Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bad Penny

Clearer heads must have prevailed, because that planned power outage never materialized.

Considering the heat, our needing A/C almost 24/7 — to sleep during the night, exist during the day, I thought it a dumb bureaucratic idea in the first place.

Someone in authority must have agreed with me.

I was scheduled for the vaccine booster today, but then thought …… it’s only Tuesday. If I have a bad reaction, or don’t feel well, that will make it difficult to get through this week’s workouts.

I rescheduled to Thursday, thinking I’ll be able to push through Friday’s workout and have the weekend to recover.

It’s a good thing I rescheduled because, since I was free today, I went down to the Community Room for Arts and Crafts, and found the proverbial bad penny had turned up …… Red Light was seated at the table.

Though not necessarily a "bad" penny, maybe a little tarnished in that she’s a good person with a tendency to stir shiz up, I nevertheless thought Why is she here? Better yet, inasmuch as she doesn’t drive, how did she get here?

The how is via a curb-to-curb Americans with Disabilities transportation service.

The why is to deliver birthday presents to Upstairs Lady (the resident who has problems with her legs and should have gotten that downstairs unit) and to our Boebert character.

Thing is though ……… I may have manifested her.

Hearing water drop planes and helicopters during most of the night/early morning hours, heading towards the out-of-control, 0% contained as of last Thursday Line Fire, prompted me to check the updates this morning ……… Only "5% contained as of today and current weather conditions causing very erratic behaviour" it’s shifting towards Yucaipa.

Yucaipa is where Red Light moved to.

Wondering if Red Light is under orders to evacuate, I called the Baker — whom I know is in constant contact with her, asked if she had any info on how Red Light is fairing.

"She’s located in a more populated area, in the city, so seems to be okay", said the Baker, but then I joked Red Light might be ready to move back just the same.

And just like that abracadabra…hocus-pocus…expecto patronum, that penny turned up.

Red Light indicated, though she does live in the city area, she did received a pre-evacuation warning.

So, I ask again, why is she here? With current conditions in her area, and a pre warning, she should be standing by.

According to her, she's been here a couple times, because she likes the people here but said she has no plans to ever move back ……… she doesn’t like our units.

I can’t blame her for that since she’s now living in the lap of luxury, complete with washer/dryer in her unit, but fire changes direction/moves quickly. Visiting now is running the risk of getting stuck out here, can’t get transportation back to her luxurious apartment.

At any rate, not seeming concerned about any of it, Red Light joined our lively group in Arts and Crafts.

Keeping in mind that painting is not my strong suit, I think this latest project, though amateurish/not Grandma Moses quality, is far better than the sucky job I did on that pumpkin a few weeks back.



Of course, tea was spilled while we worked on our pojects ………

Evicted Bicycle Boy has been seen riding his bike through the premises. Lu thinks he relocated just down the street and is afraid he’s planning some kind of revenge on the property.

I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s that kind of insane being.

We're losing two of our usual suspects — Boebert and Homegirl.

Boebert is moving to a brand new complex, I forget where, because she can no longer handle rule breakers smoking in their units, the smell of cigarette smoke seeping into her unit.

Homegirl is having medical issues, moving to Sacramento to be closer to family.

Several women at the table, including the Baker, complained about our resident pervert — Bill.

Bill who, on more than one occasion, has exposed himself to female residents, has escalated his behavior to knocking on doors, asking for sex.

I kid you not.

Bill’s latest is that he knocked on Di’s door (the 60 something who was in a relationship with Meat Man’s 20 something son until the son got rough, demanding and police were called).

Bill asked to use Di's bathroom.

He has his own unit. Not only does he have a bathroom in his unit, he also has a wife in it, who is battling cancer.

Di, like a fool, let him in.

Bill could have harmed her right then and there. Instead, he used the bathroom, then came out with his you-know-what in his hand.

The way it was described to me, the way Di described it to the ladies who were telling me, is that Bill twirled it around and asked Di, "Do you want some of this?"

Seriously. I kid you not.

This place is turning into a mad house.

With as many women as there are now complaining about Bill, management has to be aware. So why is Bill still here ……… and why is there not a restraining order on Bicycle Boy?

Things are out of control.

The ship is sinking and there's no one at the helm.

We're having a Community Meeting this Friday, the first we've had since 2020.

The timing conflicts with Friday's workout, but I'm thinking I'd better call off on working out, attend the meeting.

The natives are angry. The meeting is going to be wild.

And that's the tea.


  1. You did a great job on your painting! And yes indeed, why is Pervert Bill not evicted? Is it because his wife is ill with cancer?

    1. Management is eventually going to lose its Crime Free Certificate and whatever perks come with that status. Corporate will not be happy if that happens.

  2. Make sure you're getting the "latest" vaccine. The one that was recently updated.

    1. Good to know. I'll ask before they stab if it's the latest.

  3. Oh boy....I think that might be an 'interesting' meeting. I sure hope they deal with the dude swinging his wiener around in a lady's apartment and Charles Manson on a bicycle. Yikes! Good luck and stay safe. Things are changing there. Keep us posted.
    Paranormal John

    1. It's really sad how much things have changed. I like that Charles Manson on a bike. Wish I'd have thought of that instead of BB.

  4. Amazing! And a bit scary, I would think.

    1. I sense more anger than fright or scary. People don't have time for, are not in the right frame of mind, what with all the struggles with the price of groceries, rent increases, health issues to have to deal with unnecessary evil and are angry. One little old lady at the table straight up said, "Bill's going to get his. Something is coming for him". He should be scared.

  5. Ewwww. Someone needs to take a pic for corporate. Glad you're getting your shot and staying away from other cooties lurking around the apartments. Linda in Kansas

    1. Living upstairs, rather than downstairs, I avoid a lot of the cooties. Plus, I now have that window camera and always have a self-defense tool on me at all times.

  6. I, for one, can't wait to read about the Community Meeting

    1. I can't wait to go, LOL. Going to take notes and, if things get heated, video tape for my readers.

  7. Your painting looks like embroidery. Nice! There’s too much creepiness going on around there. I had been worried that Bicycle Boy might turn up. As for Bill: “Do you want some of this?” I might have pulled out a carving knife and asked, “How much can you do without?”

    1. I thought the same as you .... that Di should have taught him a carving lesson.
