here from being victimized, but I feel for the many other clueless victims stopping into the station for gas and snacks, and made a point of calling Twin 2, telling her not to use her card for gas at that location.

Once word does hit the grapevine, I imagine folks will be sympathetic to Dream Lover, but CM’s loss will be viewed as karma for being so mean to us.

After hearing Dream Lover used his card inside, and CM used hers at the pump, I’m now suspicious of it being an inside job, because how did someone attach the credit card skimmer to the machine on the counter when there’s always someone working at the counter, which now makes my suspicious and distrustful nature to amplify. I am now worried about using the ATM inside the market.

Can’t trust anyone, anyplace, anytime.

UPDATE: Before I’d had time to proofread and post the above, I had to leave for this morning’s workout and, before I even got to the car, I learned the grapevine had been hard at work overnight.

Our Boebert character — little miss don’t take my picture at bingo because I’ve got a lawsuit going, approached me with "Did you hear about the skimming at the 7-Eleven?"

When I returned from the workout, two other residents approached and warned me about the skimming.

No need for a flyer at all.

I was almost late to the workout, because Boebert was unloading, and I was interested in what she had to say.

"Pray for me" said she, because CM was ordering her to get rid of her cat.

"Why? It’s an indoor cat" asked I.

Though she had the cat when she moved in, at which time having the cat was approved by the previous manager and is on her lease, our current CM is saying Boebert has to supply a "companion letter" from her doctor and her doctor won’t give her such a letter.

I’ve never heard of such a thing. Besides, plenty of residents have cats and dogs, but Boebert said she’s being told they all have submitted "companion letters".

I don’t know if I believe that, so I suggested she check with the individuals that have pets and check her lease.

"THIS HAS TO STOP!!!" she blurted out — meaning CM’s harassment of us residents. "I’VE ALREADY HAD TWO HEART ATTACKS. I DON’T NEED TO HAVE ANOTHER"!

Well ……… the info about heart attacks is interesting, and the way she so quickly got all red with rage was a bit terrifying and gave me an idea as to why she’s got some kind of lawsuit going on. My guess is it’s one of those Dr. Bill LaTour disability claims.

At any rate, next few days around here should be interesting as I watch the grapevine continue to wind its way in through and around.


  1. Good Job on the Case there Boots and Smart move using cash. I had my card skimmed at a convenience store in Manhattan. The cop said to me, Lady don't you watch 20/20, Dateline and the like? He said to only go to a ATM at a bank to use your card. I had a shit ton of signs and yet I still tried to grab some cash to get to the airport. They took out 10K. Went to Tiffany's, my savings was attached to my checking account. Now I only use it where I can tap, they can't read those yet I was told.

    1. 10K is astounding. Did the bank reimburse you? I don't even trust bank ATMs any longer. Can't trust it doesn't have a skimmer on it, or people lurking around to electronically capture my number. I go inside and hope there's not a plant in the bank to let a conspirator outside know to target me cause I've got a large sum. Paranoid but prepared wherever I go now.

  2. Oh I think I’d be doing a lot of head shaking around there. Not a lot of credible people around.

    1. Less than credible people are everywhere, starting with those on the Supreme Court and in Congress.

  3. Always sad to hear about people losing money through skimming. Your strategy of using cash at certain locations is a good one, also not using any ATMs except one at a bank itself.

    1. Having to work around the criminals on a daily basis is getting to be exhausting.

  4. Never ever a dull moment in Tales of the Complex! Oy!

    1. I was beginning to wonder because it had been quiet for a whole three days, and then BAMB!

  5. Oh what tangled webs we weave.....Boeboert has stories and many we don't know...yet. Using ATM's are scary. Period. I got skimmed at a local gas station a few years ago. Thankfully, the bank traced them, and I got my $$ back. Luckily it was only a couple hundred. Pay with cash whenever you can is the word for the day, I guess.
    Paranormal John

    1. Yes, Boebert's tale of two heart attacks still doesn't compute with why she can walk down the street for all to see but can't be photographed at bingo. Oh well, to each their own. I wonder how they trace these skimmer people, and hope they diligently do go after them, because it's out of control.

  6. Replies
    1. Safest but so inconvenient to have to go to the bank because can't trust the equipment elsewhere.

  7. Grapevines do the trick every time and can't get you in legal trouble for slandering someone or a business.

  8. Scary. I'm glad you dodged that bullet. I think you're likely right about the skimming being an inside job.

    1. Others around here are coming to that same conclusion.

  9. The 7-11 does sound suspiciously like an Inside Job. Our Pumps now have a Security Device on them and if it's Seal is broken, tampering has taken place. Too much Technology is compromised, so I don't blame you for distrust, I prefer not to engage with a lot of Modern 'conveniences' since I think they are just a Criminal's Wet Dream and Crime waiting to happen.

    1. The dark side of technology and getting darker every day.

  10. Wow! Life just got very interesting around your environs. I think I'd find a different store to use.

    1. "Just got interesting" ???? as if not before. BTW, love the new photo. Shall we now refer to you as "Old Blue Eyes".

    2. Old, maybe. I think Waterlogue may have accentuated them a bit, as well as turning my gray(ing) hair golden once again.

  11. She got loud and red in the face that quickly? No wonder she's had two heart attacks! She'd better learn to calm herself or the third might take her out.

    You're smart to be wary.

    1. I was thinking the same thing about her having a third heart attack on the spot.

  12. ATMs and gas stations are the worst places to use debit cards. VISA will absorb all but the first $50 of each fraudulent transaction when reported, and often refund the $50 as well; it’s in the agreement everyone signs when their card is issued. The last time one of my cards was scammed, VISA caught it and called me immediately. Two attempted online purchases for clothing, which they blocked, and a $25 parking lot fee at an airport lot 4 states away, which went through but VISA reversed for me. It’s ironic…plastic was supposed to be safer and more convenient than cash. Now we’re starting to revert to cash.

    1. VISA is going to go bankrupt with having to absorb so many fraudulent transactions. They need to eliminate the source of the problem, go after these scammers.

  13. I never use my credit cards in machines anymore because you just never know if there's a skimmer device on them. I've been using cash for a while now.

    1. In many ways, technology sucks. It's meant to make life easier, but criminals take advantage.
