Thursday, September 5, 2024


I hit the trifecta at the medical center this morning.

At the center early, to get the doctor-ordered fasting blood work off my bucket list, I saw a sign for flu shots.

Didn’t realize it was time for that already but, since I was there, I went back to the desk, registered for and got my flu shot taken care of; after which, I thought I’d get ahead of having to come back for a doctor ordered blood pressure reading.

So off I go to the desk for a third time, registered for a BP test, got that taken care of.

The nurse calling those of us there for BP test, greeted with "Happy Friday Eve".

Never ever thought of Thursday like that before, and I’ve never ever heard the saying before.

Have you?

If the medical center offered the latest Moderna booster, I could have hit the Superfecta — gotten the latest covid booster, as I saw they had a vaccine station.

I keep getting notices to get the vaccine, but my provider only offers Johnson, and I do Moderna.

I have plans to go off-site for Moderna, as I did last time, but have yet to get around to it because I've been dreading the headache of fighting with member services.

Some readers might recall how it was, when last I heeded the call to get a booster, member services refused to give approval for the vaccine when the off-site center called for authorization. I paid out of pocket, then filed a complaint with the medical center because ……… what am I supposed to do when you don’t offer Moderna.

I got a reimbursement.

Before leaving the center this morning, I checked with the covid vaccine station nurse, just on the off chance Moderna might now be available.

No such luck, and she tells me, member services will no longer reimburse those of us who go off-site for Moderna.

WHAT?! …… You text message harass me to get the vaccine, but won’t approve/pay unless I go to your facility, take what you offer.

Cheap bastids.

It’s not worth the time and effort to hassle with member services. The vaccine is only $139.99, so I’ll go off-site, eat the cost.

After leaving the medical center, I stopped by a craft store for needlepoint floss that wasn’t available when I last made a run by the local craft store, and found a Halloween outfit for my patio skeleton Skelly.

I think Skelly is going to love being a witch, complete with boom, this year.

I had the cashier at the craft store in stitches. When I saw she was struggling to get the broom into a bag, I said, "Oh, don't worry about bagging that. I'll just fly it on out of here".

I could hear her still laughing as I exited the store.


  1. Hahahahaha, how was the ride home? Hit any turbulence?

  2. Had I been the cashier, you would have made my day, too!

    1. I should have told her I'm here all week.

    2. I like to think that, the next ones she sold , she could ask " would you like this in a bag or shall you be flying ?" It's wonderful to make someone's day like you did with that reply! JanF

    3. Well now, not everyone has a sense of humor. She'd run the risk of some Karen taking it the wrong way.

  3. We did Pfizer for shots and boosters;l we're checking to see when it's available in our area.
    I love a good witches hat; I'd wear that one!

    1. Those hats are selling fast. Us witches are coming out.

  4. Fly it out of here. lol
    I wonder why they don't have all the different vaccines for people to choose from.

    1. I'm thinking Greed is involved ... there's probably some kickbacks for pushing Johnson.

  5. Great job with the flu vaccine! I am a Moderna girl too. I would have laughed so hard I wet my pants at the store with you.

  6. It's always good to have a sense of humor.

  7. I hear from others like you who have certain medical coverages that it's not easy to get care, meds, testing, etc. I am told over and over by medical services how fortunate we are to have the coverage we have, and I guess that's true. We see the doors fly open, the appointments are available, and we aren't billed for any of it. Terry's medical care this year has already hit a quarter of a million $. And it's all been excellent.

    1. You are very fortunate, as is another blog friend, Mitchell. My provider used to be top notch, but now it's grown too big for its britches, can't provide proper care and could care less.

  8. Shirley, I wouldn't get Johnson either. Don't know what plan you have, but I am able to go to CVS where they have moderna or pfizer. I've had both, no discernable difference. I work in hospitals and have vaccinated regularly, and never gotten Covid. Good Luck!

    1. I had planned to go to CVS last time, because it was only a block away. I don't remember what got in the way, sent me to a place further away, but now CVS closed down their pharmacy, some of the stores as well.

    2. Well, that sucks. Walgreen's does the same thing.

    3. Do you mean Walgreen's is closing its pharmacies as well?

    4. First, did not mean to post Anonymous, sorry. No, I meant Walgreens also gives vaccines. I just do CVS because it's closer to my house. If I go to my MD, I have to pay an offfice visit

    5. Good to know about Walgreen's as there's one nearby, though I've already scheduled appointment further away.

    6. Just don't pay for it. Your medicare will cover it.

    7. Too late. I filled out the paperwork as a "cash" customer, because I don't want to go through the same headache I had to go through last time when my provider refused to pay.

  9. I'm shock at the cost of the vaccine. I've never had to pay so I guess I have better insurance than I thought. I would have paid out of pocket, too, though. I've known too many family and friends get terribly sick and hospitalized with covid.

    1. I'm going to set up an appointment for Tuesday. Get the shot out of the way and not even bother with the medical center or reimbursement.

  10. Moderna is hard to come by here, The Daughter got hers in Cali and AZ tends to do Pfizer. Glad you got your trifecta accomplished.

    1. I have a sense Johnson is more cost-effective for the medical center. Cheap, saves them money, so the big guys can get their bonuses.

  11. You did real well at the turnstile of medical mayhem! I've got Medicare, Part A & B, Drug D plan and a Supplement. I can go where ever. A nice ritzy grocery pharmacy is real efficient nearby, and quicker to get to than my primary doc. Johnson isn't so popular around Kansas, lots of Moderna and Pfizer. Good luck! Just fly into that clinic on your broom! You'll get fast service! Linda in Kansas

    1. Probably could get better service from a witch doctor.
