Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What's In a Name?

It’s looking like the day I caught the Tyrant out walking in the wild was his last day. I’ve not seen his car parked out front since that day, and the area of the Activity Calendar for this month, where the name of our Community Manager appears, has been left blank.

Funny, but a few days before I learned he’d quit, I’d been questioning, to myself, why we even needed a Community Manager. The one we had didn’t seem to do anything, wasn’t serving a purpose.

Before he arrived, we’d been without a Community Manager for an entire year. Someone had been hired during that period, was in-training at Corporate, but quit before ever stepping foot on the property.

As far as us residents were concerned, during that solo year, things were working out fine. The only one who didn’t like it was Assistant Manager, who complained to Corporate about being over worked. Corporate responded in typical corporate fashion, that if she couldn’t handle the job, they’d get someone else.

She’s still here, does her job and often it was she whom we had to go to for a workorder because the Tyrant was busy ignoring us. Inasmuch as us residents have no complaints about her and, with free rent, plus medical for herself and her once ailing husband — who seems to have recovered from whatever that on death’s doorstep ailment it was he had, she ain’t going anywhere.

Perhaps they should just bump up her salary and forget about hiring another Community Manager.

So, that’s my two cents on that.

Caught news about Tom Brady’s retirement this morning, which means absolutely nothing to me because I don’t follow sports. What did seem interesting was his giving credit for his longevity to his "Body Coach" of 17 years.

That was the first time I'd heard the term "Body Coach" and wondered what's the difference between a Personal Trainer and a Body Coach.

Either Brady or someone else on the news said, "A Body Coach helps you do what you do longer", which seems to fit my situation.

There’s not much I can do at 78 years of age. The high impact of jumping rope, running, and pounding the boxing bags jolts every bone in my body, which isn't good; but thanks to the routine Trainer has developed with the treadmill, weights and ropes and pullies, it’s looking like I'm stronger, faster, fitter, and what I can do, I can do well for however long I have left.

Sounds like a "body coach" to me.

I’ve notices that others at the Pain Cave never called Trainer by his name, as I do. They call him "Coach".

Research online indicated "Fitness (body) coaches build a personal relationship with you, work to reach goals surrounding all aspects of mental, physical, and social health, and provide support in order to reach those goals. A personal trainer provides training whereas fitness (body) coaches provide coaching", which cleared up the titles NOT ONE IOTA.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was with her trainer for 20 years before her death and referred to him as her "Personal Trainer".

So, I dunno.

I do like the name "Body Coach" better than "Personal Trainer", but what’s good enough for Justice Ruth, is good enough for me — "Trainer" it remains.

Besides, as Juliet said to Romeo, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet" — a name is nothing but a name and it is hence a convention with no meaning behind it.

At this morning's workout, I brough up what Brady said.

Trainer's view was that "body coach" was just a more professional name for "personal trainer".

Just for fun, I asked which title he preferred. 

Trainer's sun sign is Leo the Lion so, inasmuch as how he's a jokester with an ego, I was expecting "His lordship ... His Highness ... King", but his suggestions were "Big Guy ... Big Poppa Pump ... Big Hoody Daddy ... Super Mega Destroyer".

In his dreams. LOL.


  1. Tell Corporate to promote the Asst Mgr to Mgr with a pay raise and title. If you call your Pain Cave guy anything exotic, he'll raise his fees! LOL. Nurses need "body trainers;" to get our exhausted bodies to work even longer hours, around old injuries and arthritis. Send "Big Guy" to K.C. He'll shovel 5 inches of blown snow first! Cheers, Linda in Kansas

    1. She doesn't want the job. I asked her years ago when someone left if she was going to take over the job. She shuddered. LOL. I can imagine it's because she doesn't want to work directly with Corporate, because it's sometimes easier/safer to be second in command. I can't imagine the toll on the nurses' bodies, not to mention the mental stress/strain.

  2. I think "Body Coaches" get paid more. Which may be why Brady had one.

  3. Yeah, "personal trainer" and "body coach" sound like the same thing to me too. "Body coach" is just the trendier term these days, I guess.

    1. Now that the trendier term is out there, I wouldn't be surprised to see more trainers using it to describe themselves.

  4. How about PITA? Pain in the ass.

    1. That's a new to me acronym but makes me think of Pita bread.

  5. "Body Coach" sounds like a little upgrade from "Personal Trainer". I think of personal trainers like yours - helps with and oversees your unique exercise needs and plans. I recall that Tom Brady has a whole plethora of things - diet, massage, mindfulness, etc. that rich people can have at their disposal. Maybe a body coach has more resources than a PT?
    Good luck with the Tyrant replacement.

    1. That seems to also fit under trendier name ... more resources more money.

  6. Ah Yes, us Leos are Jokesters with an Ego. *Winks* It is interesting the Names/Titles we bestow, isn't it tho'? Now, my Parents would have taken Issue with you saying there's Nothing in a Name tho', as both of their Cultures felt Naming imparted a lot to the Individual. I'm not entirely sure I am adamant about that, but certain Names have imparted things to those bestowed those Names that I have to admit were similar and interesting. As for the vacant position at your complex, perhaps your suggestion would be helpful to the Woman who is up to the job and avoid hiring another individual who isn't that's just filling a vacancy but adding nothing. Any way you could suggest that to the Powers that Be? BTW: Thanks for the input about the situation here... you just never know for sure... when it comes to Isaac, I'm sure there's his side of the Story, Mom's side of the Story, and the Truth. *winks, isn't that how all Stories go?"

    1. re BTW, there's something, I can't put my finger on, that's causing me to think perhaps there is a reason the mom reacts towards him the way she has and to give him the deadline of moving out at 18. If there is something hidden that needs to be known, you will eventually ferret it out. But she could at least have let him have the car he paid for.

  7. You're funny.

    Well if they do hire someone else, I hope they aren't a jerk.
