Friday, January 8, 2021


Glued to the news, watching everything happening since chaos broke out at the Capitol.

I imagine quite a few in that crowd, knowing that the FBI is hunting them down, members of the public are assisting in identifying them, have now awakened and realize there might be consequences for their actions.

Some have already lost their jobs.

Good on their employers for that.

Others are lowlifes with no jobs to lose, don’t care if they spend a few hours in jail, as it won’t be their first time nor their last.

As to what consequences might be for those who’ve never gone awry of the law before involving themselves in this insurrection, I’m expecting it to be a soft slap on the wrist in the form of a tiny fine and community service.

Nothing new when it's not a minority group.

The only good thing I see coming from this is that I will no longer have to worry about No. 45’s threat to run again in 4 years.

Though stranger things have happened, coming from the Maga Hats, I can’t believe they’d be THAT stupid as to throw their support behind him yet again.

He's done, fried, cooked, over.

Speaking of consequences, Grandson-in-law, being a health care worker, got his vaccination yesterday.

Thus far, his only side effect is that his arm is “super sore”.

My doctor’s office left a message that, because of my age, I’m on the waiting list for next up ... call to set up an appointment.

I won’t be doing that.

My gut is telling me there will be side effects, that the drug was developed way too fast to know what those side effects will be.

I don’t want to die of Covid but, dealing with daily gut issues, I also don’t want to risk additional health problems.

Besides, I’ve lived long enough. I’d planned to make my final exit around the age of 35. Now here I am 42 years beyond my projected date of expiration.

Grandson-in-law is young. Can probably handle whatever side effects are to come. But, I’ll take my chances by staying away from crowds, wearing a mask, obsessively washing my hands. They can give my vaccination to someone who really needs it.


  1. DEATH TO ALL MAGAts! let them lose their jobs/homes/families! I DON'T CARE!

    and today some of them realized that the dump doesn't give 2 cents about them; IDIOTS!

  2. We two, too want to wait. At ages 80 ( husband) and me about to turn 76 we would like to see how the vaccine works before taking it. Side effects have almost killed my husband earlier since he has Parkinson's. I have told him that , if he needs to go into hospital one more time, he will not come out.
    Life is fragile.

  3. Even though I am at great risk with my diabetes and allergies, I think I will wait. First, since I can hunker down and many working people can't, I'll let those who have to be out get in line before me. Second, I tend to have slight reactions to drugs so I am concerned how I might be affected.

    1. That's how I feel. Give my dose to a health care worker or young grocery store worker.

  4. I can wait my turn, but when my turn comes up I'm taking it. I know plenty of healthcare workers that have taken it with absolutely no problems.

  5. I hope they throw the book at every single protestor. And the ones who made it inside and desecrated a federal building need real prison time.
    Finny, though, how the ones who've been arrested are now saying they meant no harm.
    Howsabout THINKING before you ACT, unless thinking is somehow foreign to you.
    And you're so right about the disparity in treatment of those of color versus these white terrorists. That's a disgusting sign of our times, throughout the history if this country.

    1. If they do throw the book at 'em for their crimes, it will probably be a thin paperback, rather than the tome they throw at us just for existing.

    2. Sadly, you're probably right.

  6. Crazies are gonna be crazy. My husband has a cousin who's a devout one-issue Catholic, who believes all his Protestant relatives are headed for hell. Our daughter crossed swords with him on Facebook, only to have his brother and sister-in-law tell her that he was nuts and there was no talking to him. If I know him, he thinks those who were arrested after trashing the Capitol were within their rights, even to the extent of carrying assault rifles into the building. I don't know how anyone can talk sense to such people. PS. I'm also going to get the vaccine ASAP (I already have a chronic lung disease that puts me at risk of dying from COVID). I'll let you know how things turn out. If I'm in heaven or hell, I will leave you with a sign--such as dropping a potholder on your kitchen floor. :-)

    1. Please do let me know how it goes. And please explain ... would the potholder indicate heaven or hell? LOL. My sister communicates from beyond the veil by leaving me bright shiny nickels.
