Feeling slight rumblings and swaying of the building yesterday and this morning, I thought perhaps I was imagining it.
That is until, returning from this morning’s workout, I ran into the resident who occupies the unit beneath Next Door Neighbor and asked if she’d been feeling seismic activity.
She had, so next I logged onto the earthquake tracker.
"San Bernardino has had (M1.5 or greater) 2 earthquakes in the past 24 hours; 9 earthquakes in the past 7 days; 41 earthquakes in the past 30 days; 507 earthquakes in the past 365 days".
Who knew.
So long as the rumblings and sways are limited to the earth letting off steam at 1.5, I think we’re good.
I also asked that same neighbor if she’d yet met our new neighbor (TinTin).
She had not but said, that because her unit is directly across from TinTin’s, she has been privy to who goes in/out and they all "Look rough".
Feeling the same vibes/red flags as I, she's not planning on introducing herself, said she's instead told herself, "I’ll just stay away from whatever that is".
I don’t always lock my door when I head down for a quick drop off to the dumpster, but now I will.
No news as to if and when the Community Room reopens. Perhaps Complex Manager is waiting to make certain the painted over crack in the ceiling is going to hold.
With the continuous rumblings and swaying, maybe I'll get lucky and it will all comes tumbling down, closing the room for months.
Checking sporadically on the nest in the naked tree, I’m beginning to think it’s an old abandoned nest, perhaps from when the tree was covered in leaves. Because, after all, why build out in the open like that.
I also, a few days ago, ran into the little guy that moved into the bad energy unit — upstairs, across the quad, over Red Light. He appears to be thriving.
He was carrying a rather large TV from his car to his unit when our paths crossed.
Strong little guy. Maybe I should name him Mighty Mouse.
"Getting ready for the big game?" asked I.
"No. My TV broke, had a crack in the screen. I had to buy a new one because they said I didn’t purchase a warranty".
"Where’d you buy the first one from?"
He named a well-known retailer that shall remain nameless here on the blog, because I don’t want to get sued.
I purchased a standing mixer from that retailer, which failed after one use. I’d not purchased a warranty and had no problem returning, getting money back. So why he couldn’t return a TV with a broken screen without a warranty was odd.
Once bitten, twice shy, so no longer trusting this retailer, I purchased a mixer from a different source. I also later learned some of what is sold by that retailer is actually from a manufacturer that has been accused of defrauding the public, and probably the retailer, by pawning off rebuilt as new.
So, though Mighty Mouse appears to be physically thriving in that unit, he seems to be losing some of his marbles, because after being denied recompense on the first TV, when I asked from where he’d purchased the new TV, he named that same retailer, but said "This time I bought a warranty".
Good luck with getting them to honor that warranty if anything goes wrong.