Monday, February 3, 2025

A Day Without Immigrants

I was wondering why it was that, when I popped into the market after this morning’s workout, I didn’t recognize not a single worker. No baggers were on site and none of the cashiers I’m accustomed to seeing were working.

Except for the manager, the store was staffed by strangers.

It wasn’t until this afternoon, after Judge Judy and before I could change channels to avoid the news, that I saw the announcement of A Day Without Immigrants.

Ooooooh, everyone took off in solidarity, thought I.

With all this DEI stuff taking the joy out of it, I myself am not celebrating Black History Month. I’ve also closed my Target and Walmart accounts.

And let me take this moment to apologize to my Canadian friends for what the Orange Menace is doing insofar as using tariffs to harass your country.

I’m a little upset that Canada, not to mention Mexico and China are capitulating, entering into discussions with the Orange Menace to iron out a deal.

My astrological sign is Capricorn the Goat — stubborn, resistant. I’d rather do without than give in to a bully, and I can’t be the only one who’d be willing to do so. So, if you all want to say "stuff it" to the bully, refuse to deal with him, with us, we will find a way to live without what goods you provide if it hurts the Orange Menace.

So, while Rome is burning, Red Light — oblivious to the fact there are bigger issues than her hurt feelings, continues her campaign of …… I don’t know what her campaign is. What’s her end goal for posting what she posted?

Does she want us to feel so sorry for her that we give in and invite her back?

Ain’t gonna happen.

Is it she just wants to cause as much damage as she thinks she can to others?

There’s an old proverb, "He who digs a pit for others falls in himself".

The only damage being done is to herself.

Her posts have become a joke, a laughing matter due to the childish way she expresses herself.

She hasn’t posted anything new; however, she has been making telephone calls.

I’m guessing she knows that though I harbor no ill will towards her, I’m not the kind of person to play this nonsensical game, so there have been no calls to my phone looking for sympathy or venting her anger.

Baker said she stopped answering her phone when Red Light called, gave up trying to talk sense into her, so Red Light called and called and called and called until Baker had to block her.

Talker said she’d really like to talk to Red Light, tell her to think about what she’s doing, get her to calm down, but doesn’t feel now is the right time when Red Light is being so volatile. So, Talker also doesn’t answer when Red Light calls, but isn’t being bombarded like the Baker was.

I’ve no idea what Manager is going to do, but I bet Red Light’s behavior is going to set a precedent; that when we next have one of her meetings, she’ll tell us that once a resident moves out, it's "not okay" or safe for us to allow them back on the property to visit or engage in any of our activities.

Inasmuch as I don’t plan to hang out with the usual suspects at bingo, or any of the events listed on this month’s Activity Calendar, I doubt I’ll have anything more to report on the subject, unless someone catches me outside and fills me in.

Speaking of this month’s Activity Calendar ………… You might recall that, because we lost access to the calendar when it became only accessible through Rent Café, the Activity Director snuck a copy to Baker, who passed around to us.

Color me surprised when I found this month’s calendar in my email.

It came directly from Manager.

Has she seen the light and given up on Rent Café or did she just want to be in control of the calendar?

That’s why Manager and Red Light could never get along ……… both wanted control.

I’ve also learned that’s what irked the usual suspects about Red Light. Only one actively complained about and campaigned against her, but it’s being said more than one felt annoyed, because she was coming to bingo not as a visitor, but as though she was still running things.

And that’s the tea.


  1. Canada will jolly Trump along to a certain extent in order to avoid people losing their jobs and suffering economically from his Tariffs fallout, but only up to a point. If Trump actually imposes the Tariffs, the Trade War will be on, full swing, and Canada will try to do as much damage as we can.

    1. "as much damage as we can" .... I certainly hope so.

  2. Red Light is a victim, in her mind, and will never understand the role she plays in her relationships because, to her, it's always "their" fault.
    I have zero f**ks for those kinds of people.

    1. Me too, zero F's. Ain't nobody got time for her nonsense.

  3. Ugh, so that’s the tea? I’d switch to coffee! I’m grateful to not have to witness first-hand what’s going on in the States, but it doesn’t it make me less angry, or worried.

    1. You are so lucky to live out of the country. I never in my life would have thought we'd be in fear of our own government.

  4. Wow, she had to block her? That's crazy.

  5. "That’s why Manager and Red Light could never get along"
    Two granite heads vying for control is a recipe for disaster.

    1. Problem with that contest was one party was the manager of the complex, the other just a resident. So, no way the resident could win that battle, but she did give it a good go by trying to manipulate others to call Corporate, complain, get her fired.

  6. I was out and about all day yesterday and saw no signs of immigrant solidarity.

  7. January just seemed like a very long YEAR, didn't it? *Le Sigh* I'm Emotionally exhausted from the daily fuckery in Washington DC, Two Weeks has seemed like an Eternity, so Four Years, we've got to think of something to shut this shitshow down. As for the Usual Suspects at your complex, they are how they just are and not likely to change and if BINGO is their biggest Hill they're willing to Die on and fuss over, then clearly it's a commentary of a sad empty Life.

    1. January being a long year is right. "Elon is a terrible president" and it doesn't look like anyone or anything can stop this slide into our becoming a third world country. Though I can't speak on all of the usual suspects, Red Light is clearly demonstrating how sad and empty her life is.

  8. PS: Phoenix is having massive Protests and has gotten to the point of being unsafe, but, it is at least Resistance and that's what ALL of America should be doing in Protest before the Country falls.

    1. Protests are also going on in the Los Angeles area. We've got a lot of immigrants in this complex and in the surrounding areas but, other than the market personnel taking off in solidarity, I haven't noticed anything or heard anyone speak on what's happening.
