Friday, February 7, 2025

It’s Raining Men

It rained all night long and, when I awoke this morning, it was still pouring down.

I came thisclose to call off getting out into it for this morning’s workout; but then remembered the market had been out of frozen salmon when I shopped the other day, and that if I wanted salmon for dinner, it was best to just go ahead, workout, market after.

Crossing the market parking lot after working out, headed inside, I heard a friendly sounding voice say, "Hey, lady".

I turned to see who was speaking and saw it was Meat Man, whom I’ve not seen in ages on the complex.

"Meat Man" being formerly Handsome Man on the blog, until he’d approached Homegirl (whom can be described as a healthy woman ……… all boobs, hips, butt), and in a sleezy tone said to her, "I like meat" — referring to all the meat on her bones.

Homegirl cursed him out for the disrespectful way he approached her, and I changed his blog name to Meat Man because, to me, he looked a lot less handsome after that faux pas.

So, anyway, as I needed to get out of the rain, head into the market, and Meat Man needed to get out of the rain and into his car to leave, in response to his "Hey, Lady", I said "Oh hey neighbor. You staying out of trouble?"

He said something in return which I couldn’t make out, and that was that.

By the time I exited the market, the rain had let up enough, to where I didn’t even have to use my umbrella, and the sun was actually trying to come out.

It’s like that around here ……… a rainstorm and then, seconds later, the rain stops, sun comes out. So, it wasn’t surprising to see residents hanging around outside the gate — smoking, chatting, when I arrived back.

One chatting, not smoking, was the famous Hubba Hubba Awooga Silver Fox, whom I also had not seen in ages.

Readers might remember him as the resident — moved in August of 2023, that the women were all gaga about.

Described to me as mixed with First Nation Indian Blood and some other blood type, wore a ponytail, which blood mixture and ponytail made him "too handsome for words" and said to be "antisocial, mean, doesn’t like people knocking on his door".

I don’t care for people knocking on my door either; so, I didn’t put much weight into someone being antisocial or mean because of wanting to be left alone; and I later learned those smears were being made because he’d pissed some of the female residents off.

How did he piss the female residents off you ask.

Well, the thirsty women around here were bothering him — vying for his attention, knocking on his door ……… showing up with cakes, cookies, meals, asking questions about where he was from, what he does, and he’d ruffled their feathers by telling them to buzz off, that "I’m sick and tired of women always chasing me".

I later saw the Silver Fox around once or twice, waved as I always do to residents, whether I know them or not.

I don’t recall his being friendly in return, but to be expected as his expectation was all us women wanted him.

He need not have worried. Seeing him up close and personal, I thought he was nice looking compared to what else we have around here, but not all Hubba Hubba Awooga and not my type.

It wasn’t until manager’s meeting in September of last year, when I was seated away from the cluster of residents — for viral safety reasons, at the back of the room, when Silver Fox walked in, sat right next to me.

He introduced himself, we chatted a bit and, when the meeting was over, he began walking, chatting with me as we headed for our units.

Conversation ended when I reached my walkway with him saying, "It was nice to meet you, Shirley. I hope to see you again" in a way where I knew he was opening a door.

I was polite, but not encouraging. I did not walk through the door.

I’ve seen him once since then. He was driving in, yelled "Hello!" as I was crossing the parking lot. I said hello in return, but kept walking, didn’t look back to encourage him.

For those who don’t know, when us ladies smile and look back, that’s a yes, a green light signaling a male to come with what he's got.

So, there he was today, outside the gate talking to Big Friendly Guy.

I parked, got out of the car, picked up my workout bag, groceries and, just that quick, he’d ended his conversation with Big Friendly guy and was on the walkway, behind where I was parked.

"Hello, Shirley" said he.

Oh ……… he’s calling me by my name, opening that door again, thought I.

I know his name but chose, once again, to not walk through the door. I replied, "Hey, neighbor".

"How are you doing?", asked he.

"I’m okay, how about yourself?"

