Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Will the Real Susan Please Stand Up

Kitchen has finally been put back together.

It’s not been organized per the standards of professional organizer Marie Kondo but, with the aid of a spice rack, plastic bins, canisters and turntables, organizing items by what I use most, what I use least and in quadrants with snack items all together in one area, baking supplies all together in another, so on and so forth, there’s no longer a frustrating hunt through stuff to find other stuff.

Wanting to know where the term "Lazy Susan" came from sent me down a historical rabbit hole this morning.

One story is Thomas Jefferson invented the Lazy Susan, named it after his daughter Susan because she didn’t care for being served last.

I can’t image how a revolving tray factors into Susan being served any sooner than anyone else, that is unless the meal is placed on the device in the middle of the table, where Susan can spin it to her advantage.

I guess the dynamics don’t matter because, "The problem with this story is that Thomas Jefferson doesn't seem to have had a daughter named Susan".

Records indicate Thomas had six children with his wife Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson — Martha, Mary, Jane, John, Lucy Elizabeth and Lucy Elizabeth I.

Lucy Elizabeth twice, because the first Elizabeth passed away after 5 months. The name Elizabeth was then passed down to the next baby, but Elizabeth I only lived 4 months.

Then there was the enslaved Sally Hemings. Thomas fathered 6 children into slavery by Sally — Madison, Harriet, Eston, Beverly.

Evidently two of Sally’s children passed away early, and being slaves, weren’t given names.

All toll, Thomas sired 12 children, none of whom were named Susan.

Another story is that it was the inventor Thomas Edison who created the Lazy Susan and "the turntable he created for his phonograph evolved into the Lazy Susan".

Edison was married twice, fathered 6 children, none named Susan.

So, though I never learned who Susan actually was, if and why she was lazy, and which Thomas invented the revolving tray, I’m enjoying the convenience and ability to spin, rather than dig through items.

Red Light has been making the most of her last few weeks here ─ gathering tea, spilling tea before she moves to Eureka.

She phoned the other night to say not only are there 16 vacant units, but she’d spoken to 5 others who have given notice.

There’s definitely some kind of mass exodus in progress.

One of those looking to move is the resident I'd indicated was the latest to fall for whatever it is Dream Lover is laying down — our Boebert character.

In fact, according to Red Light, Boebert has already looked into acquiring a one-bedroom downstairs where Red Light is going, but those downstairs units have been leased out already.

Red Light also said the reason for Boebert wanting to move is cigarette smoke continuing to seep into her unit.

Boebert’s unit is on the back side of TinTin’s place ………… the unit from where Patty the Smoker had been evicted, actually taken out on a stretcher by medical personnel, so I assumed the smell of cigarettes was still in the vents, seeping into Boebert’s place, but noooooo.

Red Light said TinTin is now smoking in the unit.

That’s right. TinTin moved into the unit, immediately tried to move out because of the cigarette smell, was denied because Section 8 requires one stay in place for a year, now she’s adding to the smell by smoking her own darn self.

Residents in the building on that side of the quad can’t seem to catch a break.

What with residents moving to other housing facilities, moving in with family, going into hospice, passing away, there’s going to be a whole new cast of characters on the complex. And what we me not socializing all that much, and no Red Light making sure the tea kettle is always on, I’ll be tea less.


  1. Love your Lazy Susans! Everything looks very well organized. Once Red Light is gone, you'll have to find a new tea supplier, so to speak.

    1. Can't wait to see who moves into Red Light's unit after she's gone.

  2. Grab some frozen dry ice, put it in a metal bowl on the Lazy Susan and blow the "smoke" into the hall. Cause some fake trouble! Keep those folks on their toes. Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm beginning to think you were the type of little girl that urged others into trouble while you stood by looking squeaky clean 🤔

  3. I'd heard the Jefferson story before but now you've debunked that one!

    I think Manager should print up her resume and pack her bags.

    1. Yep, it's looking like Manager's days are numbered.

  4. Here’s hoping for a good bunch of new folks, staff included. Olivia

    1. They had some top tier folks living here when I moved in, most of whom left when this company took over. Since then it's been downhill so sadly another good bunch is highly doubtful.

  5. Thanks for the Lazy Susan research. I love the idea that it was named after Jefferson’s daughter Susan who didn’t exist. I never looked that up and always believed. I wonder what will come next to fill all those apartments. I have a feeling someone will come along for you who will continue to spill the tea.

    1. If no one comes along to spill the tea, I've still got my nice view from the windows. Instead of tales of the complex, it will be the view from the window, LOL.

  6. I've noticed that when I try to research things online all I get are the same results over and over. It's like people are just copying and pasting information from other sources.

    1. No different than when I had to trek to the library and was referenced to other material that pretty much said the same thing.

  7. That's interesting and I've fallen down the research hole myself a time or two.

    1. The internet makes it so easy to fall down those rabbit holes.

  8. I've fallen down many a Rabbit Hole researching something. Funny Story, when we moved from England back to the U.S. my Parents had huge Lazy Susans Dad had brought back from his Tour in Vietnam. So, they took up an entire Box and the Moving Company, when bringing it in to my Parents new Home here in Arizona asked them where their lazy Daughter Susan's Room was so they could put the Box in there for her. My Parents thought that was hilarious!

    1. That is hilarious and I can imagine there are many who have never heard the term Lazy Susan.
