Thursday, August 2, 2018

Neither Rain Nor Heat Nor Damaged Slots ...

... Stays our courier from the swift completion of her appointed rounds because we got a mail delivery today.

Needless to say, I was not expecting mail today. However, heading for 1:00 Bingo in the Community Room, I spied a group of seniors waiting around outside the mail center, as they often do when the postal worker is putting mail in the slots.
Then I saw the mail carrier’s cart and asked of the group, “Is she actually delivering mail today?”
The postal worker, having overheard my inquiry yelled out, “Only the boxes that weren’t damaged”.
“Oh” said I. “I thought you were gonna get to have a vacation from us”.
She laughed and said “Talk to my supervisor about that”.
Fortunately, my slot was not damaged so I got mail, but I feel for those impacted. They’ll probably have to find their way to the post office to pick up.
Since the noise from the bad guy breaking in appears not to have disturbed the Assistant Manager – who lives directly over the mail center, unit on the left nor Head Maintenance Guy – who also lives directly over the mail center, unit on the right, I was a little worried the bad guy might come back last night to finish the job.
He didn’t, but there is not a doubt in my mind that, having gotten away with it this time, he’ll be back.
Apache is still after management over the pit bull; except, in the absence of a Community Manager, he’s going directly after Corporate – even has the Housing Department now involved. In addition to that, he’s on the warpath as to how is it that staff, living over the mail center, are deaf dumb and blind to what’s going on right under their noses -- the mail center break in, and the homeless couple who often have been observed using the jacuzzi, swimming in the pool, using the shower and then riding away on their bikes.
The pool is right under staffs’ windows.

A indicates Assistant Manager’s unit
H indicates Head Maintenance Guy's unit
M is the entry way into the mail center
The pool is so close to the both of them that any splashing around in the middle of the night/early AM, when the complex is so quiet you can hear a pin drop, would have to be heard. Is it they don't care to look out for us?
Perhaps residents who are more vigilant than staff, like Apache and the resident in cahoots with him, should have those units.
Upon seeing Apache at this afternoon’s Bingo, I asked if the camera caught anything. He tells me Assistant Manager says the camera did catch the culprit in the act, but he can’t be identified because he had a hoodie covering his face. 
That brings us back to Carol’s son, who would know to cover his face because there’s a camera overlooking the area.
However, Assistant Manager also told Apache that the guy had tattoos on his arms.
I don’t know if Carol’s son has tattoos, but Apache correctly pointed out that description doesn’t make sense because hoodies cover not only the face, but the arms. 
So, who knows, but I have a feeling the bad guy will return to do further damage and that, if and when we ever have another Residents/Management meeting, it’s going to be contentious.


  1. OK, here's a plan. Tell the mail lady you're going to put an envelope in your mailbox with a tracker in it and not to take it. Find a tracker that will alert your phone when it gets to far away. But that also means you can never leave the complex. Unless you have a better plan. :)

    1. I'll get back to you on that plan. Right now I'm laughing so hard I can't think.

  2. I just read Mike's plan. Good one if you never want to move from your sofa. :-)
