Wednesday, February 5, 2025

From My Mouth to God’s Ears

I’d just this morning, commented on Mike’s post, about eggs being the new gold, that I’d not been able to purchase organic eggs since first of the year.

Lo and behold, I pop into the market after today’s workout for eggs and Eggland’s Best Organic are back on the shelf.

The price of $9.99 is reasonable, and worth it to settle my stomach, as it suddenly occurred to me, after an entire month of Cage Free eggs, as Organic was not available, this might be why my gut has been giving me issues for an entire month.

Cage Free Eggs come from chickens not kept in cages, probably fed things my gut is allergic to, while Organic Eggs comes from chickens kept not in cages and fed organic feed.

And trust me …… my stomach knows when I’ve eaten something with an ingredient or substance that it’s allergic to, as a gut episode soon follows.

So, anyway, since today seemed to be from my mouth to God’s ears …… desires are being granted, let me say I’m still looking for that multi-million-dollar bingo win.

Detouring through the mailroom on my way back to my unit, I ran into the Baker.

She looked worried.

Asking if the bingo thing had calmed down, she said "No". That Red Light is still upset because the Baker won’t tell her who it was that made the complaint that got her kicked out of bingo.

Baker said, "I can’t tell her. I don’t want to cause trouble for someone else, so now her son is calling".


"Yes, I know", said she.

I didn’t ask how she found out the son is dangerous, but I found out when Red Light and Talker had that falling out that I mentioned in my February 1 post — the falling out that prompted Red Light’s first meltdown on Facebook.

The son had gotten involved, told Talker "I’ll throw you in the pool, put my foot on your neck, hold you down until you drown".

That seemed extreme, a little too Dexter Morgan, so Talker and I branded the son as dangerous to be thinking that way, talking that way.

I subsequently researched him online, to see if he was wanted for anything, but could find no info about him …… nothing at all.

So now, the son is on a mission to find out, for his mom, who it was that made the complaint.

Baker said the son is calling and harassing others his mom suspects of being the one …… residents not initially named in her Facebook meltdown.

I don’t answer my phone for numbers I don’t recognize. So, I checked my call list to see if any of the numbers I ignored looked like they could have come from the son.

Didn’t find anything other than out of state so, evidently, I’m not on Dexter’s and Ma Barker’s list.

Inasmuch as the son is considered dangerous, I asked Baker what she was going to do.

"One of my son-in-laws is a Deputy Sheriff. He’s going to look into what’s the best course to follow".

I'd like to see the look on Red Light's and her son's face when the cops show up.

I repeat …… all this over bingo.


  1. My food allergies have improved considerably too since I've switched to organic bananas, produce, spices, eggs, etc. I just purchased a carton of 18 large free range organic eggs for $11.49 ($7.90 USD) that are produced locally. That's the Canadian Supply Management System in action and why the orange turd wants it gone! As for Red Light and her bully-boy son, they need to get a f*****g life somewhere else, but enforced restraining orders from Baker and building management should help.

    1. $7.90 for 18 eggs is a good price these days. I paid $9.99 for just 12. I'm surprised restraining orders haven't already been requested. It's been a week already and Red Light, instead of calming down, is amping up with the son's involvement.

  2. Mother and son have too much time on their hands; sheesh, find another Bingo game!!!

    1. Your take on organic eggs has given me a glimmer of hope. I love eggs and have not had one since last spring when I reacted after eating an omelet at a diner I have frequented since the 1970s. I will buy some organic ones and hope for the best! I live alone, and as I prepare to move into an apartment or maybe a continuing care community, I both look forward to and dread the drama you live around.

    2. Do try organic and let me know how works out for you. There's always drama of one kind or another when a group of people are involved. One creates one's own reality by choosing to be a part of the drama or an observer. I'm an observer and I report what I see here on the blog. You'll be fine ... just watch, don't get involved, stay neutral.

  3. Glad you found your Eggs. I buy Pasture Raised when I can find them, or from my Neighbors where the Hens are free to roam and eat Naturally, it makes a difference and I agree, more ethically sourced foods are worth paying extra for and our Body appreciates it as much as I'm sure the Animals appreciate being treated more Humanely. Mother and Son Drama now at Bingo... do these people not have Lives? *LOL*

    1. Having an egg hookup is going to be gold as I keep hearing eggs may become scarce in the near future.

  4. I have bought eggs, but I also have a neighbor who sells eggs cheap, but they generally bring me down a dozen every other week. Fresh eggs! I always pay him, even though he squabbles with taking money. I told him to keep on eye on those chickens in fear they may be chicken napped!!!!!!! He has upwards of 14 chickens. But we must be lucky, because around here I have seen eggs for the high, or lowest price as 8.99!!!!

    1. Like I said to Dawn, that egg hookup is going to be gold in the near future as egg become scarce and prices continue to rise. I sometimes hear a rooster crowing in the early morning, so there must be a source around here I should investigate, make friends with ... just in case.

  5. Red Light and Dangerous Son need to be medicated. All this because of BINGO? Sheesh!!!

    1. Once again, an example of Year of the Snake. She's shed her skin and now we see what we didn't see before ... that she's batshit cra cra.

  6. Never a dull moment at your place!

    1. Things are going to seem pretty dull once this nuttiness comes to a conclusion, because this drama is the apex, so over the top that nothing can ever compare.

  7. I hope the organic eggs help your gut. I think my gut is like a human disposal unit as I seem to be able to eat anything-so far.
    Fingers crossed something else takes over in Red Light and her son's mind and they let this situation go- it is beyond bizarre and into creepy/scary. I am glad you are so sensible and look after yourself so well. JanF

    1. I hope you know how fortunate you are to be able to eat what you want when you want. If I want to eat, I have to cook and I'm not fond of cooking, LOL. The only thing that's going to have an impact on Red Light and her son's is when they are contacted by the authorities.

  8. Don't let your future egg connections cause you to meet some lazy chickens. Bird flu seems pretty bad with infected birds flying into farmer and city chicken pens. I'm afraid to wipe bird poop off my car without double gloving. I've noticed our usually coordinated geese being off pattern, flying weirdly, and numbering fewer. It's sad. Most employers, police and institutions, or facilities cannot reveal the source of the complaint. Stay safe! Linda in Kansas

    1. That's something to consider when accepting free or purchasing black-market eggs.

  9. Replies
    1. It is terrible for the Baker to have to go through this, when she had no choice but to tell her friend she could no longer attend, and I'm guessing it's terrifying for those receiving telephone calls from the son.

  10. I can see it all now: Baker's Bingo Brawl with commentary by BootsandBraids! Rated: BBBBB!

    1. Looks like I quit bingo just when things got exciting, but I'm not going back, but don't be surprised, if I hear anything further, to see me using your title "Baker's Bingo Brawl" in my update.

  11. That is just crazy to all be over Bingo.

    1. It's sad that, after moving out a year ago, Red Light has so little going on in her life that she's nutting up over not being able to attend our bingo games.