A little too far away, I couldn’t make out what he was saying, didn’t want to prolong things, or have him walk closer, by saying I can’t hear you. So, I just listened, made out what sounded like "wha wha wha wha wha wha wha, but I’m okay with it". To which, I smiled, nodded as though I understood and that was that.

So, it really did rain men this morning ……… at least two came out of the woodwork.

From the looks outside now, you’d never know it rained all night and most of the morning, as the sun is shining and outside is drying up.

BTW: While at the market, I noticed the organic Eggland’s Best were all sold out.

I’m now kicking myself for only buying a dozen, I should have purchased two dozen because a recipe I’m trying this afternoon for Mini Monkey Bread is calling for six egg whites.

This recipe, which I'm revising to substitute rice flour for regular flour and a stevia blend for brown sugar, had just better work out ……… not waste my precious eggs.


  1. When the men don't offer to help carry groceries or stuff and wait until that chore is start socializing is poopy. They all sound too creepy. I went to Sam's and my local grocery store yesterday and was surprised to see plenty of eggs. Two weeks ago the grocery guy was just stocking one half pallet of eggs onto the shelf while 3 of we shoppers waited. Told him I was surprised he didn't have a security guard next to him. They were $6.19 a dozen for large eggs. A little lower than that this week. Linda in Kansas

    1. I actually was worried he was going to offer, so I didn't take but my workout bag and one small bag of groceries, to indicate I could easily handle, so he wouldn't offer. I went back down later, removed the rest. The market also had plenty of eggs, but regular old whatever feed cage free eggs, all the organics were gone. What you are seeing are probably the non-organic eggs.

  2. From the sounds of those two men, I say it was less rain and more drizzle ... if you know what I mean and I think you do!!

    1. LOL. I think they're a little intimidated by me.

    2. Rightly so since you do play their idiotic games.

  3. I do love the name Hubba Hubba Awooga Silver Fox. You’re so clever. It’s hideous that if a woman is just being civil, it’s taken as an invitation. I hope the mini monkey bread turns out well!

    1. The monkey bread turned out to be a delicious treat, but with sacrificing 6 egg whites and an entire stick of butter, not to be made often. It's very true that being civil is often taken as an invitation. Causes me to be cautious in my dealings ... friendly but not appearing too friendly.

  4. There's an attractive guy at tai chi trying to chat me up. If I were straight, I might be interested in him but well, you know.

    1. LOL, but I get it because the Pain Cave is where I find the best eye candy. And btw, I've always wanted to take up tai chi but have never found a class close enough. I might look for something online.

  5. Men my own age do not do a thing for me. And the men I think are interesting and sexy wouldn't see me as anything but a mother figure. LOL I get all my male 'fixes' from the pages of books these days.

    1. Life experiences have taught me that men are more trouble than they are worth ... don't want it, don't need it, so I keep a wall up here on the complex that seems to scare the men from stepping over the line for fear of being shot down. I do find it satisfying to still be desired ... probably because the guys don't seem to realize how old I am, but I am completely satisfied with eye candy, which I generally get watching the guys working out at the Pain Cave 😉.

  6. I hope your recipe works out. If it doesn't eat it alongside something else and pretend it's a foreign dish you are trying. JanF

    1. Pulls apart nicely, light, fluffy inside, sugary and crispy outside, the recipe turned out to be a keeper.

  7. Glad to see in the comments that the recipe was a good one. It hasn't rained around here in a while.

  8. Hey! That monkey bread sounds better than the men. Please send the recipe for the monkey bread, not the men. I've gone through 3 husbands. I've kept my car mechanic. My AAA card is cheaper than any husband. Linda in Kansas

    1. Amen to AAA card being cheaper than a husband, less emotionally draining as well. I took pics of the monkey bread. I'll post with the recipe.

  9. We're not buying eggs anymore. SWMBO found some kind of egg substitute liquid that works just as well. She says.

    1. Good to know ... just in case things get bad or worse.

  10. There are two types of cis women-those who are complete enough not to need a man, and those who aren't complete without one.

    1. I had to look up cis women. Never heard the word "cis gender" before. Learn something every day.
