Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Where’s The Meat?

Popped into the corner market after yesterday’s workout and, though the market I blogged about previously had no meat, the corner market is well stocked to the brim.

Tons of Fried Chicken

How does that happen that one market has none, but another — different chain, is overflowing with product.

At any rate, I got my uncured bacon and, just in case, purchased two pounds of ground turkey. So, I’m good.

Waking up this morning with a rare burst of energy, I suited up and headed out around 9:30 to log in a few miles at the college campus.

There is this fun thing on TikTok where a content creator says, "Tell me you are (this, that, the other) without telling me", and others post a video depicting the thing that tells without words.

So, let’s assume you’ve asked me to tell you how cold I was without telling you it was freezing outside, and I was cold.

I had one in each hand to keep my fingers from freezing up and did very well considering I’ve had such a long hiatus from walking — logged in 5,000 steps.


  1. We have two Food Lions in town and we live right between the two of them. One has some shelves bare, but the other seems to have no issue at all.

  2. Those hand warmers are great things when it's cold outside!

  3. It's the same here. One market full and another empty. Or what one has the other is out of. But still I noticed a lack of frozen potatoes, like hash browns, home fries and French fries. Hardly any anywhere...still.

    I have several packs of those Hot Hands. They are wonderful here right now in 15-degree weather. Im thinking of putting them down the back of my drawers so I can keep my buns warmed too.

    1. Sprouts has tons of frozen hash brown and fries, last I checked. If you don't have Sprouts, try other organic grocers. Hot hands on the buns sound like what they mean when saying Buns of Fire. LOL.

  4. Loved your video and hearing your voice.

  5. Wow, from empty shelves at the other store to this. I've noticed that around here too. Maybe some stores just have better supply chain management or shipping services?
    Good for you for getting out and walking despite the cold. I used to be a school crossing guard and my hands would freeze. I shoulda had some of those hot hands!

    1. Trainer has a friend that works in the corner market. Next time I see him out stocking shelves, I'm going to ask him how his store is managing while others are not.

  6. I've read a couple of things recently. One is that 4400 steps a day give you the max amount of benefit for the number of steps. The benefit continues but declines up to 7500 steps but then flat lines. Still has benefit, just not as much for the effort expended.

    Two, is the 30 minutes of walking a day goal. Anything over 30 minutes has declining benefit. And 150 minutes in one day does not equal 30 minutes a day for 5 days.

    Now if I could just get motivated to do those. HA!

    1. The first step is the hardest. After that, you'll only have 4,399 to work towards, Easy peasy :-)
