Monday, February 22, 2021

The Wind, a Drive, and a Letter

Woke up yesterday annoyed with the world because I didn’t feel sufficiently rested. It was Monday already and my weekend felt just so short.

Time is moving way too fast, thought I. There’s just not enough weekend in the weekend, lamented I.

Imagine my surprise and relief when, after laying out workout clothes, running bathwater, I logged onto the computer and learned yesterday was Sunday not Monday.

No wonder the weekend felt so short.

At any rate, after a do nothing, nowhere to go Sunday, I was feeling well rested when I woke up this morning, much better prepared for another week of life, i.e., workouts and errands.

First errand was, after the Pain Cave, to drive 25 miles to the mall to pick up beauty products I’m running low on. 

Since I can no longer trust USPS, I had to set my order for curbside pickup, rather than mail. Wind was kicking up so hard, I didn’t feel safe driving the freeway, so I drove the streets all the way up and back, which made for a long drive, but it’s done.

Returning to the complex, I ran into Apache, whom I filled in on photos having turned up ... twelve days after having been delivered to the wrong box, but at least they turned up.

”That’s nothing”, said Apache. “I found packages placed on top of the mailbox ledge, right out in the open, and had to go tell the people that they’d better get down there and pick them up”.


Returning from the Pain Cave on Friday, I’d actually seen a package on top of the mailbox ledge. I almost took a photo, but I was tired from the workout, my phone was deep in my workout bag, the package wasn’t for anyone in my quad so, not feeling like doing a good deed that day, I didn’t get involved.

The fact that Apache saw this dereliction of mail carrier duty as well, plus additional packages, indicates we’d better get used to it. It’s our new normal and looks like that long drive was the right thing to do.

Apache went on to say he was happy to have run into me because he needed a favor ... that Bicycle Boy and management are double teaming him with Bicycle Boy spreading rumors that Apache has threatened him, management with sticking the lawyers on him about posting to what management says was their website.

If you long time readers will recall, that came up way back in April 2020, and I used managements b.s. as an excuse to get out from under being administrator to the Residents’ Volunteer Activity Committee's facebook page and deleted it.

If, as management says, the page was theirs then where is it? How did it get deleted?

Lawyers are once again involved ─ management’s lawyer and Apache’s lawyer, so Apache asked if I’d provide a letter for his attorney explaining the nexus of that page and how management had nothing to do with it.

No problem. The letter has been written, signed and is ready for delivery to Apache’s attorney.

Apache had better hand-carry, rather than depend on USPS to deliver, but I’ve got copies ... just in case.

Former legal secretary that I am, it’s a whole two pages and designed to make management look like the fools they are.

No end in sight to the drama between Apache and Bicycle Boy, between Apache and Management.

On that long drive back to the complex, while stopped at a light, a house caught my attention.

Is it just me, or do the planks painted blue make it look like that area doesn’t belong to the same house? I was thinking white would have blended in, looked less jarring.

It’s terrible to have your home located on a corner, by a traffic light, where folks have nothing better to do than judge you for curb appeal or lack thereof. LOL.


  1. It's not just USPS that has issues. I was sitting at my desk yesterday and saw a FedEx truck stop in front of the building. The driver got out and put a box on top of the row of mailboxes (right along the street) and drove off. Ten minutes later I noticed the box had blown on the ground.

    I decided to do my good deal for the day, bring the box in, and put it by the correct person's door. When I got outside I found out the address belonged to a building down at the end of the street!

    1. Unbelievable! These people really don't care about doing due diligence in their jobs. Do they not realize that if we stop using their unreliable services, they won't have a job?

  2. "Woke up ..... annoyed with the world."

  3. Shirley, on Today's Post I put pixs of The Man's Rattlesnake Cane you wanted to see, I finally found the Photo Archives from 2012 that had them. As for your Mail problems, I'd notify the Postmaster for your Area and file a complaint since that's unacceptable and puts your mail at risk. It is a Federal Offense as you know to tamper with Mail but they don't enforce it worth a damn, but whenever I had mail problems I brought it up, first to my Carrier and if that didn't get desired results, to the Postmaster, and that straightens things out right away. I'm glad you got involved to help Apache with the harassment he's enduring from Management and their Lawyers, I hate when people get bullied, thankfully he has his own Lawyers. As for that House, I've seen some with that odd planks thing, usually in areas built in the 1970's, must have been a 'thing'? *LOL* Hey, it was the Seventies, what can I say, kinda a culturally deprived Era if you ask me.

    1. I saw the cane. Can't imagine that, even without fangs it would be any less terrifying, but so unique. If the woman who was our regular carrier ever comes back, I'll mention to her. See what she thinks. Will be interesting to see how my letter stirs things up on management's side. They can dick around with Apache because he's reactive, but I'm calm, cool, silently deadly, know how to play the game.

  4. A house on a corner is always difficult in my opinion, and on a busy corner must be the pits! In the Midwest it was bad because there was double the amount of sidewalk to shovel so we avoided buying on a corner.
    I hardly trust the delivery services these days. Did you read that the PO is putting up their rates a lot soon?

    1. I can't imagine why that house. On a main drag, no privacy in front because of the traffic light and a shopping center behind it.

  5. oy! enough for a monday! I would report your mail carrier.

    1. It would be useless. No one cares. They didn't when I went to the post office in person to complain the old guy who used to be our carrier was making too many mistakes (the guy I posted about saying "I don't make mistakes" when I confronted him), so I doubt anyone will care now, but I'm going to try to catch the mail carrier. See who it is. Take photos next time I see packages out in the open. Go social media on their behinds. That might net some results. Can't be our regular girl because she'd walk packages to doors if need be.

  6. When I read your header the first thing that went through my mind was Johnny Carson's Carnac the magnificant. It made me chuckle.

    1. LOL. Going Carnac might be a good idea for when I have a hard time coming up with a post title.

  7. I am sorry about your lousy delivery services. So far, so good around here. Everything is getting delivered, and I make sure to thank every delivery person who comes to my door.

  8. Why not send a complaint to the post office? They need to know that the delivery person isn't.
