Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Back In The Saddle

More appropriately, it's back to the Pain Cave this morning, after a four-day vacation from working out, rather than the normal two day weekend off.

The car did get its annual service yesterday. Also taken care of was a critical recall, I knew nothing about.

I don’t recall receiving a recall notice or, if I did, it would be just like me to not realize what it was and shred as junk mail.

At any rate, that’s another appointment off my to-do list. Only thing remaining to get off my list, my mind, my back, is the Optometrist — scheduled for next week.

I spent the 3-1/2 hours at the dealership playing Pokémon GO, meditating, napping, reading.

Caught a new Pokémon, called Falinks, which netted me two thousand points.

I also engaged in two battles — lost both.

Not sure I’ll be playing Pokémon GO for very much longer. A newly implemented change is rolling out that’s making me less and less likely to continue. That change being, in order to perform some of the functions in the game, the user has to give permission to link to the contacts in our phone.

Seems shady to me, so I’m not doing that.

There’s always Candy Crush to play.

The only time I have to read is during downtime — while waiting for the dentist, the dermatologist, the car to be serviced. Thus, I’ve not made much progress on that hilarious read Everyone in this Room Will Someday be Dead.

The heroin, with all her issues, cracks me up. Like what I was reading yesterday .... she walked into the bathroom, mistook her own reflection for an intruder, shouted "Who are you!", made a fist and, attempting to defend herself, punched the mirror. Broke it of course, cut her hand, headed to the ER — and not for the first time as she’s a bit of a hypochondriac.

Not expecting any downtime at the Optometrist, and with something interesting about to go down in the book, involving the police and a dead former employee, I may have to make time to read.

Arriving back at the complex, I found the Monthly Calendar posted to the door.

It appears the Tyrant did not learn his Movie Night lesson. He’s tying again — on the 24th, showing Eddie and the Cruisers.

Where is he getting these dated movies from?

That movie, having to do with a rock and roll star, who disappeared at the height of his fame, is something like forty years old.

The notice indicates “Space is limited. First 15 to reserve get to watch the movie”.

I don’t think the Tyrant has anything to worry about, as attendees will probably be that same old guy and his wife that were the only ones to show up for A Quiet Place.

Also, there’s a meeting scheduled for the 17th to discuss a Travel Club — “go on exciting quarterly adventures, cruises, casinos, beaches, museums, musicals, etc.”

In a pandemic? With a variant floating around?

Since he can't bore us to death, looks like he’s trying a more direct route to killing us off.


  1. I wouldn't let Pokemon see my phone contacts either.

    1. Hopefully none of the players will allow the linkage, so the developer will drop the request.

  2. "the contacts in our phone"
    Not only no but HELL NO!

    1. You got THAT right. BTW, did you get the email I sent with an image showing where the 7 people, cat and mouse were? I couldn't believe so many didn't see because, even without blowing up the image, the cat and people immediately popped out. It took blowing up to find the child and mouse though.

    2. I got it. AND, I think I found a rudimentary sea horse also.

  3. A more direct route of killing you all off... you're hilarious my Friend! I missed my absence from The Land and will have to play catch up now I've recovered from the computer crash... I have this nifty ridiculously expensive upgrade now with a wireless system and screen as big as a TV, so glad The Man and Princess T talked me in to going big or going home. *winks*

    1. Good to hear from you! I was envisioning the worst. Left a message on the last post before you disappeared asking if you were okay. Congrats on the new pc.

  4. I used to play Scrabble on line with my sister. Then they "improved" it. It would no longer be available on our computers. It seems to me we had to use smartphones. Everything would be faster and smaller. OK for the youngsters, but not us. We bailed out.

    1. I hear ya. Developers of AlphaBettySaga did the same thing ... took it offline, made available on phone, which smaller didn't work for me so I too bailed. Us older folks are being phased out, but the joke's on them because all these youngsters they're catering to will one day be as we are now. So there!
