Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Who Wants to Tell Her?

Popping into the market, after this morning’s workout, I ran into Next Door Neighbor.

We chatted for a bit about how we were going to survive, where we were going to live, when Elon takes away social security.

I said I’d probably be living in my car.

She said it would probably be the same for her.

We were both laughing, making jokes, but the humor was only to keep from crying …… if you know what I mean.

We moved on to the topic of the three earthquakes we’d experienced, her saying that, like myself, she’d been in bed the night the third earthquake hit.

Unlike me, who stayed in bed, she said she gotten up, run into the bathroom, sat in the tub until she felt it was safe.

I never left the comfort of my bed. Of course, I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I browsed TikTok until I felt sleepy again …… three or more hours later.

Heading back to the complex, I pondered the idea of the bathtub being a safe place to seek shelter in an earthquake.

Going over it in my head, it seemed to me that should the building come down, the floor give away, I’d have the mattress at my back, nice soft pillows and quilts surrounding me; whereas, if the floor gave away and the tub fell, broke into pieces, the sharp edges of the tub's broken bits and pieces could be injurious.

Arriving back at the complex, I posed the question to Google …… "Is getting in the bathtub during an earthquake better than staying in bed?"

Google answered …… "No, generally staying in bed and covering your head with a pillow is considered safer than getting into the bathtub during an earthquake; the primary reason being that the bathtub offers little added protection from falling debris while getting out of bed could expose you to further danger during the shaking …… If you are in bed when an earthquake hits, stay there, lie face down, and cover your head and neck with a pillow".

Who wants to tell Next Door Neighbor?

Not me.

Now disturbed by thoughts of Elon still in my head, I decided to do something about it.

I had cotton fabric, freezer paper, ironed the two together to make paper I could run through the printer.

I found an image I could work with, printed the image onto the fabric side, pulled away the freezer paper.

Now having an image on fabric, I cut around the image, fit cotton fabric as a backing, pulled out my sewing machine and VOILÀ …… a voodoo doll.

Stuffed and edges completely sewn together, pins in his vacuous eyes, a pin straight through his cold dead heart, and he was ready to join his sidekick.

I feel better now.


  1. Ok, I love this and would pay you for one. Seriously.

    1. Not my best work. I threw it together in about an hour and a half. You can probably find one better made on Etsy.

    2. In fact .... on sale here

  2. Fabulous, just fabulous. The pins the eyes are the final kiss.

    1. Would be hilarious if he all of a sudden began having problems with his eyes and black heart.

  3. If you make these you'll sell a ton and won't need that Social Security; and you can say Elon is taking care of you now!!!

    1. Would serve him right if I did go into business, plaster his voodoo doll all over the world.

  4. I LOVE this voodoo doll! I got my haircut the other day and the barber had a very cool, artful poster on the wall. In the midst of the artful chaos appeared the words FUCK MUSK. A Spanish barber here in Córdoba. I like him even more now!

  5. I'd be happy to send you a crate of pins to go at the bastard. I can't say 'less is more' in this case. Have at it.
    I thought getting into a bathtub during a tornado was the thing, not an earthquake. I don't have a basement to go into during a tornado, so I'm SOL as my dad would say. We don't get many earthquakes in NE Ohio, but we've had the rare, small one.
    Paranormal John

    1. That probably why neighbor headed for the tub ... she came from out of state and was following tornado rules from where she's lived before.

  6. I feel better just beholding those last Two Images too. *Winks* I have put Curses and Hexes on them ALL. If they take away Social Security and all Federal Earned Pensions and County Retirements we'd have no income, but The Man said he has Bullets and good aim, so doesn't intend to be driven to abandoning what he's earned and is protecting if Fascism tries to take any of it and make his Family destitute. He did enuf dirty deeds for his Country defending Democracy for 39 Years of Honorable Military Service that Earned him those Pensions, and Social Security is OUR Money to Protect and be Entitled to, it's not Charity, so he has no problem continuing to Defend it from Domestic Terrorists and Nazi Wannabes. He recently said the only good Nazi is a Dead one, I'll drink to that. Kill em all and let God sort em out if they come for any or all of us. If it's them or us my Friend, it's gonna be them.

    1. Yep, like Princess T once said, "That can be fixed".

  7. You could probably sell a boat load of those Elon dolls but things going the way they are it could get you sent to a prison in Siberia. Please stick a pin in up his ass for me.

    1. I will ... stick a pin up his arse for you that is.

  8. I would not trust anything Google has to say. Remember, they are the ones who have renamed all the geographical places to suit the new administration.

    Thinking of disasters, though, do you have renter's insurance with an add-on for moving and living expenses in case of a disaster? Our homeowner's insurance has that and when we rented an apartment in San Francisco (on the 17th floor) our agent brought up the add-on and that we wouldn't need it for the apartment since we had a home in the valley. But, if you do not have another home, then that is a good add-on. I am guessing, living where you do, that your insurance is on the high side.

    1. I couldn't believe Google caved into that Gulf nonsense so easily and so quickly and actually my renter's insurance was reasonably priced, but felt like money going down the drain. Fortunately or Unfortunately, however you look at it, I had a senior moment, forgot to pay the bill, got cancelled forthwith, which was telling for me. So telling that I did not reinstate. Now that I see how insurance companies are bailing out of their obligations to those who lost everything in the fires, I'm more than certain I can manage without the insurance, start from scratch on my own.

    2. Oooh, you are a brave girl. I just bought travel insurance on this summer's vacation plans. The world has become so bizarre that I am taking no chances. Years ago, I never bought travel insurance. Our homeowner's policy has some things they cover while traveling, like lost or stolen luggage and I have used that. But homeowner's doesn't cover cancelled flights.

    3. Back in the day, when I used to fly, I'd buy that travel insurance so the kids would be covered should the plane come down, but I no longer travel by air, don't have the Real ID required to travel by air.

  9. Love it!!! I think I would also have a place for another pin.

    1. By popular demand, a pin has been stuck up his arse and in that other place, LOL.

  10. That's awesome. More pins! lol
    I remember when I was a kid we were told to stand in doorways for earthquakes. And for hurricanes or tornadoes to get in the bathtub and put a mattress on top of us.

    1. I remember being told the same, as a kid. In a doorway or under a desk. As for the voodoo doll, one woman online said she paid a witch to cast a spell on him, LOL.

  11. As much as I adore your voodoo and ideas, I'm a tad skeptical. The pins in your Dumpty Trumpty haven't worked. I think he likes it. The strength of the bathtub sides stops any beams from falling into the tub area. I think new ones are still made of steel covered in porcelain. I do try to avoid tornadoes. Linda in Kansas

    1. The Universe had a way of working things out, so though it doesn't look like the juju is having an impact, who knows what's taking place beneath the surface appearances. The bad juju might be working, we've just not seen it yet.

  12. Whatever makes you happy . . makes many others happy.

  13. I've heard of getting in the tub during tornado warnings, the idea being that there are no windows there, and the piping might provide extra protection, but an earthquake? I can't see how that would help. I am not an expert though.

    1. The tub in an earthquake didn't seem logical to me either, but I'm not going to tell Neighbor different. BTW, learning from your post that Saint Valentine had been imprisoned, stoned, beheaded does make me wonder what exactly is being celebrated today.

  14. Let me know if you need more pins.
