Sunday, February 28, 2021


News broadcaster yesterday morning had me laughing out loud when he announced, “A staggering number of people are facing charges in connection with the January 6th riot on Capitol Hill. The Justice Department has charged over 300 people.”

Three hundred out of thousands?

Big Whoop!


Don’t be ridiculous.

The good news yesterday was that Lady Gaga got her pets back.

I’m kinda sorta maybe buying the story about a woman, not involved, finding the dogs tied up in an alley.

Further news, that Lady G is perfectly willing to give the woman the half million dollar reward, got me to thinking ....

If it were me, I’d be happy just to have been the one to find the dogs, return safe and sound. However, a half million dollars can change a person’s life, change the life of their family, would look great in a retirement plan, so I’d have to take the money.

I do hope, however, they find the culprits because, shooting the dog walker in the chest, they meant to kill him and how ridiculous was it that they were willing to do that ... kill someone.

Further ridiculousness is that I drove all the way back to the mall yesterday to curbside pick up what I thought was a new coffeemaker I’d ordered.

My old school camp-fire-style percolator is on its last leg, so I upgraded to a little 2-4 cup electric.

After braving the 25-mile drive in windy weather, turned out it wasn’t the percolator I was picking up. Instead, it was a free makeup brush I became eligible for with that last makeup order.

Nice, but not worth the drive.

The wind wasn’t as bad as that last time, when I was too scared to drive on the freeway for fear of the jeep being tossed around like a wet rag or trucks turning over on me, so it was freeway all the way up. But I could see there was a problem with traffic on the other side ─ the return drive, so I took the streets back.

It’s good to have options, know my way around impediments after all this time in the area.

I don’t want to jinx myself, but it’s more than odd and ridiculous that the utility company cut our power so often due to heavy winds last few months but now, when the wind is heavier than its ever been, we’re not getting noticed up the wazoo of planned Public Safety Power Outages.

I’m calling B.S. on necessity of the previous outages.

The mall was jam packed and I’d plugged in the drive cam to capture interesting scenes. It couldn’t be more ridiculous that I couldn’t get the device to operate.

Did I do something wrong last time?

Did I break it?

Won’t know until next time I give it a go ─ which will be when I get an email to pick up the coffeemaker.

No word on what Apache did with the letter I provided. However, running into The Baker, I learned management had given him a 3-day notice to move out prior to my providing the letter.

Apache didn’t tell me about that, but the Baker said Apache followed up on the notice by taking it down to the courthouse, where he was told it wasn’t legal, didn't mean anything because “We (the court) didn’t issue this”.

Evidently, management made up their own notice and tried to scare Apache out with it.

Their next move may be to try a lawful eviction, go through the process, which will probably fail.

No telling how this saga with Apache vs. Management/Apache vs. Bike Boy will end, but my guess is that Apache will go postal and end up hurting one or all of them.

Speaking of postal ... coming back from the Pain Cave on Friday, I saw the mail delivery truck pull up and got a glimpse of the guy doing such a poor job on distributing mail.

And, yes, it was a guy. Not our normal lady carrier.

I snapped his photo, so I could turn him in if I saw packages on top of the mailboxes, instead of inside; but, upon following up on his delivery, I didn’t see anything amiss.

Hopefully, our regular lady carrier is just on vacation and will return soon. If not, I’m on this guy like Management and Bike Boy are on Apache. LOL.


  1. I wonder at Apache actually wanting to stay in his unit considering what he keeps going through- but maybe he enjoys the feisty atmosphere! Seems rather like it.

    1. I think I’ll ask that question of him next time I see, but I suspect, deep down inside, it may be, as you say, he enjoys the challenge. Being a guy, he probably feels he has to win no matter what the cost. It may be a guy thing all around, because everyone involved is male.

  2. Our mail carrier constantly changes. They can bid on the routes they want and our route must not be a desirable one. After a couple of months there's somebody different dropping off the mail.

  3. drama at the club! we have a Black female letter carrier too; I've met her several times now.

    1. Always some level of drama. I'm thinking Cynthia's comment hit the nail on the head. Covid related.

  4. We miss our female mail carrier. She delivered mail around here for years, always with a smile and a wave if she saw us, and never left mail intended for someone else. She knew who lived where. I hope the reason she moved on is because of a promotion or a new career. Her replacement has a hair-trigger temper. My husband admits to glaring at him when he felt menaced by the mail truck while on his bike. The guy drove the truck around the block in a rage and caught up with my husband once again to continue the glare-fest. Could it be that Covid has made us all nuts?

    1. OMG! Sounds like they need to start doing mental evaluations on these postal carriers and, yes, it has crossed my mind that Covid is pushing some of us over the edge into insane behaviors.

  5. When we were first married we lived in a 45 story high rise in Chicago. Our building was the entire route for one mail carrier. Must have had seniority. He had a little private enclosure, let himself in there and distributed the mail all around the little slots leading out. He knew everyone and Everything that was going on! He once said to me, that was nice my parents were enjoying their vacation - they had sent a postcard! The worst was when our friend had lost his job and was out of work. The mailman greeted him in the lobby with a loud " Jack, your check is here!"

    1. He sounds rather creepy. I would have been uncomfortable with him being on the premises.

    2. It was! Our friend Jack, who was a very proper Englishman, was quite horrified and embarrassed too. What a deal of a job though- one building , no Chicago weather to worry about! The guy had it made.

  6. The Lady Gaga Dog Story just makes me suspicious of the person collecting the Reward, a hefty reward from a Celeb for their Beloved Pets would be motive enough to harm the Dog Walker. I'd be investigating that individual who 'found' them tied up in an alley... it is doubtful you'd shoot a Dog Walker of Celeb's Dogs and steal them only to abandon them in some Alley, it just smelly fishy to me. A half Million Reward... well, the recipient of that could be the Shooter, just sayin'. As for Apache, I hope he prevails against Management. As for the Mail... well, the Post Office was pretty much sabotaged for that attempted rigging of the Election. Now that it didn't work, they're trying all these new Voter Suppression Laws and yes, only 300 is not STAGGERING, even 3,000 wouldn't be given the size of that Mob of Domestic Terrorists, perhaps if they Indicted 30,000 of them, I'd feel Justice was being Served.

    1. The more I think about it, the more I think that the woman probably knows who shot the dog walker, stole the dogs, and will split the reward with those guys. It appears we're going back to the dark ages with those Voter Suppression Laws. Next, they'll be revoking from women their right to vote. The future is looking grim.
