Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Checking In

With the return of summer heat, the A/C running 24/7 yet again, my daily walking routine sidelined, I’ve not felt much like doing anything lately; thus my absence from blogging last few days.

No fresh tea to report. What few residents I’ve run into are still disturbed about that Community Meeting, where management mostly talked about what they will not do.

The general consensus being ...... we’ll see about that.

One thing came up in the meeting that slipped my mind was management saying water leaks are no longer considered an emergency. That if the dishwasher or toilet spring a leak, water gushes onto the floor, rather than call the maintenance emergency line, we are to turn off the water.

Problem is, we don’t know how to do that.

I myself am open to management showing me where and how, but a lot of the seniors don’t have the strength to twist the cap off a water bottle. So how management expects them to locate and twist whatever nozzle controls the water, is beyond me.

In fact, knowing how I have to, more often than not, bang the tops of jars to loosen so I can twist off, sometimes use plyers and/or an assortment of jar opening tools, I’m not sure I can do what is necessary to turn the water off either.

Other than that, the drastic regression in the weather returning to summer is bringing me down.

Working out this week has been a struggle, seemingly especially so this morning when my body screamed that it was in no mood for it.

Reminding myself that today is Wednesday, Hump Day, that if I got through this morning’s workout, I’d be halfway through with only Friday’s workout to get through, I was able to push through, get er done.

What I’d like to do now is relax with a cup of coffee and a few See’s candies, but my emergency supplies of See’s in the freezer were used up long ago and I’m not up to driving out of the area to replenish.

Maybe I can find a reason to head for See’s tomorrow or over the weekend, because I’m definitely going to need chocolates to get through what's coming next.

Not the election, though that too is driving me to chocolate, but the Baker texting yesterday, asking if I’d make flyer for her — she’s taking over where Red Light left off, bringing bingo back this Friday.

Heck and Damn!

"Sure" said I in response to her request for flyers, but the return of bingo means I’m back to the responsibility of showing up, participating, taking photos, managing the residents’ webpage.

Seems residents have given up hoping the new Activity Director would bring something to the table, are heading back to doing events for themselves.

What with management pronouncing all they will not do, combined with all they do not do, seems to me Corporate could save themselves some money by firing all of them, placing robots in the positions.


Heading out for Monday’s workout, who did the dash cam capture coming in but our resident pervert Bill.

Now all I need is for the dash cam to capture the infamous Bicycle Boy and Meat Man.


  1. So, if you get a leak you just turn off the water .... FOR HOW LONG UNTIL SOMEONE FIXES IT???????

  2. Bingo again! Just like that quotation from Godfather III -- "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in again."

  3. So, will the alleged management permit individuals to hire a their own plumber to fix leaks? Could get a group rating. Could call the local housing codes guy and see if not attending to repairs is legal. Scenario: neighbor upstairs has a leak and doesn't want to fix it, while your ceiling is pouring rain in to your apartment. True scenario; happened to my son and his wife in their apartment. Maintenence fixed it.
    You're gonna need some strong chocolate for the election. Nerve-wracking; my pitch-fork is out if DJT thinks he's gonna protect me! We still have him cuz hell doesn't want him either! Where's that chocolate? Linda in Kansas

    1. There's already talk about checking Housing Codes if and when management actually implements what it won't do. I still think they're blowing smoke. How can anyone buy his protecting when he has all these rapes in his resume and talk of grabbing 'em by the u know what. It's insane how stupid his supporters are. I may have to double up next time I buy chocolates. Going to need it to get through these next couple months.

  4. The leak policy is absolutely absurd. I don’t understand how management can even get away with that. Yes, robots would be better.

    1. And still Corporate is not questioning why we went from a waiting list with folks clamoring to get in, to no list, management having to post now leasing signs, and folks moving out faster than others move in.

  5. Management will have to learn the lesson the hard way. If a senior is not able to shut off the valve as a result of either reduced grip strength or not knowing the location of the shut off valve(s) and follows management's direction to not call it in, it is a foreseeable consequence that there will be significant water damage to the units or mold issues, leading to habitability issues.

    Very short sighted. Ask for instructions and location of the shut off for your unit. See if they get the hint.

    Will Jay

    1. That's what I thought. That some senior would just let the water flow and management would be stuck with damages. I plan to have Head Maintenance Guy show me the cutoff valve, next time I call him up for repairs, but not before then.
