Saturday, April 14, 2018

Wag the Dog

Because I played it safe and remained indoors, I made it safely through Friday the 13th.
There was that snoring from the downstairs unit being so loud that it woke me up at 2:30. I didn’t get back to sleep until close to 5:00, slept until nearly 11:00, which pretty much threw my daily routine out of whack, so I suppose that could qualify as an unfortunate incident associated with Friday the 13th.
The snoring has only awakened me once before, but I think I’m going to start keeping a log to counter attack any future complaints from Little Miss Looney (such as my TV being too loud – which it probably is), since she’s proven herself to be a complainer.
I was almost tempted to head out in the afternoon, when I saw a Pokémon I wanted was just down the street at the dog groomers, but not wanting to risk it, I passed.
Wasn’t easy, because it was a girl I’ve only seen once since I began playing, and it took an entire year for that encounter. I managed to capture her that time, and it would have been nice to get her a sister.


Tomorrow, Sunday, is April’s Pokémon GO Community Day, 2:00 to 5:00.
That’s too late for me -- I’m a morning person, so I’m passing on whatever specials the game is offering, and opting to do my hunting today, at the University.
Apache’s birthday is coming up. That’s likely to turn into a big deal around here because he’s a favorite, management excluded.
Apache is a constant thorn in management’s side -- but only because he makes them accountable, which is what management can’t stand about him and what us residents appreciate him for.
He’s been especially protective of me – giving the office who and what for when I had to go to a hotel because former Assistant Maintenance Guy wouldn’t respond to my after-hours emergency when the smoke detector was beeping, and he volunteered to lock up the Laundry Room at 10:00 PM when my downstairs neighbor lodged complaints because she thought it was I, up and making noise at 3:30 A.M. when, in actuality, it was someone doing laundry.
At any rate, I thought I’d give him a gift. But what do you give the guy who literally has everything?
The answer popped up on the news feed yesterday when I saw an article entitled “Trump Neckties are Done and So is His Merchandizing Empire”.
Apache is a die-hard supporter of the Orange Idiot in Chief. He has the red hat, a medallion with the Orange Idiot’s face front/center, and who knows what other memorabilia, but I bet he doesn’t have this ….

Success by Trump Eau De Cologne

That article indicated that, before the Orange Idiot in Chief ran for office, he made millions by selling his name to other people’s products but that, “because of campaign-trail rhetoric on immigrants and Muslims, partners have quit” and the Orange Idiot’s goods are now being sold off at discount.
Originally selling for $60, marked down to $40, then $30, the cologne can be found for as little as $9.99 an ounce. 
Not familiar with the seller offering the $9.99 deal, I checked around and ordered from a trusted source for $17.67.
Apache’s birthday is next month, the perfume is to arrive next week, as will a birthday card.

Can’t wait to see Apache’s reaction.
He’s probably overjoyed right now with his boy’s strike on Syria. I myself am not buying it. I think the whole thing is Wag the Dog to take attention off Stormy and the Russians.
Unfortunately, it will probably work.
At any rate, if you’re looking for what I consider a gag gift or a souvenir, just in case Wag the Dog doesn’t work and impeachment is in Orange Idiot’s future, Success for Men is available at considerable discount.

1 comment:

  1. I see this as a gift that buys right into Apache's thinking and one that will endear you to him forever. He is going to be over the moon for this. You know what he likes. You took time to find what he likes. You gave him something he likes.
