Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Second of Halloween

Seems I had a senior moment and forgot to post Skelly in that last post, so here he is relaxing on the patio in what is once again extreme heat.

It’s a good thing Skelly has no skin, or he’d be getting one heck of a sunburn.

When I was out and about after Monday’s workout, I found myself behind a car that had the coolest license plate.

If you’re a fan of Starwars, you’ll crack the code right away.

You know how they say, "When someone tells you who they are, believe them"? Well, this driver is saying loud and clear who he or she is, what he or she is about, and it’s not about caring how anyone else feels.

The saying is even on the license plate.

In the Market parking lot, I ran into another one of those cybertrucks.

They're getting to be popular in this area, which Trainer tells me is because there's a Tesla plant/warehouse nearby.

Who knew?

Returning to the complex, who did I see heading to his car but UNC, the man who moved into the cursed across the quad upstairs corner unit.

We exchanged hello's, to which I added, "I haven’t seen you for so long that I thought you were gone".

Not exactly true. I didn’t think he was gone, I thought he was a goner, had fallen prey to the curse of that unit.

"I’ve got no place to go", said he.

That sounded sad, and he looked sad when he said it.

I commiserated, without knowing what I was specifically comisserating about, by saying "I hear ya. I can’t afford to live anywhere else, so here I stay".

He looked surprised, interested, when I said that, which kinda tells me he's not happy living here but, like me (though I'm not unhappy), is restricted by finances.

That was all there was to the conversation, as he got into his car to drive away, and I began removing items from mine.

The good thing is UNC looked physically okay, as though he’s beating the curse.

I'll keep an eye out for possibly changes, because perhaps the bad energy is attacking him emotionally ..... making him sad.


  1. If it's hot outside, Skelly needs a beer can in his hand! Linda in Kansas

    1. Good idea, except the heat would cause the can to explode.

  2. Skelly's looking nice and comfortable on the balcony! And I love your Halloween blog header!

    1. That's the header I found and used last year, but so perfect for Halloween that I'll be using it again and again.

  3. I know I wouldn’t like Mr. or Ms. Fuck Your Feelings. Fuck THEIR feelings. As for Skelly. He’s a classic. All that sun will bleach his bones, but that’s a good thing.

    1. At least who is driving that car is giving fair warning, so if someone gets burned by him/her, they've only themself to blame.

  4. That new header picture of those boots put the scare of . . well, you know, it scared me. Especially when I saw your companion: Skelly! Hmmm, would Dark Vr be Darth Vader?

    1. Tis the season to be scared, so good job me, LOL. You are correct, Dark VR is Luke's daddy Darth.

  5. I love skelly. That's a good decoration. It's hot here too, been 105 all week. It needs to cool down already.

    1. I read that someone should tell God that if he is cooking us, we're finished, already done, so turn off the oven.
