Saturday, September 7, 2024

Excessive Heat, Earthquake and More

Not only did we have a heat advisory for all of last week, today we had Flash Flood Warnings along with yet another earthquake and a planned power outage scheduled for later this evening.

Online at the time of the quake, feeling the worktable shake rattle roll at 10:34 a.m., I logged onto earthquake information, learned the actual 3.5 quake happened a half hour earlier — 10:05 AM, 3.7 miles away in Ontario. What I felt was a strong aftershock.

I have been thinking about, worried for those astronauts lost in space. However, now I’m thinking that, what with excessive heat, earthquakes, flashfloods, this may be the end of planet earth and those two astronauts will find themselves, with no planet to return to, in the position of being Adam and Eve 2.0.

Earlier in the week I’d been invited by granddaughter and grandson-in-law to spend time with them, and the toddlers, apple picking on a farm in Oak Glen.

I’d have loved to spend time with the great grandbabies, but not out in the hot sun, so I passed.

Turned out I’d made a wise choice as apples were picked, but not for long. The heat was overbearing, so it was decided a visit to great granny was the more comfortable fun day out.

Somebody really loved playing with my exercise ball.

The sound she makes when laughing is hilarious. Sounds like a little cricket.

Somebody else preferred listening to classical music on his little player.

All in all, a very nice visit — not too long, not too short, an opportunity to kiss all over the grands.

Next up in the planned power outage, supposedly 1 am to 9 am. Going to be rough with no A/C cooling the bedroom tonight, but hopefully power is restored before the excessive heat fires up tomorrow.


  1. How nice that they all ended up coming for a visit at your place!

  2. Such adorable great grandkids

  3. Oh my what adorable grands and great grands! And how wonderful you got to enjoy them in the ac!

  4. What great fun photos! That's the story, not the heat or earthquakes or astronauts. That love and laughter!

  5. Kids that young makes some really fun sounds.

  6. Oh My, Flash Flood, Earthquake and Record Heat... well, we avoided the first Two but are 100+ consecutive Days now of Heat over 100 and most of it has been over 110, including Today, blasting past the previous Record of 76 consecutive Days with no end in sight!!! Those Great-Grandbabies, adorable and her little Laugh is so Cute! Glad you got to spend some Indoor Time with them, glad you Passed on the Outdoor Apple pickin' Time, do Apples even produce in extreme Heat? I thought they needed a good Frost? You can't grow them in Arizona Desert Regions for that reason, wrong climate for them to produce Fruit.

    1. "Flash Flood, Earthquake and Record Heat" not to mention there's also the Line Fire raging out of control. I don't know about climate as regards producing apples, but the apple orchard is a famous site around here, has been for years. There must be a trick to keeping it going in this weather. They were told, however, not to pull the apples from the tree, but to use a special twisting method they were shown. Something about pulling would take something with it that would prevent the tree from producing next year on that branch.

  7. What a joy to have a visit from the grands and great-grands -- although no one would believe that YOU are a great-grand!

  8. Planet earth may still be here when they return. California, I am not so sure......Roberta

  9. Aww I loved the pictures. You all looked so happy.

    1. Getting to kiss and play with the toddlers always makes me happy.

  10. That's too much heat for too long! It cooled a little in Kansas for this week. Joyful photos of beautiful kids! Love the baby cricket laughter. Linda in Kansas

    1. Too much heat for too long, plus the earthquakes, fires, flash floods and now I hear rolling thunder. It's not looking good down here on earth.

  11. How cute!!
    Nice of you to be concerned about the stranded astronauts, but maybe you're right about their impending Adam and Eve-ness.

    1. Boeing has a bad reputation insofar as products they build. The two had to know that before they took on this mission.

  12. Everything happens the way it's supposed to :-)

  13. So glad that your kids got to visit. That's a rarity, isn't it? You usually have to make the long trek to see them? As for the balance ball, even my 13 year old grandson still loves to roll mine around and do all sorts of tricks with it. You have built-in kid entertainment with that.

    1. Who needs all those fancy expensive electronics to entertain tots and teens, when all one needs is a balance ball.

  14. Damn. I had not even thought about that outcome for the Astronauts.

    1. They need a Hal to get them home because Boeing is doing a poor job of it.

  15. I feel so badly for those of you out in your neck of the woods. The heat and fires was bad enough without the earth quakes added into the mix.

    You have a cute grand-baby and that laugh is sweet.

    1. In addition to which, there are the homes in Palos Verdes area where the ground is sinking, homes sliding. California is getting its ass kicked.

  16. Great pictures and you DEFINITELY must have a self-portrait in your attic. (I just started reading the Dorian Gray book by Oscar Wilde). But Shirley, I don't care how great you look, WHO helps you up off the floor? (By the way, i have a friend who shares a birthday with me. We worked together many years ago. When I see him these days and tell him how good he looks, he always responds the same way: Y'know Bruce, black don't crack!)

    1. Picture of Dorian Gray is one of my favorite movies, don't recall if I ever read the book ... but more than likely did way back in my teens when I was into the classics. Luckily for me, Black Don't Crack is a truism and as for getting up from the floor ... it ain't pretty, but I manage, LOL.
