Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Lil Old Matchmaker Me

Walking around the complex this morning, I did not see anyone cleaning out garages, nor did I se anyone checking garages. I did, however, run into Shadow who asked if I had jumper cables.
Of course, I did not but inasmuch as he needed someone who did have cables to give him a jump, I went to the other side of the complex to ask the gentleman who use to work on cars in his garage.
He was not at home.
I then walked back to my area and asked the neighbor around the corner, because I know he works on motorcycles and stuff. Surprisingly, he also did not saying he had “cables but not jumper cables”.
I’m not mechanically inclined, so I don’t know what that means.
After asking the new Assistant Maintenance Guy (one of the temps looks to have been hired on permanently) if he had cables and being told “no because I use triple A”, I gave up, went to check out the activity board in the Community Room and ran into a resident I’d never seen before.
I greeted him with a “Good morning. Do you have jumper cables?”
“Why yes, I do”.
How about that!
The right person, in the right place, at the right time.
The new gentleman has been here about a month, he says. Is retired for the Air Force and if I had to describe him I’d say he’s slow, small, gentlemanly.
Later, in the Community Room chatting with Church Lady, I spied the new resident and having the thought he’d be an ideal match for Church Lady, as she too is slow and small, I brought the two together.
We’ll see how it goes.
While the new guy was helping Shadow charge his battery, I invited the new guy down to the 3:00 surprise birthday party, but I’ll be surprised if he shows because I doubt he’ll remember because, when I later reminded him, he asked “What’s going on?” like he didn’t remember we’d talked about it.
Seems a sweet old guy, but may have a memory situation going on.

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