Saturday, February 22, 2025


It’s been an uneventful week here at the complex, or so it seems to me because I’ve so rarely gotten up from the couch.

Though I’m not watching or reading the news per se, what headlines flash before my eyes on TV and Tik Tok, before I can switch to something less traumatizing, is enough to suck the energy out of me. So, with no energy to go anywhere, do anything, it’s taking great effort just to get off the couch, do what must be done — like head to the Pain Cave for workouts, do groceries, pick up mail.

And btw, last time at the market the Eggland’s Organic Eggs were priced at $9.99 a dozen. Might as well call it what it is — $10 a dozen.

I can’t say there’s a limit I’ll pay for eggs because, as I’m spoiled to Eggland’s Best, I'll pay whatever for as long as they’re available.

At any rate, I can’t phantom this energy drain that’s driving me to isolate, withdraw, which energy drain I attribute to the bad chi swirling around in the atmosphere, emanating from the Mad King, continuing for four more years. Something has to give/snap along the way. Hopefully it's them that give/snap, not me/us.

In other news, it was on Wednesday, when heading out for that morning’s workout, I saw neighbors gathered around the bench on my walkway, one of whom was the Baker.

Looks like the episode with Red Light is in her rear view, as she seemed back to her old jolly self — except she’s all battered and bruised from a fall in the elevator at her doctor’s office.

Before I had to rush off for my workout, I asked "How did you get Rox (Red Light) to take down that stuff she posted?"

There were other neighbors around, so she was cryptic in saying, "Someone got to her". Then gave me a look like she didn’t want the others to know about her Deputy Sheriff son-in-law’s involvement by adding "That person I told you about".

I nodded my understanding, and took off for my workout.

Other than that, the only contact I’ve had with neighbors this week is, while sitting on the couch, observing them through the patio window.

On one such day, I observed something that quite literally blew my mind — it was Dream Lover (age 62, who has made the blog many times), walking down the walkway, holding hands with Lu (age 82, who has no notable mention in the blog other than being one of the Usual Suspects).

All of a sudden, it clicked. Over the last month, I’d seen the two together many times …… walking down the walkway, once with her arm in the crook of his and had thought nothing of it; the two heading out in her car, coming back in, again thinking nothing of it. It took this walking holding hands, like school kids, for me to wake up, smell the coffee, realize the two are now a couple.

Since then, though I’ve not spied another obvious gesture designed to let us residents know they’ve coupled up, I have observed him heading towards her unit on a regular basis.

I’m surprised, and a little disappointed at Lu. She’s not a stupid woman.

Lu knows Dream Lover’s history with other women on the complex and now, after all these years of knowing, is allowing herself to be used by a known user.

Dream Lover had obviously been on the prowl since his last conquest, our Boebert character (Lu's neighbor) moved. He's no longer doing volunteer work at the senior center, so I guess that source of female company has also dried up and here, on the complex, is where he's limited to hunt.

It was just at the Christmas Party when he said to me, "I'm looking for a nice lady to spend time with".

I knew what he was getting at, and played stupid, like I didn't so he'd have to put it in plain and simple words, that he wanted to hook up with me, so I could shut him down.

He tried once more, but the best he could come up with was to look at me and one day in the Community Room say, "You're a nice lady".

Dumbass, I just turned around, walked out of the room.

I can't imagine what he said to Lu, but she fell for whatever it was and now I understand why it was he couldn't look me in the eye when I saw the two of them returning to the complex, removing items from the trunk of her car.

He looked embarrassed, but I'm not exactly sure what he was embarrassed about, as I'd not yet put two and two together at that time.

This is not going to end well for Lu. As is Dream Lover's pattern, he'll drop her as soon as something better comes along.

At any rate, now that I know they are a couple, I often find that old song about a Tender Woman and a Snake playing in my head.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't get his appeal. He's just a big dumb oaf who takes from vulnerable lonely women. And btw, congratulations on the 4 Nations Face-Off Championship win.

  2. You said it right there: vulnerable lonely women.
    He's a predator and hopefully she'll wake up and kick him to the curb.

    1. Too late for Lu. Like the song goes, she knew he was a snake before she took him in, went in awake, eyes wide open.

  3. Some Brands here have gone up to as much as $13.99 a Dozen but you can still find some Egg Bargains if you know where to look. I think all of this fuckery is Soul and Energy Draining. Dream Lover clearly still considers himself a Player-Player. *Bwahahahahaha* And Yes, some Gals fall for it, so, I have no Words.

    1. He obviously thinks he's still a player and, unfortunately, keeps finding women willing to support his illusory sense of self. When my organics reach $13.99, I'll still buy but stretch out the dozen by eating fewer eggs.
