Sunday, February 16, 2025

Out and About

Snow on the surrounding mountains made for a cold yesterday, but it was a dry day, the sun was shinning, so I headed out of the area to replenish my needlepoint floss stash.

I’ve been getting low on colors needed to complete the never-ending needlepoint project — a project now 3 years, 3,350 hours into the making with no end in sight, and couldn’t run to one of the local craft stores (Michaels or JoAnn’s) because they’d both surprisingly gone out of business.

The only craft store still in business, a few cities over but within driving distance, is the craft store with the mission "to honor God by operating in a way that follows Biblical principles". Translation: racist, homophobic, rethuglican Orange Menace supportive.

It’s the only game in town, so I drove over, got the colors needed, made it out alive.

Heading back to the car, hearing music and seeing the top of white tents off in the distance, I suddenly remembered this is the area where there’s a Farmer’s Market on Saturdays.

Sprouts has no eggs available to sell, none, not a one, and store management can't say when the shortage will end.

No such shortage at this farmer's market.

The 18-count at $17 comes to $0.67 per egg but one doesn't know where these eggs come from, what conditions the chicken that laid the eggs are being kept in, what feed they've been given.

The 12-count is $1 per egg, but same problem with not knowing whether the eggs will make one ill.

Plus, I don't care for diversity inclusion equity in my eggs ... prefer all brown or all white, not a mixture of the two.

These are supposedly Organic, but who knows, and I can't make out the price.

At any rate, I still have a few Eggland's Best Organic (12 count at $8.79 comes to something like $0.73 per egg), so looks like I'm getting the best and safest deal at my local supermarket ..... for now.

No thanks!

Empanadas and Oxtails WTF

I probably have food issues today due to what I ate as a child, because my mom was from the country, cooked slave food country like her mom, and I didn't know any better .... thought it was normal to eat, what I now see as horrendous concoctions, like brains and eggs for breakfast, oxtails, chitlins, hog head cheese.

The fact that I've not continued that tradition, have not eaten that way, may be why I, the oldest of my mother's children, am still alive while everyone else .... brothers, sister, all died long ago.

And p.s. ... I never fed my children any of that goop, but others seemed to enjoy it as the line was long for either the Empanadas, the Oxtails or both, so whatever.

The Farmer's Market was a good place to recharge — put in some walking steps, breath in fresh air, get some sunshine, listen to music.

It was a nice afternoon. Too bad the day did not end as well .....

Yep! We had another quake, but at least it was tiny one.


  1. California does love to tremble; good thing is was relatively minor.
    Out here in SC our stores have eggs, though limited supplies, and the most expensive are about $6 a dozen.

    1. I think I was paying something like $3.99 or $4.99 a dozen for eggs before the chicken feed hit the fan, but still, $6.00 .... 50 cents per egg, isn't bad considering.

  2. DEI eggs, lol. I find that Farmers Market prices are rarely a good deal on just about anything.

    1. I'm finicky, so I'd much rather get my fruits, veggies from the market than the farmer's market, and I don't know that I'd trust the food confession stands, like others do, but it's a fun place to people watch. I think you're the only one to catch the subtle DEI, LOL.

  3. Ox tail or bull’s tail is very popular here in Spain. I’m not a fan but SG loves it.

    1. I'm beginning to think SG is like Mikey ... he'll eat anything.

    2. Except coconut, walnuts, and olives. (Oh, and baby eels.)

  4. Yep, that 'Knit for Jesus' store would do me in. But I guess if I really needed a craft item, I could put on my best prostitution smile, plunk my money down and high tail it out of that place!
    There seems to be a plethora of earthquakes in Cali lately. That's scary. Is it working up to the big one? Sure hope not. The weather in NE Ohio sucks. It's snowed all day, and temps are to be near zero at night this coming week. Old Man Winter is on a rampage around here. Enough of this nonsense! Stay safe. At least Bingo is no longer a stressor.
    Paranormal John

    1. "Knit for Jesus store" .... LOL. So many religious themed items for sale gave me the heebie-jeebies. Quakes are coming too close together, so hopefully the earth is letting off steam so the big one doesn't come. I want to move, but don't want my motivation to be the building coming down.

  5. I think your egg supply is endangered due to the earthquakes cracking the shells, along with sick birdies. Glad you got out. Linda in Kansas

    1. Earthquakes cracking shells, sick birdies, craft store closing, the end is near.

  6. The Marianas Mexican market next door to me has eggs but they are still $20.00 for an 19 pack.

  7. You missed a chance for a good joke because of a math error. 18 eggs for $17 is $.94 an egg. Save a whole dollar for 6 more eggs.

    1. I bow to your superior math skills. Mine have always been challenging.

  8. My state has now legalized unpasteurized milk. It's all the rage. At first you had to buy a "share" in the cow and purchase a milk subscription. Now it is sold at farm markets and grocery stores. What could go wrong??????

    1. With RFK Jr. at the helm, there won't be an antidote when unpasteurized goes wrong.

  9. The sickest I ever got in my life was from drink raw milk and it lasted for six months until the doctor was able to pinpoint what was causing me to be ill. Once it came out that I'd had dinner at a farm where they served unpasteurized milk I was tested and treated for whatever it is in raw milk that my system couldn't handle. That was 50 years ago and I wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot poll. I love the ultra-pasteurized milk now.

    1. With all the bacteria and other stuff likely to be in unpasteurized, I'd say you're lucky to have survived. I've been on almond milk for more years than I can remember.

  10. I'm surprised you liked the music, considering it wasn't C&W! Beautiful day and what is that gorgeous snow covered mountain?

    1. Country Western has always been my kind of music, but I enjoy all kinds, with Jazz being my least favorite, but I liked her voice.
