Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bingo Friday

Yesterday was Bingo Friday, and I can’t tell you how good it felt to not have to rush down to the Community Room after the morning’s workout, hang with the old people.

According to the flyer the Baker had me put together, bingo included a "Special Treat for Valentine’s Day" …… "Probably strawberry shortcake" is what she told me.

However, looking at the photos the Talker sent for me to post to the group’s Facebook page, it doesn’t look like strawberry shortcake happened.

It actually looked like there was no special treat, period. Then, in the corner of one of the photos, I saw what looked like the edge of a container of cupcakes, iced pink for Valentine’s Day.

Can’t tell if the cupcakes are baked or store bought but, when the Baker bakes, she usually displays on a cupcake stand, not in a container. So my guess is store bought.

When last I saw the Baker, she’d looked worried. She’d been placed in that difficult position of having to tell her friend (Red Light) that, because one of the usual bingo suspects had a problem with Red Light attending bingo as a non-resident, that she (the Baker) was going to have to hurt her friend’s feelings, tell Red Light she could no longer attend.

Since then, the Baker has had to deal with Red Light’s Facebook meltdown and harassing phone calls.

Looking at the pictures of the Baker at yesterday’s bingo, she does not look well. You can tell something is weighing her down.

It’s not a stretch to assume no strawberry shortcake and store bought instead of baked is because the Baker just doesn’t have it in her right now to do more than the basics.

Last week’s lousy weather didn’t help anyone’s energy — first three earthquakes, followed by drab dreary days and then non-stop rain with constant flash flood warnings Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday was a dry day for us, but still drab/dreary and, from the photos, it appears not many were in the mood as attendance looked to be down.

All in all, I’m glad to be out of the bingo scene.

This was also the first bingo where Red Light was not in attendance.

No surprise there because, after her Facebook posts, the harassing telephone calls by she and her son, she can never show her face around here again.

In fact, I’d not be surprised to learn not only has she now been officially banned by Management, but that Manager has taken out a restraining order because Red Light yesterday did something I never thought she’d do …… she scrubbed her Facebook page of the three libelous and poor pitiful feel sorry for me posts, wherein she’d named those she felt had wronged her.

It’s giving too much credit to think she deleted the posts because she’d come to her senses. Nope. Not her style. More like something of a legal nature has occurred, which may be another reason why the Baker is walking around with an even heavier heart — she had to hurt her former friend’s feelings again by doing something she didn’t want to do but had no choice in order to stop the harassment.

The Baker did say her Deputy Sheriff son-in-law was looking into what could be done to stop Red Light and her son. So, for Red Light to retract her posts, something significant has happened …… someone of authority has contacted her, or she has been served with a restraining order.

Sooner or later, the Grapevine will get around to letting me know which it was.


  1. Wow! Hope things calm down. I'm really concerned about the weird plant lurking over the locked fridge. Maybe it's a child from The Little Shop of Horrors. Stay safe, look for friends with little boats, stay out of jail. Linda in Kansas

    1. I don't recall seeing that plant before. It's probably a new listening and videotaping device put in place by Manager, LOL.

  2. I can feel your relief not being a part of the bingo mess anymore!

    1. It hasn't always been messy, but has been pretty boring to have to sit through every other Friday.

  3. It's clearly all for the better that Red Light not come around again, but I am waiting to hear the juice ... on the next episode of Tales of the Complex!!

    1. Now that I'm out of the loop, Tales will come fewer and further apart.

  4. I'd be relieved too not to be a part of the Bingo if it's gotten messy and is no longer enjoyable.

    1. It was no longer enjoyable for me way before things got messy.

  5. Nothing quite says Happy Valentine's Day like a Restraining Order.

    Will Jay

    1. 🤣 Good one. Should be on a Hallmark card.

    2. That is really brilliant ! JanF

  6. It seems to me that all management has to do is enforce a rule that only current residents can participate in activities.

  7. BingoGate continues......who knew such a fun game could turn so dramatic?

    1. Honestly! It's a good thing the seniors weren't playing Monopoly. Someone might have been seriously harmed in a fight over Park Place.

  8. Redlight and her son are both disturbed and disturbing people. My heart goes out to Baker. That’s got to be stressful.

    1. The son, like the mother, has no life. Even before this happened, people talked about how weird it was that the son was so involved in his mother's life and vice versa.
