Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tea for the Tenth of Halloween

Driving out of the complex yesterday, heading for that morning’s workout, I spotted Compton standing out front of the complex, talking with the smoking crew.

That’s bold, thought I, inasmuch as he’s supposed to be hiding …… management not to know he’s still living here in defiance of Manager’s edict to Ms. Neighbor, “I want your son out of here”.

Hmmmmm? Next time I run into Ms. Neighbor, I’ll have to ask how goes her war with Manager …… Is she still thinking of moving out.

I became aware of another at war with Manager when, later in the afternoon, Next Door Neighbor knocked on my door.

She’d met with Manager, asked that blinds in her bedroom be replaced; whereupon, Manager had replied, "I'll have the guys look around, see if they can find some old blinds lying about, but if you want new blinds, you'll have to pay for them".

NDN said she was dumbfounded.

I wasn’t. Manager has made it clear she's not spending a dime on upkeep from now on.

Can we say slumlord, boys and girls.

NDN said she'd replied, "I’ve lived here for 10 years. You raised my rent $500 last time, and you want me to pay for blinds that need replacing? I’m not paying for anything."

Whatever else was said caused NDN to, in her words, "I got up, Told the women (Manager and Assistant Manager), You ladies have a blessed day and a blessed life", then sashayed away.

You might be thinking that was big of NDN to leave them with a blessing, but that was not NDN's intent. She realized she was rising to the bait, decided not to stoop to their level, to instead outclass them, the theory being that to fight evil with good would be like reaping burning coals on their heads — something good will happen for her, something bad will happen to them.

At any rate, saying she is fed up, NDN is now thinking, as is Ms. Neighbor, of going the flight route, same as did Red Light and Boebert, who both moved into brand new Section 8 housing with luxury units, washers/dryers inside the units, and probably nice new not rotting away blinds.

When telling NDN how I’d searched the lease, could not find where we have to pay for upkeep, she informed me she, just last year, was given a second lease to sign, which second lease she thinks only applies to Section 8 and may include the wordings Manager’s been using to justify her position of residents footing the bill for upkeep.

That’s interesting. Means Manager was lying when she said, "We're not doing leases any longer", but I still doubt the lease has that specific wording about who is responsible for repairs/upkeep inside the units. More likely, a blurb that Manager is interpreting to suit her purpose to save money …… but for whom …… Where’s the money going? And I now have a question for the next Community Meeting …… if residents pay for lightbulbs, blinds and whatever else is replaced in the unit, do they get to take what they've paid for with them when they leave?

It may be time for an independent auditing firm to come in.

That’s what happened when that mean Nurse Ratched was in charge — auditors came in, found she’d been embezzling.

Her boss at Corporate (that we suspected she was sleeping with because he always took her side, protected her, never moved on complaints) arrived on the premises, walked into her office, boxed up her belongings, escorted her out of the office into the waiting arms of police.

I'm guessing he finally took action because his own job was then on the line because of her.

I don’t think Nurse Ratched ever did any time — restitution maybe, because the scandal would have been an embarrassment for Corporate, but at least she was outta here, and things were golden, until this current Manager came on the scene and began turning the complex into an episode of American Horror Story.

Nothing lasts forever, and no one gets away with their shiz forever, so this too shall pass.

Backing up a bit to the power outage …… None of the businesses in the strip mall took a hit during the outage because Trainer spent the night in his studio, kept an eye out for Liquor Store owner’s business (no need for both to sleep over), with his bulldog for extra security.

He left his car parked out front, so criminals would know someone was in the studio, as did the owner of the little market at the far end …… spent the night, left the truck parked out front to warn criminals "don't even think about it".

I’ve not bothered to check it out for myself, but Trainer tells me that the Zumba studio in the strip mall on the other corner had its windows broken out, is all boarded up now.

I can’t image what anyone would be looking for inside that business, as it’s a Nutrition Bar — juices, smoothies, coffee, tea, vitamins, supplements, with a side of Zumba on Fridays.

Walking into the studio yesterday, I saw Trainer had acquired a new toy — a body opponent bag.

Some guy drove up, told Trainer, he was getting rid of the bag, asked if Trainer wanted it.

Trainer went out to the truck, took a look, asked how much (they generally sell for $600 new), but the guy said, "Honestly, I don’t have room for it. I just want to get rid of it" and gave it to Trainer for free.

I know what you’re thinking, Trainer himself toyed with the idea he was being set up, but took a chance the guy is legit, accepted the gift.

That’s what I’ve done with equipment, sometimes expensive equipment, I no longer need or have run out of space for in the past (a bicycle, skates, a treadmill, vintage Schwinn Airdyne stationary bike, boxing bag, etc., and I'm currently in the process of asking around if anyone wants to take the new climber off my hands).

At any rate, I had to have a little fun with Trainer’s anatomically incorrect opponent man.

Hopefully, there’s not a real body hidden inside.

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