Friday, October 11, 2024

Tit for Tat

Today, the 11th of Halloween, was a bingo day.

Not my favorite of days, as I struggle to recall how I got roped into this bingo gig in the first place.

I’m certain I didn’t volunteer but, for the life of me, can’t remember if I was asked by the Baker or my old friend Apache to take on what I’ve taken on.

I’m trying hard to accept it in stride, realize it’s only every other Friday, that taking photos, managing the Resident’s FB page, is what the Universe has given me to do, because I can, and because we are to make ourselves useful in life. Not just sit around and be a world unto ourselves, which is what I personally would like to do.

At any rate, bingo went off without a hitch this time — no strange guy coming in, acting like we were invisible, he was alone in his own living room, could do as he pleased.

I won Game 3 and chose from the prize table, something I needed but would not have purchased for myself (because I’m not fancy and have been getting by with a kitchen towel) a cute little potholder.

The room was packed, and there appeared to be no tea spilled, as all were thoroughly involved in the games.

We took a break after Game 5 and had snacks this time — the Baker made cupcakes, which were set up on the counter, but we were careful not to step foot into Manager’s precious f _ _ king kitchen.

She was in her office and probably watching us on camera to make sure we didn’t.

I don’t know if it was happenstance or whether Head Maintenance Guy (formerly Assistant Maintenance Guy) was sent in by Manager to make sure we were not in the kitchen because, just as residents lined up for cupcakes, HMG walked into the room, into the kitchen, stood behind the counter.

That’s him (top corner left photo) seemingly standing guard behind the cupcakes, or simply waiting to be offered one.

Did Manager send him to make sure we did not cross the threshold, did he come because he wanted a cupcake? Who knows.

In the good old days, whenever we had goodies — cakes, cookies, pies, even full meals when we were allowed to use the refrigerator/stove/microwave, etc., we shared with office staff just because.

Not this time.

We like HMG, offered him a cupcake, which he happily accepted and off he went.

Ordinarily, we’d have given him cupcakes to take back to Manager and whoever else was in the office at the time. Instead, we decided no cupcake for Manager.

Tit for tat.

If she wanted one, she’d have to pay for it.

Just in case she was eavesdropping on us — as she sometimes does when watching us on video, we didn’t refer to Manager by name when we were laughing and giggling about her having to pay if she wanted one. We referred to her as, "That mean woman in the office".

If indeed she was eavesdropping and the shoe fits, oh well.


  1. That IS an awfully cute oven mitt -- congrats! And very seasonal for the upcoming Xmas/winter season.

  2. Man, that Manager is like Big Brother ... and NOT the TV show!

    1. Good analogy. I can imagine her sitting on a bed in the HOH room spying on the housemates.
